Sample Integration Activity with Rubrics

You are to create two artifacts for this project- one traditional and one digital. The traditional artifact is an annotated bibliography of at least six peer-reviewed, scholarly publications and will be evaluated using the attached rubric.

The digital artifact may take a variety of creative formats and media. The criteria to evaluate the digital artifact are listed here:

·  The artifact provides evidence of research on the topic, including appropriate citations.

·  The artifact includes images, literary references, music, video or other digital media to examine or share elements of the topic.

·  The artifact reflects a deeper examination of the topic by identifying commonalties with other topics; unique properties; misconceptions; cultural significance or social/political or cultural influence.

·  The artifact is represented in a digital format that may be accessed by the instructor and other students.

Some tools that you might use to create the digital artifact:

Tool / Link / Help Documents/Videos
Glogster is described as an online poster. It is a free web tool so no download is required. You may create a page (Glogster) that includes text, embedded YouTube videos, embedded audio, graphics and other elements. / /
Animoto is a free movie maker web tool. Animate images, include text and connect music to your 30 second video. / /
PowerPoint is a desktop software application that allows you to insert images, text, music and animation. / Installed software /
Prezi is an online, web-based presentation tool. You may embed YouTube videos, documents, images, text and audio files. / /

Need more ideas? Visit

Annotated Bibliography Evaluation Rubric:

(Adapted From: Vicki Spandel’s Creating Writers Through 6-Trait Writing Assessment and Instruction)

Corresponds to
A / Corresponds to
B / Corresponds to
C / Corresponds to
D / Corresponds to
Source Selection: / Sources chosen are highly relevant to the topic; Sources adds greatly to research potential; few, if any additional sources needed / Most sources chosen are relevant to the topic; May require a small amount of additional research / Some sources chosen are relevant to the topic; writer may need additional sources to complete research / Few sources chosen are relevant to the topic; writer may require significant additional research / Sources are not relevant to researcher’s topic; Sources necessitate extensive additional research / 20%
Credibility: / All sources are from credible, scholarly materials / Most sources are from credible, scholarly materials / Some sources are from credible, scholarly materials / Few sources are from credible, scholarly materials / Sources lack credibility / 20%
Annotations: / Annotations succinctly and comprehensively describe the source material; Annotations offer great insight into the source material / Most annotations are succinct; Most comprehensively describe the source material; Some offer insight into the source material / Some annotations may be too short or too long; Annotations adequately describe the source material, but lack insight / Few annotations meet the length requirements, few annotations adequately describe the source material; annotations offer little insight / Most annotations are either too short or too long; Annotations do not describe the source material; annotations offer no insight / 20%
Evaluations: / Evaluation clearly explains why the sources were chosen; demonstrates a clear understanding of research process: offers insight into source / Most evaluations explain why the sources were chosen; Understands the process of source acquisition / Evaluation sometimes explains why the sources were chosen; demonstrates some understanding of research process / Evaluation mostly lacking in explaining why the sources were chosen; demonstrates little understanding of research process / Evaluation does not explain why the sources were chosen; demonstrates no understanding of research process / 20%
Assignment Criteria: / Each sources has a proper citation; All citations are complete; All are in the proper MLA format / Most sources have proper citation; Most citations are complete; Most are in the proper MLA format / Some sources have proper citation; Some citations are complete; some are in the proper MLA format / Few sources have a proper citation; Few citations are complete; few are in the proper MLA format / Very few sources have a proper citation; Very few citations are complete; Very few are in the proper MLA format / 15%
Mechanics, Grammar, and Proofing: / Virtually free from mechanical, grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors; All of the assignment requirements were met / Occasional minor errors do not distract the reader; the majority of assignment requirements were met / Some significant errors are present, but the overall meaning is clear; about half of the assignment requirements were met / Errors are distracting, but the meaning is still clear; only some of the assignment requirements were met / Errors distract the reader, to the extent the meaning is unclear; the assignment requirements were not met / 5%


Digital Artifact Rubric

Based on EdSec 150 / Clausen

10 / Proficient
6 / Basic
3 / Unsatisfactory
Content &
15 / Artifact’s intended purpose and outcome are clearly stated in a way that provides the viewer with purpose and motivation to continue within the artifact.
Artifact addresses major themes and/or questions posed by the scenario.
Use of appropriate research to explore major issues within each scenario.
Artifact provides additional
resources for further exploration of the educational issue.
Sources are documented / Artifact’s intended purpose and outcome are clearly stated.
Artifact addresses major themes and/or questions posed by the scenario.
Use of appropriate research to
explore major issues within each scenario.
Artifact contains few additional
resources for further exploration of the educational issue.
Sources are documented / Artifact’s intended purpose and outcome are stated.
Artifact addresses theme and/or questions posed by the scenario.
Team has developed an artifact but has not used appropriate research to explore major issues within each scenario.
Artifact contains limited additional resources for further exploration of the educational issue.
Sources are documented / Artifact’s intended purpose and outcome are not stated.
Artifact does not address major themes and/or questions posed by the scenario.
The team has not used appropriate research to explore major issues within each scenario. Information is from questionable sources.
Artifact does not contain additional resources for further exploration of the educational issue or resources are inappropriate for the artifact.
Sources are not documented
Planning 15 / The team has successfully
completed the planning process through:
- Conducting a digital
pre/post assessment
- Assessment avoids
opinion questions and
successfully probes
student understanding of
the issues.
- The development of a Concept map, Storyboard, and digital artifact
- Thorough research and
exploration of significant
issues related to their topic.
- Working successfully with
team members in the development of artifact.
- Having all segments of the project turned in on time
Members have clear expectations of their roles within the team and how they will aid in the development of
the artifact. / The team has successfully
completed the planning process through:
- Conducting a digital
pre/post assessment
- Assessment avoids
opinion questions and
attempts to probe
student understanding of
the issues.
- The development of a
Concept map, Storyboard, and digital artifact
- Thorough research and
exploration of issues related to their topic.
- Working with team members in the development of artifact.
- Having all segments of the project turned in.
Members have limited
understanding of their roles within the team and how they will aid in the development of the artifact. / The team has successfully
completed the planning process through:
- Conducting a digital pre/post assessment
- Assessment avoids opinion questions but questions do not measure student understanding of the issues.
- The development of a
Concept map, Storyboard, and digital artifact
- Thorough research and exploration of significant issues related to their topic.
- Working successfully with
team members in the development of artifact.
- Having some segments of the project turned in, but other segments turned in late or not at all.
Members have unclear expectations of their roles within the team and how they will aid in the development of the artifact. / The team has not successfully
completed the planning process.
- Team has not conducted the pre/post assessment.
- Digital pre/post assessment contains opinion questions and does not measure student understanding of the issues.
- Team has not completed
the concept map, storyboard, and digital artifact.
- Team has not researched issues important to their topic.
- Does not complete or turn in segments of the artifact.
Interaction between team members is dysfunctional and prohibits successful completion of the project.
Design and artifact
construction 10 / Creates a digital environment that is easy to navigate.
Text elements are appropriate font/typestyle for reading.
Content is organized to serve intended outcome.
Incorporates various media
(pictures, video, audio) into project in a way that broadens understanding of the issue. / Attentive to some but not all of the design components in the digital environment.
Text elements are appropriate font/typestyle for reading.
Incorporates various media
(pictures, video, audio) into project, but media does not broaden understanding or pertain to the issue. / Displays a minimal understanding of design components in the digital environment.
Text elements present but appearance is a distraction or unclear.
Incorporates limited use of media.
Use of images, video, or audio is a distraction to intended purpose of the project / Not attentive to design components
Does not utilize hypertext
Does not incorporate media into project
Professionalism 10 / Attentive to [professional] audience.
Displays maturity and professionalism including appropriate language, spelling and grammar.
Tailors products to academic and scholarly environment. / Somewhat attentive to
[professional] audience.
Displays some commitment to professionalism, some errors in language, spelling and grammar.
Product format needs improvement in order to be acceptable in an academic and scholarly environment. / Needs improvement in order to be considered a professional product. / Portfolio takes form of a personal web page that does not exemplify or make apparent the professional purpose of the project