Minutes of Regular Meeting June 7, 2016

The Grady County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Tuesday, June 7, 2016 with ChairmanCharles Norton, Vice-Chairman Elwyn Childs, Commissioners Thomas David, LaFaye Copelandand Ray Prince in attendance. Also present were County Administrator Carlos Tobar and County Clerk Carrie Croy. County Attorney Kevin Cauley was absent.

Chairman Norton called the Regular meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and offered the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Princemade a motion to adopt the Agenda with Mr. David making the second. The Board gave their unanimous approval.

Chairman Norton called for Public Comments. Mr. Peter Wright, 304 Stephens Road, stated the County’s legacy has become Motocross Tracks, Chicken Houses and Huge Debt. He encouraged the Board to pay attention to the study that was provided at the last meeting. Mr. Wright doesn’t feel that a thirty day moratorium on construction of new chicken houses is enough.

Mr. Ferrell Duncan, 275 Lewis Lane, asked the Board to complete the paving of Lewis Lane to not leave a portion unpaved. Mr. Duncan was advised, by Mr. Tobar, that it would be completed.

Mrs. Nola Daughtry, President of the GSAAP Organization, presented the Board with an overview of accomplishments in the last year and goals for the upcoming year. Mrs. Daughtry thanked the Board for their continued support.

The Calendar of Events and the Grand Jury Presentments for the March 2016 term were reviewed.

Mr.Princemotioned to approve all of the below listed Consent Items. Mr. Davidseconded with unanimous approval from the Board. Consent Items approved were:

  • Approved minutes from the May 17, 2016 Regular Meeting.
  • Approved awarding of Ambulance Billing and Collections Services Contract to Emergency Billing, LLC.
  • Approved purchase of ten washing machines for the VFD stations in the amount of $4,831.20 from the low bidder Lowe’s. The other two bids received were from Mobley’s in the amount of $6,390.00 and Badcock in the amount of $7,343.20.
  • Approved the Purchase and Installation of a Class A Pumper Box for the VFD from the Georgia Forestry Commission in the amount of $69,355.30. 2008 SPLOST funds will be used. Mr. Phillips was present for discussion regarding installing additionalsubstations throughout the County. 2008 SPLOST funds would be used to construct. It was the Consensus of the Board to not install at this time.
  • Approved CRI Audit Services for 2015 Fiscal Year in the amount of $42,286.25.
  • Ratified the Board’s verbal approval to repair Excavator in the amount of $10,715.23 to Yancy Brothers. Mr. Tobar advised it had been repaired and is back in service.
  • Ratified the Board’s verbal approval of the Water Monitoring Agreement with Krebs Engineering for $15,400.00.

Mr. Tobar advised on several items: The foundation is being prepared for the paving of Lewis Lane. The $180,000.00 grant for striping has been approved. The patching experiment on Open Pond Road did not work completely. Mr. Tobar is contacting the vendor for discussion. The County is receiving a dividend from ACCG in the amount of $23,000.00 on Property Insurance. Mr. David asked what the Liability Insurance was based upon. A Flow Meter is needed on the outflowing pipe at the Lake. The equipment has been purchased.

Mr. Childs made a motion to approve the Biological and Mitigation Monitoring Agreement with CCR Environmental, Inc. in the amount of $191,978.00 for three years. Mr. David madethe second with the Board approving unanimously. Three other bids were received: Corblu Ecology Group, LLC $177,051.00 Was not responsive Eco-Tech Consultants, Inc. $328,650.00 RLC $504,500.00

Mr. Childs made a motion to authorize the Chairman’s signature on the Resolution for Line of Credit. Mrs. Copeland made the second with the Board approving unanimously.

Mrs. Copelandmade a motion to approve repairs to two culverts by Southern Concrete in the amount of $84,250.00 with Mr. Prince making the second. The Board approved unanimously.

Mr. Prince advised the Board that he had been approached by Mr. Deron Rehberg who is asking the Board to allow Brian Hayes, Extension Agent, to drive his County vehicle outside of the County to his home. Mr. Rehberg states that Mr. Hayes is being pursued by another County and he feels this would help convince him to stay. It was the Consensus of the Board to not allow him to do so.

Discussion concerning the Museum Roof Repair occurred. Mr. Larry Cliett and other members of the Historical Society were present. Three bids were reviewed. The Board stated they would discuss and vote in their June 21st meeting.

The following Departmental Reports were reviewed: Code Enforcement – May 2016 Animal Control – May 2016 Recreation – April 2016 EMS – April 2016 Fuel Reports – May 2016

Mrs. Copelandmade a motion to adjourn with Mr. Princemaking the second. The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote.