WACASE Meeting 6/25/08
Attending: Irene Bittrick (EWU), Jenna Redhawk (EWU), Hayley Lake (EWU),
Paul Ancona (EdCC), Stacie Bell (Peninsula Community College), Dave Harris (CDPWS), Paul Weatherly (BCC), Mike Burke (YVCC), Bob Groeschell (SCCC), Gerry Coughlin (Alcoho/Drug Helpline), Judy Deiro (WWU), Sherry Kimbrough (Lanstat Inc.), Mary Testa-Smith (EWU), Lynn McIntosh (UW ADAI/NFATTC), KayDee Steele (SFCC), Carla Dvoracek (SFCC), Mike Towey (TCC)
I. Welcome, Brief Introductions (Name & Affiliation)
II. WACASE Business (Irene Bittrick)
A. Approve minutes from 4/18/08 meeting
Decision: Minutes approved.
B. Treasurer Report - Irene presented treasures report. The current balance is $212. 01. WACASE still owes the Treasurer, Ben Camp $175.00 for a loan. Membership dues to be sent out with treasurer report.
C. Explanation on Statement of Dues - Discussion of increase of membership dues from the current rate of $75.00 yearly to $100.00. The $400.00 requested now covers WACASE membership dues and 2 year NAADAC certification. It was also recommended that there be an “individual” dues option for those who are not joining NAADAC and are not bringing anyone else from an institution. Membership dues forms were dispersed. Approval for money from DASA which will go to paying Jenna and Julia for work on the Matrix and Crosswalk. It also goes to WACASE certification and tech position. Additional monies to be dispersed over three years to maintain tech position.
D. WACASE Officers and Board – Current board members of WACASE are as follows: Irene Bittrick, President; Mike Towey, Vice President; Hayley Lake, Secretary; Ben Camp, Treasurer; Paul Weatherly, Chair of Membership Committee; Mike Towey, Chair of NAADAC certification process; Judy Deiro and Mike Wagner Chair of Clinical Supervision
III. Old Business
A. Distribution of WACASE Funds - In accordance with 501C laws, all treasury funds must go to a state or federal agency upon disbandment. This was open for discussion and Judy Deiro motioned that in the event that WACASE disbands any remaining funds go to the Alcohol/Drug Helpline; this was seconded by Paul Ancona and unanimously approved.
B. By-Law Changes - Discussion of updating by-laws. Irene purposed that the Executive Board meet to review bylaws then make suggestions via listserv before the next WACASE meeting so that they may be brought to the floor for vote.
C. Fall Educators Conference – Lynn McIntosh reported that NFATTC is having a fall educator’s conference November 5th & 6th. The conference will probably be held in Vancouver, WA. Suggestions for possible topics at the conference are: competency based curriculum, clinical supervision and internships, distance education courses, appropriateness for online classes (group counseling, counseling techniques), prevention curriculum, adolescent treatment/evidenced based treatment, outcomes assessment for education, use of rubrics, pro/cons of national curriculums for addiction education, promotion and development of commitment and stability for educators groups (WACASE), adjunct faculty mentoring, and assessing inappropriate students, and to meet and identify competencies. It was also suggested that Cynthia from NAADAC be invited to speak about addiction studies national standards. Lynn McIntosh will be contacting planning committee members.
D. WACASE Website – Discussion that WACASE website be through NFATTC
with a link to NAADAC.
IV. New Business
A. Proposal to hire Jenna Redhawk – Irene purposed to hire Jenna Redhawk for NAADAC Technical Consulting & File Management at a rate of $100.00 per month. A job description was distributed, and Jenna was unanimously
B. Presentation of Competencies Matrix – KayDee Steele and Carla Dvoracek from SFCC presented their Matrix model identifying TAP 21 Counselor Competencies, and NAADAC Basics of Addiction Counseling. They also reported that they are incorporating material from the NAADAC test book in their courses as well as using it as a text book. KayDee agreed to allow WACASE members to use SFCC’s matrix as a model and will post on the listserv. Irene will contact Cynthia to request a reduction in fee for the NAADAC test book for certified schools.
C. College/Organization Updates - Bob Groeschell (SCCC) working on adolescent specialization. SCCC will have a technical BS in fall of 09. Lynn McIntosh reported that NFATTC is offering a summer workshop “Engaging and Empowering Families in Substance Abuse Treatment” July 15th in Wenatchee, WA. Irene reported EWU is working on an addiction bachelor’s degree. Carla Dvoracek is now faculty at SFCC. Stacie Bell (Peninsula Community College) reported program to be named Addiction Studies. Paul Weatherly at Bellevue is offering ASDI training. Lynn mentioned the NAFTTC sponsored training for trainers/educators in Portland, OR in August. This is a 7 week course that is offered partially online.
D. Any Other Business – Cynthia called in from NAADAC in DC to speak with the group and discussed the national approval process and certification of colleges. EWU is the lead applicant and other colleges are to send applications and fee to EWU and then EWU will send them on to NAADAC. NAADAC will review all applications and send out a certificate of approval. Bellevue and Tacoma are already certified and will forward their certifications to EWU. NAADAC has a proposal to SAMSHA for a national conference to disperse information nationally. Possible meeting date prior to September 30th. In other business, the group agreed on 3 WACASE meetings per year fall, spring, and at the institute, with possible conference call. Next WACASE meeting October 31 at Ellensburg from 10:30 to 2:30 pm.
V. Wrap-up, next meeting location, date and time
The next meeting will be held on October 31st in Ellensburg.