Those scheduled to serve todAY
Ushers Geoff Besse and Doug Abell
Lectors 8: Peg Bochynski
10: Katherine Pearce and Dena Lisle
Lay Eucharistic ministers 8: Peg Bochynski
10: John Newman and Leasa Lutes
Lay Eucharistic visitor Peg Bochynski
Acolytes Maeve Monahan, Alise Burgess and Nora Monahan Vestry Greeter Andrea Schuster
Altar Guild Nancy Lian and Dena Lisle
closer Larry Taylor
FELLOWSHIP The Cahill Family
Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Church of Ireland, the Most Rev. Alan Edwin Thomas Harper Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland.
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: St. Mark’s Church, Foxborough; St. Andrew’s, Framingham; St. John’s Church, Franklin; In congregations: Wardens, Treasurers and Clerks.
For those serving in the armed forces: Monique Farrar, Ken Christian, James Daley, Cody Burkett, Zachary Jermyn, Brian Copper, Justin Anaya, Scott Schuster, Matt Meldrum, Jonathan Martin and Joseph Eldridge; and especially those serving in Afghanistan.
Continuing Prayers have been requested for: Bob Bark; Betty Parisi; Ernie Gabriel; Karen Norris; Jacob LaCroix; Thelma; Joyce; Alberta; Chris; Marilyn Perin; Fran Staples; Alex DeLeo; Patrick Lyons and family; Karen and family; Patrick; Mabel Selin; the Rev. John Kimball; Marilyn Keefe; Miriam Jacobs; Dick and family; Andrew and family; Irene; Martin and Cindy; Dena and Carrie; Linda; Jack DuFresne and family; Luke and the Parkman family; Norma Knight; Vivian Smith; Bonnie and Jennifer.
Thanksgivings: For the art ministry of our deacon, Gay Cox.
For those who have died: For all those killed in violence in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria; for those who have died of famine, AIDS and other serious diseases.
Memorial Flowers: Caroline J. and John C. Sanidas, Helen D. Arsenault, Helen D. and James L. Crandall, Donald MacComisky, Ada & James Lester, Lydia and James Peachey, Constance and Frank Lester; Robert R. Nelson, Adam D. Nevells; Walter Helgeland.
Sanctuary candle: Bernardini and DeLollis families.
A word about the Great Litany
The Great Litany was initially published in 1544 as the first liturgical service in the English language and has been a part of every edition of the Book of Common Prayer since 1549. It is a general intercession and has often been prayed in procession. From 1789 to 1892 it was included in every Sunday service of the Episcopal Church. It is now used primarily in penitential seasons such as Lent and for special days of prayer and fasting.
Easter Flower Offering Envelopes…
…can be found in the pews and at the back of the church on the Usher’s table.
Please list each name that you would like to be included in the Easter bulletin and note if it is in memory or thanksgiving of that person.
You may also e-mail your list to and submit your donation
in the offering plate or by mail.
The deadline is Passion Sunday, April 1.
~Heavenly Faces Workshops~
Today from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Make your Heavenly Faces in a guided workshop and add them to the
“Way of Salvation” display. There will also be face painting
as a fun extension of these activities and good food to eat!
Sign-up sheets are posted in the Parish Hall.
The last opportunity to participate in the Heavenly Faces project is
Friday, March 30, 5 p.m.-8 p.m.
Tell a neighbor…bring a friend!
“The Way of Salvation” Exhibition…
will be on display through March 30 followed by
Part 2: Stations of the Cross from April 1 through April 7.
We need volunteers to assist with
taking the exhibit down on Saturday, March 31 from 11-2 p.m.
Please see Manny or Dave Stephenson if you can help.
Prayers and Praise
Join us for a service of Iona prayers and Taize hymns set among the heavenly faces Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the church. There will be a light supper of soup and bread preceding the service at 7 p.m. All are welcome.
Honeybaked Ham Fundraiser
Today and April 1
If you plan to buy a ham for Easter, please consider purchasing
a $25 gift certificate from THE HONEYBAKED HAM COMPANY.
St. Peter’s will receive 50% of all proceeds from the sale of these gift certificates.
Last year’s Easter event raised over $300 for St. Peter’s!
See the company representative in the Parish Hall to purchase your certificates.
Blue Jeans Saturday
March 31, 9 a.m.-11 a.m.
Please come and lend a hand as the Property Committee
spruces up St. Peter’s before the Festival of Easter!
For more information please see Dave Stephenson or just come on by!
Beverly Bootstraps Easter Dinner Food Drive
We will be collecting food items to support Bootstraps in providing more nutritious food for their clients Easter Dinner. Preferred items are…potatoes, smaller-size canned hams, fresh produce, rolls, butter, coffee, juice and dessert items for their dinner tables.
Please place your donation in the boxes under the table alongside the
window in the Parish Hall.
You may also drop off your donations at the Beverly Bootstraps office at 371 Cabot Street. Donations are requested by tomorrow March 26.
Passover Seder
Thursday, April 5, 6 p.m.
A Passover Seder, using our own Haggadah, will be led by Ann Weeks and
Cheryl Robinson in Huiginn Hall. This is NOT a potluck.
The entire meal is carefully planned, so if you want to come you must sign up and if you find that you can’t attend please let us know.
This festival meal commemorates the deliverance of the Hebrews from Egypt,
is the meal Jesus shared at the Last Supper and is the basis of our Holy Eucharist.
Children are welcome, as is anyone who has never been to a Seder.
Please sign up in the Parish Hall to attend.
Easter Preparation Day
Saturday April 7 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Join us as we get ready for the wonderful celebration of Easter!
We will be setting up and decorating Huiginn Hall for our Easter Breakfast.
If you are able fill a salt shaker or fold a napkin you’re up to the task!
Please see Dena Lisle or Michelle Abell if you have a question or just stop on by!
The Altar Guild will be setting up the Easter flowers around the sanctuary
at this same time and would appreciate any help.
Many hands make for light work!
Easter Day Breakfast
(This is a pot-luck)
Sunday, April 8, 9:15 a.m.
Sign-up sheets and information are posted on the bulletin board outside the kitchen.
Holy Week Services & Events
Sunday, April 1, Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday services at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.
Wednesday, April 4, Tenebrae at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, April 5, Maundy Thursday Eucharist at 8 p.m.
following Passover Seder at 6 p.m.
Friday, April 6, Good Friday Walk at 8 a.m.
Way of the Cross at 12 p.m.
Good Friday Liturgy at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 7, The Great Vigil of Easter at 8 p.m.
Easter Day, April 8, Festival Holy Eucharist Rite Two at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Easter Breakfast 9:15 a.m.-10:15 a.m.