JSPTO Executive Board Meeting Agenda -Minutes
July 20, 2016
In Attendance:
Nicole Wiles (Co-President), Stephanie Wheeler (Co-President), Dori Antonetti(Co Vice President), Lisa Lee (Co Vice President), Tracy Hardy (Treasurer), Sarah Valentine (Member at Large), Nell Speerli Member at Large), Kathryn Hart (Principal), Tracey Soboleski (Teacher).
Absent: Heather Conder-Johnson (Member at Large), Liz Kench (Secretary)
- Welcome – Nicole thanks for coming and thanks to Stephanie for hosting.
- Look over minutes – Motion to approve by Tracy, Dori second – vote passed
- Kathryn asked about PRC and what our commitment is. JSPTO will attend monthly meetings, act as liaison.
2. Reports
- Principal(Kathryn)
- School supplies fundraiser isready to be delivered. Kathryn is working with Carrie Healy. Supplies will be on student desks before school starts.
- RJ Julia fundraiser still active.
- Fully staffed. Additional Registered Behavior Technicians hired for new program.
- Leadership team meeting 2nd week of August to plan with grade level team leaders.
- Enrollment:
- 4 sections of Kindergarten
- 3 sections of 1st grade
- 4 sections of 2nd grade
- 4 sections of 3rd grade
- 3 sections of 4th grade
- Teacher placement letters will be mailed August 19th. Student orientation will be held on Sept 1stGrades K-2 from 12:30-1:15p.mand Grades3-4 from1:45-3:30p.m.
- Open House Sept 21st. Grades K-2 from 6-6:45 and Grades 3-4 from 7:15-8pm.
- Date of the Art show April 5th 6pm.
- Staff Appreciation May 1-5th, Tuesday May 2nd Staff luncheon.
- Field Day May 26th rain date June 2nd.
- Cultural Arts: Dr. Steve Sobel – welcome back, kids, teachers, etc. Motivational speaker, parenting with humor. Growth mindset vs fixed mindset. Thoughts-ideas? PTO board has $1000 to spend on it. Kathryn can use him at a faculty and then split the cost with us. Kathryn will contact Steve to work out the details.
- Treasurer(Tracy)
- Fiscal year started July1st, filed taxes online-completed.
- Yearbook money applies to this year,
- $1200 for supplies but we need to pay out, our salesup $300 from last year.
- Stop & Shop A+ bucks check was received. Smile amazon money comes quarterly. The link will now be on Jeffrey school website and enotify. Board members and event chairsare asked to copy and fill out the expense reports in the treasurer’s box. Once completed, they will be reimbursed ASAP.
- PRC – no report
3. Administrative
- PTO Executive Board Meeting Date Change (Nicole) 1st Friday of every month at 9:15am, Kathryn had to schedule a monthly meeting at 9:30am. Now meeting will be 1st Tuesday of the month at 9:30am. Sept 13th, Oct 4th, Nov 1st, Dec 6th, Jan 3rd, Feb 7th, Mar 7th, April 4th, May 2nd.
- Review committee/event liaison positions *make sure everyone is in the correct positions*. We still need a chair person for the Spring Fling, Spiritwear, Musical Mondays, and Science Room. Ideas were proposed to get information to the teachers about the science experiments and to add more volunteers to help run/clean-up experiments. Mrs. Woods needs help in the art room and would like volunteers.
- 2016 – 2017 budgetwasdrafted and summarized. A vote will take place in September when information is completed. In summary, the cultural arts line item increased from $5000 - $6000, added $500 for musical Mondays, increased staff appreciation budget. Income changes include anticipated income for the coupon books $2000 (selling 160 books) and parent night fundraiser $4000.
- Back to School Package
- Mabel’s Labels – ongoing campaign. ML will send checks monthly when $50 commission is made.
- Schoola – label and flyer being sent home. Campaign to run until September 21 (Used clothing originally costing more than $15 put into bag, affix the label, we make 30%).
- Spiritwear – board decided to have stock at ‘events’ with parents. Board discussed new items to sell.
- Pick up pads and magnets
- Magnets – ordered 100 - $34.66 (Kindergarten and new families)
- Pick up pads –ordered
- Donation incentive replacing bracelets with magnetic bumper sticker, as decided at June meeting. Nicole to investigate and order.
- Publicity - We struggle with getting information to people - Liz recommended a monthly newsletter. Should we distribute it at the beginning or at the end of a month? Nicole will follow up with Liz.
- Ideas for getting information to parents
- Newsletter
- Email addresses - Can the PTO have all of the parents’ emails, instead of going through the room coordinators? PTO Directory? How can we get all parents’ email?
- It was agreed that email addresses given to room coordinators at back to school night are considered given to PTO executive board, as RCs are an extension of the JSPTO.
5. Upcoming Events/Activities
- Welcome Back Teacher Luncheon – September 1st@ 11 am - Heather will send email requesting food
- Back to school picnic – September 9th, 5 – 7 pm. We will sell pizza. PTO covers ice-cream for Jeffrey students.
- Room Coordinator Orientation Sept 19th@ 7pm in the library - Dori
- Parent Night Fundraiser – September 24th at the Surf Club.
6. Subcommittee Updates/Roundtable Discussion
- Tracey suggesteddoing a Wizards basketball game again where staff play against pro players. All schools were involved in the past during March Madness – Nicole will bring up at PRC.
- Stephanie – (Clam Bake) for raffle - doing a sign up for ‘time with a teacher’? Nicole will get us started on an email stream for ideas. Discussion on how to get information about Sept 24th to the parents such as a paper in the orientation folder.
7. New Business
- Teacher Gift
Motion to approve $20 gift card for each certified teacher and $5 for all other staff as a welcome back appreciation gift by Stephanie, second Lisa, vote passed.
8. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn by Nicole, second by Sarah, vote passed.
Addendum added 8/23/16: Donation incentive was voted on 7 yeas, and 2 abstains.