Soup Race
Time needed: about 45 min.
Objective: The student will form an hypothesis of which brand of soup will win a canned soup race. Why?
4-6 cans of different types of soup (it is best to use the same brand [ex: Campbell] and about the same weight of soup. Six cans are best. Do not open the cans of soup.
Two boards of same length and thickness or some type of inclined plane
Books to lift boards or inclined plane
Masking tape for finish line
1. Using the chart, fill in the different types of soup, one soup per block, across the top and along the left side. Example: the six types of soup might be tomato, vegetable, chicken noodle, won ton, cheddar cheese, and beef broth. Across the top, put them in order above each column: tomato, vegetable, chicken noodle, won ton, cheddar cheese, and beef broth (begin with the column with the black rectangle on the left). Down the left side write the names of the soup in the same order: tomato, vegetable, chicken noodle, won ton, cheddar cheese, and beef broth. In upper left rectangle, leave blank.
2. The black rectangles are placed in the chart because the same soup does not race against itself.
3. Before beginning the race, the teacher holds up each type of soup. The students pick as a hypothesis which type of soup they think will win.
4. Teacher and students clear the middle of the room, and set up the inclined plane. Place the masking tape at the finish line. The finish line is about 2-3 meters from the end of the ramp. Place students at each side of finish line to watch for winners. Also, have two students ready to pick up cans of soup to bring back to the teacher after each race.
5. The teacher will place the first two types of soup on the inclined plane at the top, one type in each hand. Example, the tomato in right hand and vegetable in the left hand. The teacher will let go of the two types of soup. The type of soup crossing the finish line first wins. (If a can of soup hits anything, desk legs, book bags, etc. and does not cross the finish line, it is disqualified and the other can of soup wins.)
6. After you race each soup against each other, then switch the placement of cans in the teacher’s hands. Example: vegetable in the right hand and tomato in left hand.
7. After all the races, total each type of soup to get the winner.
XXXXXXXHYPOTHESIS (which type of soup will win) ______
Special note: The darkened rectangles are because the same soup does not race against itself.
Reality Check:
1. Races will be repeated
2. Modifications may be made in the inclined plane or other changes may be made in the experiment.
3. Various combinations of soups can be raced.
Communication of Results:
Make another type of chart on your own paper.
Draw a picture of the race.
Act out the races with classmates.
Write a poem, rap, story, etc. about the race.
Intro to Science 6 > Experimental Design > Activities > Soup Race 1