SQL – Basic Retrievals

standard form “select-from-where”

A,B,…,CF (rs … t)


select [distinct] A, B, …, C

from r, s, …, t

where F;

* stands for all columns

tuple variables (aliases) may be declared:

… from r [as] v1, s, …, t v2


except, [minus,] intersect, union; contains


create {table, view} <name> as



where (a,b,c) [not] in


where [not] exists


any (<sfw>)// at least one row

all (<sfw>)// all rows

Relational Queries: Examples 1 in SQL

students(sname, gpa, fname)

faculty(fname, office)

1. advisors

select distinct fname

from students;

2. student records with gpa > 3.0

select *

from students

where gpa > 3.0;

3. advisors of students with gpa > 3.0

select distinct fname

from students

where gpa > 3.0;

4. advisors’ offices of students with gpa > 3.0

select distinct office

from students s, faculty f

where s.fname = f.fname

and gpa > 3.0;

Relational Queries: Examples 2 in SQL

students(sname, gpa, fname)

took(sname, cno, sem, grade)

offerings(cno, sem, fname)

1. students who took a course with their advisor

create view students_who_did as// looking ahead to #2

select distinct s.sname

from students s, took t, offerings o

where s.sname = t.sname

and s.fname = o.fname

and t.cno = o.cno

and t.sem = o.sem;

2. students who never took a course with their advisor

(select sname

from students)


(select sname

from students_who_did);

3. students who took a course their advisor never taught

select distinct sname

from took

where <sname, cno> not in

(select sname, cno

from students s, offerings o

where s.fname = o.fname);

Relational Queries: Examples 2 in SQL (continued)

students(sname, gpa, fname)

took(sname, cno, sem, grade)

offerings(cno, sem, fname)

4. students who only took courses with their advisor

select sname from students s


((select cno, sem// courses taught by the advisor

from offerings o

where s.fname = o.fname)


(select cno, sem// courses taken by the student

from took t

where s.sname = t.sname));

SQL - Aggregates and Grouping

took(sname, cno, sem, grade)

1. the student name, maximum grade obtained, and the number of courses taken in spring, 2004, for each student who took at least three courses then

select sname, count(*), max(grade)

from took

where sem = ‘S04’

group by sname

having count(*) > 2;

2. students’ names who took the most courses in spring, 2004

select sname

from took

where sem = ‘S04’

group by sname

having count(*) >= all


from took

where sem = ‘S04'

group by sname);