Information for Oral Interpretation Students Participating in Runner-Up Contest

Date: Tuesday, November 30 Location: Mount Marty College in Yankton

Schedule: We will be leaving at 7:30 a.m. Registration takes place in the lobby of Roncalli from 8:00 – 8:30. Round One: 9:00 a.m; Round Two: 10:45 ; Final Round : 1:15; Awards: 3:15.

Before you leave your house the day of competition, make sure that you have your scripts with you and that it is either neatly mounted on black construction paper or enclosed in a black binder.

If you use either a music stand or a stool for your performance, you will need to get permission from whichever teacher’s classroom you are borrowing it from and put it in my room after school on Monday. You will then need to put it on the bus Tuesday morning, carry it with you from room to room as you compete, make sure you put it back on the bus when we return to Menno. You will also need to put it in my room when we get back Tuesday afternoon and then return it to the classroom you borrowed it from Wednesday morning.

You will present your selections twice in the morning. If you are entered in more than one event, go to one of the events first, tell the judge that you are entered in more than one event, and ask the judge if you can speak first. As soon as you are done speaking in that event, go to the other event(s) you are entered in and speak. If you are doing an individual event as well as a duet and/or reader’s theatre, go speak in your individual event first while your partner(s) goes to the other event you are competing with them in. Your partner should then tell the judge that you are entered in more than one event and will be arriving as soon as you have finished speaking in the other events.

Scores from the two morning performances are used to determine who makes the final round of competition in the afternoon. First and second place trophies and third place medals are awarded in each event.

Make sure you are dressed up when you perform and stay dressed up until after the awards presentation. Do not wear jeans or khakis with big pockets that stick out. Do not wear shirts that include words on them. Do not wear flip flops or sandals. Girls, don’t wear low-cut tops or high heels that you can’t walk gracefully and quietly in. You will probably have to walk from one building to another on campus as you go to perform, so if it is cold out, dress warmly. Dress neatly and conservatively. For anyone with a hairstyle that includes bangs, pin your bangs back for your performance.


Make sure all cell phones are TURNED OFF before you enter any buildings on the Mount Marty campus. DO NOT HAVE YOUR CELL PHONE ON VIBRATE!

You will need to bring $5.00 for the lunch buffet on the Mount Marty Campus. We will be eating on campus because our bus driver will be dropping us of in the morning, coming back to Menno for part of the day, and then returning to pick us up in the afternoon.

Parents/grandparents, etc are welcome to come to the contest. If they do come, make sure they turn off cell phones. Make sure they know that they are not allowed to photograph or video a performance.