Sino Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation Program
the EXchange programs
Part 1: General information
1. Basic data
Project Title:Keywords:
Priority research area:
Intended start:
Duration (months):
I herby confirm that all the information given in this application and the attachments is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Place, Date / Visiting scholarPlace, Date / Supervisor of visiting student (if applicable)
Place, Date / Hosting scientist
2. Personal data
2.1Visiting scholar
Family name:First name(s):
Academic degree:
Date of birth:
Postcode, city:
Phone number:
Fax number:
2.2Supervisor of visiting student (if applicable)
Family name:First name(s):
Academic degree:
Date of birth:
Postcode, city:
Phone number:
Fax number:
2.3Hosting scientist
Family name:First name(s):
Academic degree:
Date of birth:
Institute name/place of work:
Postcode, city:
Phone number:
Fax number:
3. Requested funding
Account description / Budget to be provided by the SSSTC / Budget to be provided by the Chiense partnerLaboratory Consumables
Travel & subsistence(1)
Living expenses (2)
(1) Travel & subsistence expenses related to the visit of a project partner in China. For more detailed information see "Financial Guidelines for Scientific Exchanges” at
(2) Daily allowances and fellowships for visiting scientists (faculty members and students) from China. For more detailed information see"Financial Guidelines for Scientific Exchanges” at
4Research requiring authorizations or notifications
Indicate whether the proposed research includes:
YES / NOHumans, human tissue samples or individual medical data
Vertebrates, decapods or cephalopods
Pathogens or genetically modified organisms
Human embryonic stem cells
Please note that research on humans, human embryonic stem cells, vertebrates, decapods, cephalopods, pathogens and genetically modified organisms needs authorization and/or notification in Switzerland and China.
Part 2 - Research plan (10 page limit)
- Summary
Briefly describe the objectives, the research plan, and expected results of the proposed activities. Explain why the visit to this particular institute/institution is important. Please use non-technical language.
- Background
Briefly describe the current state of the art in the proposed area of research. Explain the significance of the proposed activities and describe how they will contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the student's field of research.
For projects involving industrial partners, please state if there should be potential for intellectual property generation, and the market impact of the project.
- Objectives
Describe in detail the objectives of the proposed activities.
4Description of planned activities and justification for visit
Please describe the technologies to be acquired and the experiments/activities to be performed during the proposed exchange. Describe the relationship between the student’s current project and the research environment, strengths and expertise of the host institute/institution. Explain why the proposed activities are needed and how they will contribute to the advancement of the student’s current project and to his/her technical and personal development.
5List of milestones
Outline major milestones of the proposed activities on a time-scale of months.
Milestones / Associated activities / Expected date(measured in months from the project start date)
Insert additional rows into the table if necessary.
6 Expected results
Briefly discuss the expected outcome of the proposed activities.
Is this your first collaboration with this partner?
8Ethical, safety and regulatory issues
Does the proposed work raise ethical, safety or regulatory issues? If yes, how will you deal with it? Please explain in detail.
In addition, please provide:
- Brief curriculum vitae of the swiss applicants, the visiting scholar, and the Chinese professor.
- Letter of reference from the student’s supervisor (if applicable).
- Letter of support from the hosting institute.
Call for proposal SSSTC. May 9,, 2008. Page 1 of 5