MyPyramid Bingo

ACADEMIC STANDARDS: PL-EP-2.2.4; PL-04-2.2.4; PL-EP-1.2.1; PL-04-1.2.1; PL-05-1.2.1; PL-EP-1.2.2; PL-04-1.2.2; PL-05-1.2.2

Lesson Objectives:

·  Participants will be able to name the food groups of MyPyramid

·  Participants will learn what foods are in each group of MyPyramid and how much they should eat

·  Participants will earn how to eat a more balanced diet using MyPyramid

·  Participants will learn about the importance of physical activity

Finding Nutrient-Rich Foods

ACADEMIC OBJECTIVES: RD-EP-2.0.7; RD-04-2.0.7; RD-05-2.0.7; RD-04-1.0.7; RD-05-1.0.7; PL-EP-1.2.1; PL-04-1.2.1; PL-05-1.2.1; PL-EP-1.2.2; PL-04-1.2.2; PL-05-1.2.2

Lesson Objectives:

·  Participants will be able to use Nutrition Facts (food labels) to identify the key nutrients associated with each of the five food groups

·  Participants will be able to use Nutrition Facts to identify foods that are “good” or “excellent” sources of key nutrients

·  Participants will be able to explain why it is important to war a variety of foods within each food group.

Calorie Salary

ACADEMIC STANDARDS: MA-EP-2.1.4; MA-04-2.1.4; MA-05-2.14; PL-EP-3.1.2; PL-04-3.1.2; PL-05-3.1.2; PL-EP-1.2.1; PL-04-1.2.1; PL-05-1.2.1; PL-EP-1.2.2; PL-04-1.2.2; PL-O5-1.2.2

Lesson Objectives:

·  Participants learn their proper caloric intake by looking into their age and physical activity level

·  Participants learn which foods are more beneficial for nutritional needs

·  Participants learn the importance of balancing calories with physical activity

·  Participants learn what foods fill certain food guide pyramid specifications

Mixed Dish Mysteries

ACADEMIC STANDARDS: PL-EP-1.2.1; PL-04-1.2.1; PL-05-1.2.1; PL-EP-1.2.2; PL-04-1.2.2; PL-05-1.2.2

Lesson Objectives:

·  Participants will be able to explain that mixed dishes combine foods from two or more food groups.

·  Participants will be able to identify the food group components of several mixed dishes.

Portion Control

ACADEMIC STANDARDS: MA-EP-2.1.1; MA-04-2.1.1; MA-05-2.1.1; MA-04-2.1.2; MA-05-2.1.2; MA-E-2.2.1; MA-04-2.2.1; MA-EP-2.1.4; MA-04-2.1.4; MA-EP-2.1.3; MA-04-2.1.3; PL-EP-1.2.1; PL-04-1.2.1; PL-05-1.2.1; PL-EP-1.2.2; PL-04-1.2.2; PL-EP-1.2.2

Lesson Objectives:

·  Participants should be able to explain the meaning of the term “serving size”.

·  Participants can identify serving size information on Nutrition Facts labels.

MyPyramid Trivia

ACADEMIC STANDARDS: PL-EP-1.2.1; PL-EP-04-1.2.1; PL-05-1.2.1; PL-EP-1.2.2; PL-04-1.2.2; PL-05-1.2.2

Lesson Objectives:

·  Participants will learn the basics of the MyPyramid

·  Participants will understand what food falls in what food group

·  Participants will learn what foods are more beneficial than others within each food group.

Cooking Time

ACADEMIC STANDARD: PL-EP-1.2.1; PL-04-1.2.1; PL-05-1.2.1; PL-EP-1.2.2; PL-04-1.2.2; PL-05-1.2.2

Lesson Objectives:

·  Participants will learn how to use foods from multiple food groups to make a meal.

·  Participants will understand importance of a well-balanced diet.

·  Cooking will be demonstrated!