Creative Initiative Award Program
Please Note that this Creative Initiative Award cycle is designed exclusively to promote direct advocacy initiatives.
Proposals that do not reflect this priority will not receive consideration
Virginia Assistive Technology System
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, the Virginia Assistive Technology System is administered by the Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services. Its mission is to improve access to assistive technology information, devices, services and funding for all Virginians. VATS activities are guided by the Virginia Council on Assistive Technology, a consumer-driven advisory group which includes users of assistive technology, vendors, service providers, educators and agency representatives.
Definition of Assistive Technology Devices and Services
An assistive technology device is any item, piece of equipment, or product, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.
An assistive technology service is any service that directly assists an individual with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device.
Definition of System Change and Advocacy Activities
“efforts that result in laws, regulations, policies, practices, or organizational structures that promote consumer-responsive programs or entities and that
facilitate and increase access to, provision of, and funding for, assistive technology devices and assistive technology services on a permanent basis, in order to empower individuals with disabilities to achieve greater independence, productivity, and integration and inclusion within the community and the workforce.”
Definition of Innovation
For the purposes of the Creative Initiative Award Program, VATS will define innovation as broadly as possible. It can encompass, but is not restricted to, a demonstration of cutting edge technologies, a new application of proven technologies, a creative strategy for overcoming traditional barriers to assistive technology, or the use of assistive technology within a unique setting.
The Creative Initiative Award Program emphasizes the application of technology to meet consumer needs, and not simply on the technology as an end in itself. Therefore, each project should identify specific problems or needs in a community, use assistive technology to offer concrete solutions, and to produce measurable outcomes.
To be considered for support, a proposal must demonstrate that it is more than simply adding technology to address a problem, or incrementally modify an existing process. Projects are expected to apply technology creatively and, in so doing, bring about meaningful changes in how services are delivered and in the relationships between a group, its partners and consumers.
Purpose of the VATS Creative Initiative Award Program
The purpose of this VATS' Creative Initiative Award Program is to reach unserved or underserved Virginians with disabilities of all ages with projects that:
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1. …facilitate the acquisition of assistive technology through the direct advocacy initiatives.
§ Successful projects will emphasize the increased use of technology through targeted consumer and/or systems advocacy.
§ Successful projects will promote the independence, productivity, and quality of life through improved access to assistive technology products, services and information; and
2. …promote the independence, productivity, and quality of life through improved access to assistive technology products, services and information; and
3. ...stimulate advocacy initiatives and strategies at a community, regional or systems level, and
4. …emphasize initiatives which support systems change and advocacy activities.
"Unserved/Underserved" describes those individuals with disabilities of all ages who are not currently receiving assistive technology devices and services, or those individuals who are currently receiving devices and services but whose needs are still not being met. ``Unserved and underserved'' refers to individuals and communities that are subject to barriers that limit or prevent their access to the benefits of assistive technology devices and/or services. These barriers may be technological, geographic, economic, physical, linguistic, or cultural.
VATS, through the Creative Initiative Award process, is interested in increasing the capacity of groups that work closely with unserved and underserved individuals and groups. VATS believes that these individuals and/or groups are often better able to understand local dynamics that are helpful in defining the problems and creating community-driven, successful solutions.
Objectives to be Achieved by Award of Creative Initiative Awards
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· To provide opportunity for consumers and consumer-run organizations to access resources to meet consumer needs
· To promote partnerships between the public and private sector and broad collaboration on proposals which are designed to facilitate the acquisition of assistive technology through direct advocacy initiatives.
Eligible Applicants
Respondents to this request for award applications may be any individual or public, private for-profit, or private non-profit organization. Organizations are encouraged to internally coordinate applications and submit only one proposal.
Amount of Available Funds
VATS has reserved $40,000. to fund this Creative Initiative Award cycle.
Creative Initiative Award Program
Mail invitation/grant applications 1 February 2000
Receipt of Grant Applications
Grant applications must be received in the VATS offices no later than
TUESDAY 14 MARCH 2000 AT 5:00 PM
Selection and Notification of successful applicants starting
15 April 2000
Funding period of Awards
15 April 2000 to 31 December 2000
Use of Funds
It is expected that funding will be awarded to single purpose projects as well as for projects that are part of more comprehensive efforts. Creative Initiative Awards are intended to support new initiatives, rather than existing programs. Highest priority will be given to organizations/entities not involved in other VATS grant activities.
Funds shall not be used to purchase assistive technology equipment for individual consumers. Neither shall funds be granted for salaries for existing staff nor to replace existing operating costs.
The Creative Initiative Award Process is structured in such a way that awards take the form of reimbursements for actual invoiced expenses. No monies are provided for start-up expenses. No purchases can be made until a fully endorsed Memorandum of Understanding between all parties is in place.
Please provide VATS with the original and five copies of your applications. All award applications must be in printed form and in the format described in the outline below. The completed application will include the cover sheet, Form ED 80-0013, the proposal shall be no longer than ten (10) pages, font size 12 or greater, double-spaced (narrative) and, if you wish, a letter of collaboration or support. Facsimile (FAX) transmissions are strongly discouraged, as they tend to be far less legible. Since all award applications must be photocopied for distribution to the review panel members, it is to your advantage to provide the most legible possible application to VATS.
Cover Sheet (1 page)
Proposal (10 page maximum)
· Project Overview
· Project Impact
· Implementation Plan/Project Timeline
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· Project Cost/Justification
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· Organizational Capability
· Narrative/Discussion
Federal Assurances FORM ED 80-0013 (As provided in packet)
Budget-Appendix A (2 PAGES MAX)
Optional:Letter of Collaboration/Support (1 page)
As you organize your award application, please follow the guidance given throughout this Request for Proposals. Pay particular attention to the stipulations in the "Use of Funds" section, and the selection of the funding category for the proposal. Review the entire RFP as you prepare your application.
Remember that the purpose of the Creative Initiative Awards is to fund new (not existing) projects. Please keep in mind that the Creative Initiative Award program places a premium on creative approaches which use assistive technology to reach unserved or underserved Virginians with disabilities of all ages with projects that:
§ Provide opportunity for consumers and consumer-run organizations to access resources to meet consumer needs
§ Promote partnerships between the public and private sector and broad collaboration on proposals which are designed to facilitate the acquisition of assistive technology through direct advocacy initiatives.
§ Promote the independence, productivity, and quality of life through improved access to assistive technology products, services and information; and
§ Stimulate creative assistive technology initiatives and strategies at the community, regional or systems level.
Make your application as specific as possible, so that the review panelists might gain a clear understanding of your proposed activities, and have enough information to evaluate your application. Remembering the 10 page (double-spaced type) limit for the proposal, please divide your application into the following sections (feel free to use headings and subheadings) and address each clearly and fully:
PROJECT OVERVIEW (15 points maximum)
· Goals and Objectives
Describe the overall goal(s) to be accomplished by the project. List the objectives and describe how they will be accomplished.
· Key Project Elements
Describe the key elements of the project.
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· Population(s) to be served
Describe the population(s) or groups that will be served by the project.
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· Innovativeness
Describe how the proposal is unique, innovative and creative
PROJECT IMPACT (25 points maximum)
· Description of Need
Describe the demonstrated need. State the population(s) that will benefit from the project. Discuss why the identified group(s) needs the project activities.
· Anticipated Benefit
Describe and discuss the expected benefit to the community. If possible, discuss impact of system change and/or advocacy activities.
· Definition of Measurable Results
Define what results are to be delivered/measured.
· Measurement of Impact
Define the method for measuring the deliverables and the impact of the project.
· Replicability
Discuss how the impact of the project will continue after the award period and explain the project’s potential for replication.
· Dissemination
Discuss how information and accomplishments are to be shared with the community.
· Implementation Plan
Describe the process which will be used to implement the project including the schedule for expected accomplishments.
· Implementation milestones
Define project milestones and critical paths to reach these milestones.
· Timeline
Generate a timeline for the project including start up and funding source reporting requirements. Please identify and account for any time period of three or more weeks if or where the project will be dormant.
· Budget Amount
Please list the requested amount from VATS and the amount of total budget request. Complete and as a separate attachment attach up to two pages of an itemized budget listing all detail and costs-breaking out expenses associated with the award funds, the applicant organization or group, and any other group offering actual or in-kind support for the project. This should be labeled Attachment A:Budget.
· Start-up Funds
This award program does not provide monies “up front”. Rather, recipients are reimbursed for actual invoiced expenses. Describe the strategy to be employed to insure that the project cash flow will not impede anticipated outcomes.
· Competitive Bids
Solicit competitive bids for all items/costs associated with the project including any subcontractors.
· Justification
Provide a justification for each major budget category.
· List organizational/individual history and background of the applicant.
Include in this section history, background, experience and, if available, a mission statement.
If identified, please provide a very brief bio-sketch of key project personnel.
· Collaboration
List the organizations who will collaborate in carrying out the project.
Demonstrate how other organizations will collaborate in carrying out the project.
Demonstrate how other resources besides award funds will be used to achieve the project goals and objectives.
· Consumer Involvement
Discuss how, and to what extent, consumer involvement in the project has been maximized
NARRATIVE/DISCUSSION (25 points maximum)
· Narrative
In narrative form, please summarize and discuss what you want to do, how you want to do it, what are the benefits and implications of the project, and how you will inform others of the accomplishments associated with this project.
Please be clear and concise. Fully integrate all concepts/aspects of your proposal from the statement of need to all replication/reporting plans. Explain and support the validity of the proposal thesis. Emphasis should be given to consumer focus, unserved or underserved populations and involvement with other organizations.
In past years, the Creative Initiative Awards have been very competitive. Many more applications were received than could be funded. It is vital that you keep in mind the evaluation criteria listed below as you write your application. Throughout the rating process for each proposal, review panelists will consider whether the application reflects an innovative and creative approach to achieve the Creative Initiative Award program's purposes and objectives.
When conducting the reviews of each proposal, the panelists will be guided by the same considerations (as follows) that should guide each applicant.
· Is each section of the proposal presented in a clear, concise fashion?
· Does each section respond to specific requests enumerated in each category?.
· Is there a demonstrated consumer focus?
· Does the proposal project addresses the assistive technology needs of unserved/underserved individuals with disabilities?
· To what extent have consumers been involved in the preparation of this proposal?
· To what extent are consumers involved in every phase of this proposal from planning through completion of this proposal?
· What impact does this proposal have?
· How does the project propose a creative use of assistive technology that will have a positive impact in the lives of persons with disabilities?
· How will the effects of the project (including system change and advocacy activities) continue after the grant funding ends, and will the project be replaceable using the model developed with award funds?