Present: Mary Bartling, Dale Buechler, Laura Anderson, Amanda Tucker, Victoria Livingston, Patrick Hagen, Lisa Merkes-Kress
Absent: Andrew Cartmill, Priscilla Hahn, Soma Chattopadhyay
Guests: Skyler Lopez-Kohler (Student)
I / Opening of the MeetingThe meeting was called to order at 4:07 p.m.
Minutes of Monday, October 23, 2017 were approved as circulated.
II / Reports, Announcements, and Administrative Updates
Committee Updates
The university is hiring aDirector of Academic Assessment; there are five finalists. They will be visiting campus before and after Thanksgiving. The search and screen committee would like members of AOC and APC to meet the candidates. There will be an email forthcoming with the names and dates for the meet and greets. Hagen stated that each candidate wouldbe creating a mini workshop on best practices in assessment as part of the final interview process.
Anderson stated that Social and EnvironmentalJustice did not meet deadline for FORM B submission and that APC gave them a deadline of February 2, 2018 to submit.
Anderson reported that General Education Committee reviewed Economics and noted that AOC will not have to review the Economics program in the future.
Student Lucas Skyler-Lopez attended at the student representative, but there is some confusion as to if AOC has student representation according to the faculty senate bylaws. Anderson will review the bylaws.
III / Unfinished Business
Review of Form B History (with revisions from program)
History updated the areas that were requested or provided explanation but still do not list performance indicators. The commission members drafted an evaluation that Anderson will put into the report template for review and approval at the next meeting.
Review of Form B Social Sciences
Members reviewed Form B; Anderson will draft a report for the next meeting for review and approval at the next meeting.
IV / New Business
Review of Form B Forensic Investigation
This will be discussed at the next meeting
V / Meeting Close
The next meeting is Monday, November 27, 2017
The meeting adjourned at 5:58 p.m.
Submitted by Lisa Merkes-Kress (Recording Secretary)