Nampa Association of Realtors
February 1, 2012
Members Present: Clark Monson, Tom Turner, Ryan Martin, Ivan Costillo, Janeen Sanchez, Mike Gamblin, Patti Syme, Juanita Glaubitz, Lisa Bain, Deborah Byron-Lefler, Cynthia Blowers, Deborah Roetto, Rene Baird.
Members Absent: Rose Sanchez
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Juanita Glaubitz.
Randy Jensen, President of the Caldwell Board of Realtors spoke on behalf of the Caldwell Board and expressed his desire for our two boards to “brain storm” ways that we can work together to form unity between the two boards.
The minutes of the January 6, 2012 were reviewed. Several corrections were noted;
Page 1, par. 13; The spelling of Shellei be corrected to Shelli.
Page 2, par. 4, line 1, the word “he” be changed to“we”.
Page 2, par. 5, line 1, $1,000 be changed to $4,000.
Page 2, par. 8, reference to “marketing sessions chair” to be specified as Mike Gable.
Ryan motioned that the minutes be accepted with revisions noted. The motion was seconded.
Juanita mentioned that the board has accepted Shelli’s resignation.
Juanita reported on the update of the current membership count:
170 primary members paid in full
11 primary members partially paid
9 secondary members paid
21 affiliate members paid
Juanita gave a progress report regarding bringing the association office’s filing and record keeping current. Although Belinda is a great asset, the need exists to have someone with Realtor knowledge come in for a time to properly set up some of our record keeping and we will need to allocate a budget for that.
Tom made a motion that we use funds from 2006 to temporarily hire someone to set up our Quick Books, and that we check with Kevin Price for that person. Ryan seconded this motion. The motion was amended stating that non-earmarked IMLS Tech Funds not to exceed $5,000 be used. The motion carried.
Mike suggested that a formal request be made to IAR to extend our due date for submitting the national dues. Ryan and Juanita will talk with Kevin regarding this.
Juanita mentioned that a new Executive Officer will need to be hired and the interview process will begin in April. Two task forces were identified. Patti will head up one task force which will include Deborah, Ivan, Clark and Renee, to develop interview questions and evaluation questions. Janeen will head up the second task force to discuss and make recommendations regarding job description, office hours and salary. Task force will also include Tom, Ryan, and Lisa.
Juanita mentioned that our email distribution list is outdated. Deb Roetto, Patti and Cynthia will work to update this list.
Juanita mentioned that we are still lacking a calendar of events showing events, deadlines, etc., and asked that directors submit that into Belinda by next week, so the office is aware of upcoming events.
Juanita asked if we are needing a sixth director, because of the resignation of Pearl, and wondered if her duties could be divided among the rest of the directors. Deborah stated that she will check into the bylaws.
Patti presented the policy changes that were made by her committee. Ryan made a motion to accept these changes and Deborah seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Janeen proposed a committee motion for RPAC. She asked that the board provide expenses to cover those who meet the “Fair Share” requirements and pay for their dessert, as a way of recognizing them for their contribution. The amount to be allocated will be $1,080, and will come out of the Govermental Affairs Fund. Ryan seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Ivan suggested that conversations be held with all brokers to encourage participation in the marketing sessions. Mike will be making an announcement regarding the marketing sessions at today’s luncheon.
Deborah made a motion to change our monthly meetings to 9:00 am, beginning March 7. Debbie seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Clark stated that one ethics complaint was made in January, and has no knowledge of the details of that complaint.
Clark also spoke on behalf of Rose and the scholarship committee and made a motion that $6,000 be released from the scholarship CD fund to be used for awarding scholarships by the scholarship committee. Janeen seconded the motion and the motion was denied. Ryan made a motion that this discussion continue in next month’s meeting and Deborah seconded that motion. The motion passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:16 am.