Clowne Junior School

Behaviour Code

This Behaviour Code was initially compiled as a result of a review of existing arrangements in school during the Summer Term 2006 by a committee of pupils, parents, staff and governors.

Since its adoption, The Code has been revisited, reviewed and evaluated on an annual basis at the start of each Autumn term.

The Code sets out that-

1.  A robust recording system for all incidents of misbehaviour in school will be maintained. This will cover all incidents at all times and in all parts of school. Books will be kept in year group areas and will be used to record names, dates and details of the misdemeanour. Names will be collected daily by a Teaching Assistant and recorded on a computer database set up for the purpose.

2.  A ‘trigger system’ to control and identify poor behaviour will be used. This will be an initial verbal warning followed by the child’s name being written on the board and five minutes of their lunchtime being missed. Continued poor behaviour will lead to another tick being written next to their name which means the loss of another five minutes of the child’s dinner time (now 10 minutes), no Golden Play that week and the entry of their name in the year group’s Yellow Offence Behaviour Book. If a child continues to misbehave then a second tick will be added to their name on the board, another five minutes will be lost from their lunchtime (now a total of 15 minutes) and their name will be entered into the year group Behaviour Book. Team Leaders will be given the final say as to whether or not a child’s name is recorded in the Behaviour Book and is also responsible for recording the reasons for their entry.

3.  A one-off act of unprovoked violence or incidence of highly inappropriate behaviour may be immediately logged as a ‘Red Offence’. Team Leaders will be, in these instances, responsible for conducting a thorough investigation to ascertain events leading up to the negative behaviour.

4.  If a Team Leader does record a child’s name in the Behaviour Book this will automatically mean that that child will not receive an invite for the end-of-term ‘Reward Evening’ and will have their name recorded in the Behaviour database.

5.  As soon as a child has been entered into the Behaviour Book, the Team Leader is to inform parents of the situation so that the incident can be discussed and appropriate action taken.

6.  If a pattern of behaviour emerges so that the child reaches a total of six ticks in any one term then this will result in parents/carers of the child being contacted, either in writing or verbally, to outline our concerns and requesting a visit to school to discuss the problem with the Head teacher.

7.  Three entries into the year group ‘Yellow Offence’ book in any one term will result in parents being invited into school to discuss their child’s behaviour.

8.  Children whose behaviour is very disruptive may find they are removed to another year group (by arrangements with Team Leaders) so they can no longer disturb peers from their own year group further. No child will be sent from lessons and left where they are unsupervised and each child will be given work to complete whilst away from their timetabled lessons.

9.  Team Leaders are responsible for monitoring entries into the ‘Yellow Offence’ book for their year group and will review such regularly at team meetings to discuss emerging patterns and/or issues regards behaviour.

10. Any incidents of bullying behaviour are to be thoroughly investigated and logged in the year group’s Anti-Bullying Log. An entry into this book is to be deemed a ‘Red Offence’ and that child will be reprimanded as per Code. If the incident is homophobic or racist in nature, the Assistant Head responsible for children is to be informed.

11. The Sin Bin system for lunchtimes will be as follows:

a.  All incidents of poor behaviour will be logged,

b.  The teacher on duty will decide if the offence is to be deemed a ‘Red Card’ offence (i.e. those involving bullying / violence / injury etc) or not. If so, the child’s name and the incident are to be recorded in the red Sin-Bin book and then, in turn, on the Behaviour database. Any child who has their name recorded in the ‘Red Card’ offence book will not receive an invite for the end-of-term ‘Reward Evening’. They will also not have ‘Golden Play’ that week.

c.  Any child who is entered into the ‘Red Card’ offence book will be sent to the Head Teacher at the end of that lunchtime.

d.  All incidents of bullying will be recorded in the school’s official Anti-Bullying record in addition to the ‘Red Card’ offence book. If an incident is of a racist or homophobic nature then the Assistant Head responsible for Children is to be informed.

e.  The teacher recording the incident will sign and date all entries.

f.  The teacher on duty is responsible for informing the child’s Team Leader about the incident so that their name can be recorded in the year group Behaviour Book and parents can be contacted.

g.  6 entries in the ‘Red Card’ offence book in any given half term will result in one week’s lunchtime exclusion.

h.  Any relatively minor incidents during lunchtimes will be logged by staff in the ‘Yellow Card’ offence book. Similarly, where a child has been sent into Sin Bin for ‘time out’, they too, will have their names logged. These children will not appear in the Behaviour database and will not miss the end-of term ‘Reward Evening’.

12. The slate for misbehaviour will be wiped clean each term.

13. Up until the end of the first half-term, the above will not apply to those children in Year 3.

14. Those children who have Special Educational Needs because of behavioural problems will follow their own personalised reward/sanction programme which caters specifically for their individual needs. Parents and any supporting agencies will work with school to develop such plans.

Rewards for well-behaved children

·  Short term

Children whose names have not appeared in any of the Behaviour Books for an entire week will be awarded extra playtime. The scheduling of this 10-minute ‘Golden Playtime’ is to be arranged as appropriate by Team Leaders.

Children may receive a special “raffle” ticket from a member of staff if they have shown particularly good or helpful behaviour. These will be entered into a weekly year group draw, the winner of which will receive a small prize or 30 minutes playtime on the Nintendo Wii to be scheduled the following week.

In the case of much-improved and/or exemplary behaviour, celebratory letters will be posted home to inform parents.

·  Long Term

Any children whose names have not appeared in any of the Behaviour Books for a whole school term will be rewarded by a significant ‘treat’ to take place during the final week of that particular term. This treat will take the form of a ‘Celebration Event’ where the children can enjoy various entertainments such as a disco, a buffet, nail/face painting, karaoke, and structured games on the field and so on.

The School Council and Children’s representative will be given responsibility for shaping the nature of these evenings and will be consulted prior to their arrangement.

The ‘slate’ for misbehaviours will be ‘wiped clean’ at the start of each term providing all children with effectively three ‘fresh starts’ each year.

·  Role of Parent/Carers

Parents/Carers will expected to read and sign a comprehensive Home/School Agreement which sets out expectations of behaviour.

There will be an expectation that parents/carers will support the work of the school and will keep Team Leaders informed about anything that might impact negatively upon their child’s behaviour.

In turn, Team Leaders will seek to establish an ‘open door’ policy which will enable parents/carers to come in and share concerns about their child’s behaviour freely and frequently.


CJS Behaviour Policy
