Collections Advisory Committee
Conference Call
1:00-2:30 pm, September 8, 2015


1.Recorder: Alison Piper

2.Committee members and guests attending:

Ernestine Holmes (FAMU)
Rita Pellen (FAU)

Jane Strudwick (FAU)
Valerie Boulos (FIU)
Roy Ziegler (FSU)

Paul Lightcap (FSU)
Steve Carrico (UF)
Alice Eng (UNF)
Cheryl McCoy (USF)
Shari Johnson (UWF)

Alison Piper (NCF)
Claire Dygert (FLVC, guest)

Patrick Reakes (UF)

Rob Waltner (UNF)

Ying Zang (UCF)

3. Announcements:

  • Alice Eng: Rob Waltner will be taking her place on CAC.
  • ClaireDygert: Don Muccino has decided to retire from FLVC and Lucy Harris will be interim director. There will be full search, probably starting in January.

4. August 2015 Minutes were approved with no changes.

5. CAC webpage (Steve Carrico):

The webpage ( is outdated. FAU is running the CSUL website and Valerie said that she will arrange for renewed permissions to update; Steve will send content to add. Valerie will also modify the listserv.

6. Update from the CSUL meeting (Roy Ziegler):

  • Discussion about the LBRs – all three are moving forward. The Next-Gen ILS LBR has the most support. There is some understanding of the need for the storage facility, but the costs are high so support will depend on how it fits with state priorities. The STEMeresourcesLBR is moving forward but the BOG believes that institutions are already getting money that would be used to fund the eresources.
  • Broad discussion of howthe SULs can be more relevant to meeting the performance measures their institutions are facing, and how libraries can support students in helping to lower the cost of education, possibly by coordinating textbook initiatives and Open Access initiatives (potentially centralized).
  • No clear response toquestions posed in ourreport about the shared acquisition of ebooks, i.e.: 1. Which publishers/aggregators should we be interested in and 2. How much to spend, although a few members said they couldn’t commit to the same amount as for Big FL; Judy Russell later said she’s willing to send a message later to get a firm commitment from the deans about the amounts they are willing to spend. We may have to consider an opt-in plan instead and/or focus on STEM publishers(s) instead ofuniversity presses and/or on shared licensing of textbooks.
  • CSUL also discussed the CAC’s bullet points for an MOU; there seemed to be a consensus (although there was no vote) to have a formal document concerning FLVC representation ofthe SUS, which will lead to an ongoing team of contract negotiation participants. Claire said that FLVC is awareof this discussion, but a workflow hasn’t yet been determined.

7.Update from the CMESC (Valerie Boulos):

At the FLVC-MCLS meeting last week there was a vote on two scenarios for the 2016 FLVC state funded collection: 1. same content with cuts of a few databases to balance the budget or 2. minor upgrade to the historically shared EBSCO/Wilson collections. After discussion, the MCLS voted to approve the second scenario, which includes more full text and agreater percent of shared resources; it includes these cuts:

• EBSCO Publishing Package Subscriptions (Anthropology Plus, Chicano Database, History of STM, Index to 19th Century American Art Periodicals)
• EBSCO/Wilson Book Review Digest Plus
• EBSCO/Wilson Biography Index Past and Present
• EBSCO/Wilson Biological & Agricultural Index Plus
• EBSCO/Wilson OmniFile Mega Full Text
• ProQuest Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
• ProQuest Congressional

8. (Claire Dygert): (a)Wiley 2016 e-journal package: Discussed the new perpetual access model; Claire will email the subscription list and transfer title listto review.

(b) Web of Science renewal: Discussed the proposed 2016-2018 renewal options, which Claire has sent out.

(c) 2016 Group Licensing Process: Scott Schmucker is the lead on the survey, which is due 9/18. Institutions will express interest, followed by an iterative pricing process, which will lead to letters of intent and finally invoicing of participating institutions.

9. Shared PDA Task Force (Shari Johnson): Discussion of pros (e.g., relative costs) and cons (e.g., loss of publishers and titles, inaccuracy of MARC record loads, and difficulty deduping records). About half of the committee members agreed in an informal poll about continuingthe PDA; there was some discussion about the possibility of continuing with only some institutions participating.

10. Shared Resources Information Task Force (Alice Eng): No report – the task force did not meet this week

Next meeting:October 13, 2015; recorder will beYingZang.