Castro Valley Elementary PATA Meeting Minutes – Jan 10th, 2017
Meeting Date: January 10th, 2018Submitted by: Nikki Lark
Minutes Approved
Principal’s Report (Mrs. Sklut)
- Lots of colds/flu going around – keep hands washed
- We have a new Hydration Station installed in the Cafeteria!
- We have new numbers painted on blacktop
- Ordered a lot of new books – guided reading books K-5th grade & Non-Fiction 2nd-5th graders
- Ms. Jessen (teacher) has been hired with focus on interventions in reading and math.
Superintendent Report, Parvin Ahmadi & Dot Theodore
- Budget:
- Objective: Primary focus is to prioritize that needs of students are met. CVUSD will not be cutting elementary counseling and will be funded by supplemental funds (so it doesn’t have to have it be a year over year decision). .
- CVUSD has to cut $1.2M due to structural deficit. Expenses continue to increase, including the retirement system (state was supposed to pay into it, but state is now asking cvusd to pay twice as much as before). Budgets are built for 3 years – out years are built with assumptions on future state funding. CVE is Title 1 so we get State and Federal funding. Federal funding is not being touched.
- Last year Board went through zero based budgeting (every department/school asked to justify every line of spending). Board & Staff reviewed all details
- Working with HARD to re-do fields at Canyon/Creekside
- A lot Measure G projects happening – CVE Shade Structure is one of those improvements
- Shift in school calendar – desire to move start date earlier so semester ends before winter break. This also allows calendar to be better aligned with community colleges.
- Sunday – first film on Community Justice (A time for Justice) at 2PM at Public Library– Swallwell will likely be there. Six film series Ages 11+
Teachers Report (Ms. Caploe)
- Title 1 money has supported a new “Begin Just Right” at home reading – families can have books to borrow to do reading practice at home.
- Equity Task Force for District
- Adopting a new social studies curriculum
- 2nd grade MLK presentation Jan 18th at 8:30AM
- Shade structure in place and was used during rain
- New slide is coming where alligator is broken
- New lights around campus/playground
- CVE is part of the Green program through CV San – offering free workshop on Monday Feb 5th on composting and growing edible plants at home
President’s report (Sergio/Katrina)
- Successful movie Night on Friday, Dec. 8th
Treasurer’s report
- Balance: $39,000 (net revenue $14K)
- Fall Fundraiser profit: $4,400
- Movie Night profit ~$500
- Direct Donations: $2305
- While balance is high remember most money spent May-June ☺
Ways and Means (Danny/Colleen)
- Valentine’s Dance Friday Feb 9th: 5:30-7:30
- Pancake breakfast: April
- Walk-a-thon later in the year
Next Meeting Feb 7th. Dinner served 6:15. Meeting at 6:30 in Science Lab at CVE.
You PATA co-President Contact Information: Katrina Reid Sergio Nunez
Follow PATA at…… Twitter: @cve_pataFacebook Page: