Theatre Arts IIA/B

“Children’s Theatre”

Mrs. Janie Prucha


office-661-298-8140 x1601

Course Description: An advanced Theatre Class in which students take on the responsibility of producing, directing and performing in theatrical events for young audiences. All members of the class will be involved in the productions and eligible to participate in scene festivals.

Required Materials:

1.  Imagination

2.  notebook/binder with paper and pen

3.  Positive attitude

4.  Respect for self, others and the space

5.  Progam Donation in the amount of $20 to help with the cost of Transportation, costumes, props and supplies. The donation amounts we receive will determine the scope of the program. Please note: The donation is not required and no student will be precluded from participation based on whether or not he or she contributes. Requested due date August 17, 2017


Daily class participation in activities and rehearsal---50%

( Assessment will consist of self-evaluations, peer evaluations and teacher observations)

Performances, tests and Written Critiques ------50%

Honor Code;

v  Cheating, plagiarism or any other unethical behavior will not be tolerated. Any student who requires a clarification regarding these standards is encouraged to check with the teacher on an individual basis.

v  Students are expected to treat the teacher, the classroom and each other with respect. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action including detention, parent phone calls and referral to the appropriate administrator.

v  Students are expected to work together on productions. They must arrive on time and regularly. Failure to attend satisfactorily will result in detention, parent phone calls and, in cases of excessive absences, failure of the class. All Golden Valley attendance policies will be strictly enforced.

v  *****Missing and Late Work: In the event of an excused absence, students are expected to make-up any missed work in a timely manner before the close of the 5 week grading period in which it is missed. Work missed due to an unexcused absence cannot be made-up. Late work is accepted until the next grading period.: In the event of an excused absence, students are expected to make-up any missed work in a timely manner before the close of the 5 week grading period in which it is missed. Work missed due to an unexcused absence cannot be made-up. Late work is accepted until the next grading period.

Conferences: Any student wishing to speak to the teacher may make an appointment after school or during lunch on an individual basis.

Student Expectations:

1)  Be in assigned seat before the tardy bell rings.

2)  Bring all required materials including paper and pen and script

3)  All formal Critiques must be word processed

4)  Incomplete work is unacceptable

5)  No food or drink in class (except water)

6)  Stay on Task

7)  Contribute to the positive learning environment of the class.

8)  No hats

9)  Adhere to all Golden Valley Rules

Grade scale: A=90-100% B=80-89% C=70-79%

D=60-69% F=below 60%

Weeks 1-10---Students will focus on Scene Work for the DTASC Scene Festival to be Held October 28, 2017

Weeks 11-20—Students will focus on the rehearsal and production of a Children’s Theatre Tour –Date TBA.