Additional File 5: Bibliography of Studies Captured in Search and Rejected During Screening

Abbott, J.G., Campbell, L.M., Hay, C.J., Naesje, T.F. and Purvis, J.. 2007. Market- resource links and fish vendor livelihoods in the Upper Zambezi River Floodplains. Human Ecology. 35:559-574.
Abdelali-Martini, Malika. Amri, Ahmed. Ajlouni, Mohammed. Assi, Raghed. Sbieh, Younes. Khnifes, Ali. 2008. Gender dimension in the conservation and sustainable use of agro-biodiversity in West Asia. . The journal of socio-economics. 37, 365-383 .
Abdus Salam, M.D., Noguchi, T., and Pothitan, R. . 2006. Community forest management in Thailand: current situation and dynamics in the context of sustainable development. New Forests. 31:273- 291.
Adams, W., Aveling, R., Brockington, D., Dickson, B., Elliot, J., Hutton, J., Roe, D., Vira, B. and Wolmer, W. 2004. Biodiveristy conservation and the eradication of poverty. Science. 306: 1146.
Adams, W.M., Aveling, R., Brockington, D., Dickson, B., Elliott, J., Hutton, J., Roe, D., Vira, B. and Wolmer, W. 2004. Bioidversity conservation and the eradication of poverty. Science. 306: 1146-1149.
Adhikari, A. 2010. Biodiversity Concservation and Sustainable Livelihoods: Success Stories.
Agricultural productivity and environmental insecurity in the Usangu plain, Tanzania: policy implications for sustainability of agriculture.
Ahmed, Nesar. Troell, Max. . 2010. Fishing for prawn larva in Bangladesh: An important coastal livelihood causing negative effects on the environment. . Ambio. 39, 20-29.
Alary, V., Corniaux, C. and Gautier, D.. 2011. Livestock's contribution to poverty alleviation: How to measure it. World Development. 39,9, 1638-1648.
Ali, Jabir.. 2007. Livestock sector development and implications for rural poverty alleviation in India. Livestock Research for rural development . 19.
Alleviating Poverty by improving Environmental Health.
Alsagoff, S.A.K.; Clonts, H.A. & Jolly, C.M. 1990. An Integrated Poultry, Multi-species Aquaculture for Malaysian Rice Farmers: A Mixed Integer Programming Approach. Agricultural Systems . 32 (1990) 207-231.
Analysis of three goat production systems and their contribution to food security in the semi-arid areas of Tanzania.
Anderson, S.. 2003. Animal genetic resources and sustainable livelihoods. Ecological economics. 45:331-339.
Applications of phytochemical and in vitro techniques for reducing over-harvesting of medicinal and pesticidal plants and generating income for the rural poor.
Ash, N and Jenkins, M. 2007. Biodiversity and Poverty Reduction: The importance of biodiversity for ecosystem services.
Banking on Biodiversity.
Barrow, Edmund. Fisher, Robert. Gordon, James.. 2012. Improving ecosystem functionality and livelihood. Experiences in forest landscape restoration and management.
Basset, T.J.. 2010. Reducing hunger vulnerability through sustainable development. PNAS. 107, 13, 5697-5698.
Beckley, T.M., Korber, D.. 1994. Sociology's Potential to Improve Forest Management and Inform Forest Policy. Rural Economy Staff Paper. 95-01.
Belcher, B., Ruiz-Perez, M. and Achdiawan, R.. 2005. Global patterns and trends in the use and management of commercial NTFPs: Implications for livelihoods and conservation. . World Development . 33: 9:1435- 1452.
Belcher, B.M.. 2005. Forest product markets, forests and poverty reduction. International Forestry Review. 7: 2.
Biodiversity conservation and the Millennium Development Goals.
Biodiversity, climate change and poverty: exploring the links.
BirdLife International. 2010. Biodiversity Conservation and local communities. Quito, Ecuador: BirdLife International.
Blomley, T.. 2012. The view from the mountain top Lessons learned from the Equitable Payment for Watershed Services (EPWS) Project Tanzania.
Brunnsschweiler, J.M. . 2009. The Shark Reef Marine Reserve: a marine tourism project in Fiji involving local communities. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 18, 29-42. .
Brutsch, M.O.. 1997. The Beles or Cactus Pear (Opuntia ficus indica) in Tigray, Ethiopia.. J. PACD.
Budisatra, I.G.S., Udo, H.M.J.. 2013. Goat-based aid programme in Central Java: An effective intervention for the poor and vulnerable?. Small Ruminant Research. 109, 76-83.
Butcher, J. 2011. Can ecotourism contribute to tackling poverty? The importance of ‘symbiosis’. Current Issues in Tourism. 14, 3, 295–307.
Bystriakova, N. Kapos, V. . 2006. Bamboo diversity: the need for a Red List review.
Bystriakova, N. Kapos, V. Lysenko, I. Stapleton, C M A. . 2003. Distribution and conservation status of forest bamboo biodiversity in the Asia-Pacific region. Biodiversity and Conservation. 12, 1833-1841.
Chan, K.M.A; Pringle, R.M; Ranganathan, J.; Boggs, C.L; Chan, Y.L.; Ehrlicj, P.R.; Haff, P.K.; and Heller, N.E. . 2007. When Agendas Collide: Human Welfare and Biological Conservation. Conservation Biology. 21, 1, 59–68.
Chiduwa, G., Chimonyo, M., Halimani, T.E., Chisambara, S.R. and Dzama, K. . 2008. Herd dynamics and contribution of indigenous pigs to livelihoods of rural farmers in semi-arid area of Zimbabwe. Topical Animal Health Production. 40: 125- 136.
Cinner, J.E. . 2011. Social-ecological traps in reef fisheries. Global Environmental Change. 21: 835-839.
Cocks, M., Møller, V.. 2002. Use of indigenous and indigenised medicines to enhance personal well-being: a South African case study. Social Science & Medicine . 54, 3, 387-97.
Cole, R.J. 2010. Social and environmental impacts of payments for environmental services for agro forestry on small-scale farms in southern Costa Rica. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology . Vol. 17, No. 3, 208–216.
Collective action for the marketing of underutilized tropical fruits in south and Southeast Asia.
Combining income and assets measures to include the transitory nature of poverty in assessments of forest dependence: Evidence from the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Community Tourism as Practiced in the Mountainous Qiang Region of Sichuan Province, China. – a Case Study in Zhenghe Village.
Conservation and development in tropical forest landscapes: a time to face the trade-offs?.
Crane, W.. 2006. Biodiversity conservation and land rights in South Africa: whither the farm dwellers. -.
Dame. J. & Nüsser, M. 2011. Food security in high mountain regions: agricultural production and the impact of food subsidies in Ladakh, Northern India. Food Security. 3:179–194.
Dansi, A. Adjatin, A. Adoukonou-Sagbadja, H. Falade, V. Yedomonhan, H. Odou, D. Dossou, B. . 2007. Traditional leafy vegetables and their use in the Benin Republic . Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 55, 1239-1256.
Dawson, I.K., Lengkeek, A., Weber, J.C; Jamnadass, R.. 2008. Managing genetic variation in tropical trees: linking knowledge with action in agro forestry ecosystems for improved conservation and enhanced livelihoods. Biodiversity Conservation. 18, 969-986.
de Sherbinin, A.; VanWey, L.; McSweeney, K. et al. 2008. Rural household demographics, livelihoods and the environment. Global Environmental Change. 18, 1: 38-53.
Dead Planet Living Planet
Deny, P., Kipkemboi, J., Kaggwa, R. and Lamtane, H.. 2006. The potential of fingerpond systems to increase food productrion from wetlands in Africa. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences . 32 (1): 41-47.
Dhakal, M. and Masuda, M.. 2009. Local pricing system of forest products and its relations to equitable benefit sharing and livelihood improvement in the lowland community forestry program in Nepal. . Forest Policy and Economics. 11, 221-229.
Dilemmas of Development: Burley Tobacco, the Environment and Economic Growth in Malawi.
Dovie, Delali B K. Witkowski, E T F. Shackleton, Charlie M. . 2008. Knowledge of plant resource use based on location gender and generation. Applied Geography . 28, 311-322.
Drescher, A.W., Hagmann, J. and Chuma, E.. 1999. Home gardens- a neglected potential for food security and sustainable land management in the communal lands of Zimbabwe. Journal of agriculture in the Tropics and subtropics. 100:163 -180.
Ekblom, A.. 2012. Livelihood Security, Vulnerability and Resilience: A Historical Analysis of Chibuene, Southern Mozambique. AMBIO. 41, 479–489.
Elzaki, R.M., Ahmed, S.E.H., Elbusha, A.A., Mubarak, A.M. and Salih, G.E.. 2011. Benefits of pultry biotechnology: respective on poverty reduction and food seciurity in rural Sudan. Advances in Environmental Biology. 5 (10): 3345-3351.
Environmental Priorities and Poverty Reduction A Country Environmental Analysis for Colombia.
Espirito-Santo, M.M., Sevilah, A. C., Anaya, F.C., Barbosa, R., Fernandes, G.W., Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Scariot, A., Eustaquio deNoronha, S. and Sampaio, C.A. . 2009. Sustainability of tropical dry forests: Two case studies in south eastern and central Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management. 258: 922-930 .
Estrada, Alejandro. 2013. Socioeconomic contexts of primate conservation: Population, poverty, global economic demands, and sustainable land use. . American journal of primatology. 75,30-45.
Evaluation and selection of multipurpose tree for improving soil hydro-physical behaviour under hilly eco-system of north east India.
Exploring the effectiveness of integrated conservation and development interventions in a Central African forest landscape. *. *.
Ezebilo, Eugene E.. 2011. Local participation in forest and biodiversity conservation in a Nigerian rain forest. International journal of sustainable development & world ecology. 18, 1, 42-47.
FAO. 2000. The underlying causes of food insecurity.
FAO. 2009. Livestock, food security and pverty reduction. The state of food and agriculture.
FAO. 2009. Part I - Livestock in the balance.
Ferraro, P.J., Hanauer, M.M.. 2011. Protecting Ecosystems and Alleviating Poverty with Parks and Reserves: ‘Win-Win’ or Tradeoffs?. Environmental and Resource Economics. 48, 269–286.
Ffan, O.O.. 2003. Bamboo and rattan: vehicle for poverty alleviation in Nigeria.
Fisher, R. and Hirsch, P.. 2008. Poverty and agrarian- forest interactions in Thailand. Geographical Research . 46:1: 74-84.
Fraser, E.D.G.. 2003. Social vulnerability and ecological fragility: Building bridges between social and natural sciences using the Irish Potato Famine as a case study. Conservation Ecology. 7, 2, 9 (online).
French, H. . 2004. Sacred mountain . World watch. May/ June .
Fu, Y., Chen, J., Guo, H., Chen, A., and Cui, J.. 2010. Utilsation and conservation strategies for plant resources in tropical montane agroecosystems: A case study from Xinshuangbanna, SW China. International Journal of Biodiversity Science and Management. 4:1, 32-43.
Galabusi, C., Agea, J.G., Fungo, B.L. and Kamoga, R.M.N.. 2010. Traditional medicine as an alternative form of health care system: A preliminary case study of Nangabo sub-county, Central Uganda. Afr. J. Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines. 7 (1): 11-16.
Garcia, C.A., Bhagwat, S.A., Ghazoul, J., Nath, C.D., Nanaya, K.M., Kushalappa, C.G., Raghuramulu, Y., Nasi, R. and Vaast, P. . 2009. Biodiversity consrvation in agricultural landscapes: challenges and opportunities of coffee agroforests in Western Ghats, India. . Conservation Biology. 24 (2): 479-488.
Garrity, D.P.; Akinnifesi, F.K.; Ajayi, O.J.; Weldesemayat, S.G.; Mowo, J.G.; Kalinganire, A.; Larwanou, M. & Bayala, J. 2010. Evergreen Agriculture: a robust approach to sustainable food security in Africa. Food Security. 2:197–214.
German, G.; Akinnifesi, F.K.; Edriss, A.K.; Sileshi, G.; Masangano, C. and Ajayi, O.C.. 2009. Influence of property rights on farmers’ willingness to plant indigenous fruit trees in Malawi and Zambia. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 4 (5), pp. 427-437.
German, G.; Akinnifesi, F.K.; Edriss, A.K.; Sileshi, G.; Masangano, I and Ajayi, O.C. 2009. Influence of property rights on farmers’ willingness to plant indigenous fruit trees in Malawi and Zambia. African Journal of Agricultural Research . Vol. 4 (5), pp. 427-437,.
Goats—A pathway out of poverty
Gobeze, T.; Bekele, M; Lemenih, M.; and Kassa, H. . 2009. Participatory forest management and its impacts on livelihoods and forest status: the case of Bonga forest in Ethiopia. International Forestry Review. 11(3), 346 - 358.
Gobeze, T; Bekele, M.; Lemenih, M; Kassa, H . 2009. Participatory forest management and its impacts on livelihoods and forest status: the case of Bonga forest in Ethiopia. International Forestry Review . Vol.11(3),346-358.
Gore, M.L. and Kahler, J.S.. 2012. Gendered risk perceptions associated with human-wildlife conflcit: implications for participatory conservation.. Plos One. 7:3.
Greiner, R.. 2010. Payments for environmental services (PES): contribution to Indigenous livelihoods. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment . 131, 163- 173.
Gururani, S. 2002. Forests of Pleasure and Pain: Gendered practices of labour and livelihood in the forests of the Kumaon Himalayas, India. Gender, Place and Culture. Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 229–243.
Hartter, J. and Goldman, A.C.. 2009. Life on the edge: balancing biodiversity, conservation and sustaining rural livelihoods around Kibale National Park, Uganda. Focus on Geography. 52:1,11-17.
Hartter, J.. 2009. Attitudes of rural communities toward wetlands and forest fragments around Kibale National Park. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 14:433-447.
Harwood, LA and Smith, TG . 2002. Whales of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region in Canada’s Western Arctic: An Overview and Outlook. Arctic. VOL. 55, SUPP. 1 (2002) P. 77–93.
Hengsdijk, H., Guanghuo, W., Van den Berg, M.M., Jiangdi, W., Wolf, J., Changhe, L., Roetter, R.P. and Van Keulen, H.. 2007. Poverty and biodiversity trade offs in rural development: A case study for Pujiang county, China. Agricultural Systems. 94: 851-861.
Henne, G; Liebig, K; Drews, A; Plän, T. 2003. Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS): An Instrument for Poverty Alleviation. Proposals for an International ABS Regime.
Herrold-Menzies, Melinda. . 2006. From adversery to partner: the evolving role of Caohai nature reserve in the lives of reserve residents . Canadian Journal of Development Studies. 27, 1, 39-50.
Hill, C.M.. 2002. Primate Conservation and Local Communities: Ethical Issues and Debates. American Anthropologist. 104, 4, 1184-1194. .
Hillman, B.M., Barkmann, J.. 2009. Conservation: A small price for long-term economic well-being. . Nature. 461, 3, 37.
Holmann, F., Rivas, L., Urbina, N., Rivera, B., Giraldo, L>A., Guzman, S., Martinez, M., Medina, A. and Ramirez, G. . 2005. The role of livestock in poverty alleviation: an analysis of Colombia. Livestock Research for Rural Development. 17; 1.
Hope, R. A.. 2002. Wildlife harvesting, conservation and poverty: the economics of olive ridley egg exploitation.. Environmental Conservation .
In Harmony.
IUCN. SEI. IISD. IC.. 2003. Increasing the Resilience of Tropical Hillside Communities through Forest Landscape Restoration.
Johns, Timothy. Eyzaguirre, Pablo B.. 2006. Biofortification, biodiversity and diet: A search for complementary applications against poverty and malnutrition . Food Policy. 32, 1-24.
Kepe, T. . 2008. Beyond the numbers: Understanding the value of vegetation to rural livelihoods in Africa. Geoforum. 39, 958-968.
Khan, B., Abdukadir, A., Qureshi, R. and Mustafa, G. . 2011. Medicinal uses of plants by inhanbitanst of Khunjerab National Park, Gilgit, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 43:5:2301-2310.
Kiefer,I; Lopez, P.; Ramiarison, C.; Barthlott, W.; Ibisch, P.L . 2010. DEVELOPMENT, BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION AND GLOBAL CHANGE IN MADAGASCAR. Interdependence of Biodiversity and Development Under Global Change. CBD Technical Series no 54. pp 59 - 82.
Kiss, A.. 2004. Is community-based ecotourism a good use of biodiversity conservation funds? . Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 19, 232–237.