SE / STRC / T- 56 / 2007-08
Providing horizontal Bore, supply & fixing the Hume Pipe with cable laying across the Railway track of Pune-Miraj Single Line Railway Section of Central Railway Authority.
Sale of Tender / 10.03.2008 to 17.03.2008[ 11.00 am to 4.00 pm }
Submission Due Date / 18.03.2008up to 1.30 pm
Tender Opening Date / 18.03.2008at 3.00 pm
Tender Cost ( Estimated ) / 30.00 Lakh
Tender issued to M/S ______
Page No.
- Annexure – A2
- list of documents3
Tender No. : SE/STRC/T-56 [2007-08]
Name of work : Providing horizontal Bore, supply & fixing the Hume Pipe with cable laying across the Railway track of Pune-Miraj Single Line Railway Section of Central Railway Authority.
Estimated Cost. : Rs. 30.00 Lakhs.
Earnest Money Deposit: Rs. 30,000/-
Period for sale : 10.03.2008 to 17.03.2008[11.00 am to 4.00 pm ]
Date of submission : 18.03.2008[upto 1.30 pm]
Date of opening : 18.03.2008[at 3.00 pm ]
0 / 3 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 8TENDER FROM PRICE : Rs. 1000.00 (in cash) Receipt No. Date :-
Accounts Officer.Superintending Engineer.
Satara CircleSatara Circle
Telephone [02162] 244640, 246015, Fax :- 244563
E-mail :-
List of Documents enclosed
Envelop I
1. Proof regarding the payment of E.M.D. – Xerox Copy
[if paid in cash] M.R.No.______Date. / /
[if paid by DD] D.D. No.______Date / /
2. S.S.I. Registration if any. – Xeorx Copy
3. Income Tax PAN Card. -Xeorx Copy
4. a. Experience Certificate of similar workXeorx Copy
at-least of Rs. 5.00 Lakh in last 2 years.
b. Sales Tax /Works Tax RegistrationXeorx Copy
5. Additional information if anyXeorx Copy.
6. Valid License of electrical contractorXeorx Copy.
7. Additional Documents
Envelop II
Tender Form [containing all pages]
Name of Firm:- .
Address :- .
Land Line / CellDate:- Signature of Tenderer
Note :- 1) Please Tick which is enclosed.
2) All other documents should be submitted in Envelop –I.
3) Tender form should be submitted in Envelope –II .
3) Each page including cover page of tender form should be signed by tenderer.
4) In case of tender forms downloaded from our website the tender form fees should be paid in cash before submitting the tender form. The receipt no. & date of tender form fees paid should be mentioned on the envelop no. –I.
5] For Verification of work criteria, scope of work, material if any other difficulty agency should intimate on or before 15.03.2008 upto 16.00 Hrs, so as to arrange Pre-Bid meeting if required on 17th March 2008 at 15.00 Hrs at Circle Office, MSEDCL, Satara.
Terms & Conditions :
1.Scope of Work :
The contract work involves Providing horizontal Bore, supply & fixing the HUME Pipe with cable laying across the Railway track of Pune-Miraj Single Line Railway Section of Central Railway Authority.and as per Schedule ‘A’
Contractor should take full precaution while doing the job. He should take permit to the line with the help of authorised technical staff of MSEDCL if required.
Also the agency should carry out the work in co-ordination with Railway Authorities and concerned Sub-Divisional incharge of MSEDCL. The permission for carrying out the work of specific location will be procured by MSEDCL but the time schedule and arrangement for the same should be done by agency.
The work should be carried out under supervision of the Sub Divisional representative of MSEDCL.
Once the tender is submitted it will be presumed the contractor is well conversant of the Company’s Rules, Regulations, the site condition etc. and the tender cannot be withdrawn by the contractor for any reason.
Period of this Contract is threemonth from Order receipt date.
3.1Earnest Money Deposit [E.M.D.] :
a)The tender must be accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) 1 % of tender value paid either by Demand draft or Bank Guarantee of any of the schedule bank in Satara. No other mode of payment will be considered. The demand draft should be attached with the tender. EMD paid will not carry any interest and shall be refundable within a period of not exceeding 90 days from the date of opening of the tender, subject to condition that, the Bidder should apply immediately after expiry of two months period and before expiry of ninety days in case of tenders. Who do not stood lowest. And refund of E.M.D. In case of bidder who stood lowest shall be subject to the condition under clause (b) below along with submission of original receipt issued by this office failing which the EMD paid will be liable for Forfeiture. EMD paid by Cheque will not be accepted.
b)The EMD will be forfeited in case:
1.If bidder withdraws the Tender after opening of the tenders but before 90 days i.e. before expiry of validity period of 90 days.
2.In the event of refusal to accept the order for work or if the bidder refuses to pay the Security Deposit as per the clause No. 2.2 of this Tender Condition.
3.If the successful bidder refuses to sign and complete the contract documents and agreement and to further execute the work.
You will have to pay Security Deposit @ 10% of the order value in the form of D.D. or Bank Guarantee of the prescribed time limit i.e. within two weeks period to this office from the date of receipt of this order.
Concern Division Office will issue separate work order. The time limit of execution of each sub work order will be specified in the sub work order and this time will be counted from the date of handling work of a last consignment material to the contractor..
As per section 194 (C ) of the Finance Act 1972 ,the deductions of Income Tax at source at 2.24% or rate prevailing on the gross amount of each bill shall be effected and paid to the Income Tax Authority. Works tax @ 2% for registered contractors and 4% for unregistered contractors will be deducted & paid to Sales Tax Authority.
As per Govt. of Maharashtra Works Contract Tax (Re-Enacted) Act 1989, Deduction of works contract tax at sources at @ applicable or as per rules of the gross amount payable to you against each bill will be effected and paid to the concerned Authority.
This office reserves the right to the divert the work to any other party after looking your performance.
If the quality of work as well as on performance is not satisfactory, the contract is liable for termination without giving any notice and at your entire risk and cost. The Security Deposit is paid by you shall be forfeited in such an event.
You should not entrust the work on sub-contract, transfer or assign the contract or any part there of any third party. In case this is not followed it will be treated, as breach of contract and the contract will be terminated at your risk and cost.
The bills for work completed should be submitted to the Superintending Engineer, through, Executive Engineer concerned R.A. Bills to the extend of 5% of Tender Value is permissible, subject to adjustment in final bill.
The measurement of the work carried out shall be jointly taken by the Authorized representative of Executive Engineer concerned and a contractor.
On the basis of measurement recorded, 90% payment of the bill will be made to the Contractor by the Office of the Superintending Engineer, Satara or at the other offices as will be specified in the Contract Order and balance 10% will be paid after successful commissioning of the complete work carried out by you. The Security Deposit paid by you will be refunded / released after successful completion of the guaranty period of the date of completion of work.
a)The payment would be made as per our order rates for all the work executed according to the specification and measurement. All rates should be inclusive of all taxes.
b)All materials and works for which the payment is made in part or full shall become the sole property of the Company but this provision shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibility for the care and protection of the material s and works at his own cost or of his liability to make good the damage if any, unless and until whole work is completed and handed over.
c)The periodical measurement and payment will be not entitled the contractor to any claim that the works for which payment made or accepted made as complete in accordance with the specification drawing or other contract documents in no way will curtail the right of representative of Company to subsequently direct to remove the defective work or to pay at lower, reduced rate or to re-measure the work. This periodical payment will be treated only as advance on account to be adjusted finally after the work are finally measured on claim any interest upon any arrears or upon any balance which may be found due, to him at any time.
Recoveries due from the contractor as mentioned below up to the end of month previous to the month in which the bill is prepared should be made.
- Deduction on account of retention money in full together with any storage in such retention money.
- Penalty in full, if levied.
- Expenditure incurred by the Company on behalf of the contractor in full.
- Taxes as applicable.
- Any other such dues by the contractor to the Company or any other account whatsoever.
- Recoveries as advised in audit.
- Recoveries against E.P.F. ; E.I. etc. wherever applicable.
If you fail to carry out the work in stipulated period of sub work order, penalty at 1% per delayed day beyond stipulated time limit will be charged and penalty will be computed on the amount of delayed work, subject to maximum of 10% of the value of respective sub work order.
You will have to give guarantee of work carried out failing which will be effected for penalty.
- In case any accidents occurs to any of the labours provided by agency the Company will not take any responsibility of any legal action and its complete responsibility lies on contractor.
- The contractor should posses Electrical Licensee from Govt. Electrical Inspector the Xerox copy should be submitted you receive Executive Engineer/Superintending Engineer immediately soon this contract work.
- In case of any conflicting construction or any difference of opinion in any difference of opinion in any point or in case of any dispute about this contract work order or interpretation of any of the clause/items /condition of this contract the decision of Superintending Engineer, Satara would be final and binding on you.
- Any risk that may be involved due to registration of your self of your labour under regulation of Employment and Welfare Act 1969 will be on your account.
16.Pre-Bid Meeting
If any other discrepancy in work , material or quality, type of material is suspected for rectification of the same, for clarification the pre-bid meeting will be arranged for clarification on 17.03.08at 16.00 Hrs. at the office of Superintending Engineer, Satara Circle, at above mentioned address.
Signature of contractor.
/ O & M CIRCLE , SATARA.Vidyut Bhavan, Administrative Bldg.Krishnanagar, Satara. Tel. (02162) 244640 (O), 246015 (P) 02162-245541 (F)
SE/STRC/T/LPO/ T- 56 (07-08)/ Dt.
Letter of Acceptance
M/S ______
Subject:-L.O.A. for Providing horizontal Bore, supply & fixing the Hume Pipe with cable laying across the Railway track of Pune-Miraj Single Line Railway Section of Central Railway Authority.
Reference: 1. T.O. Tender No. T-56 [07-08]
- Your Tender offer Dt.
Dear sir,
This is to notify that your tender offer for Providing horizontal Bore, supply & fixing the Hume Pipe with cable laying across the Railway track of Pune-Miraj Single Line Railway Section of Central Railway Authority.for contract price Rs. ------Lakh ( Rs. ------Lakh only) as corrected and modified in accordance with the instructions to bidder is hereby accepted by us.
You are advised to submit security deposit for (10% of contract price) Rs.------(Rs. ------only) and sign a agreement within 10 days from the receipt of this letter.
You are hereby instructed to proceed with preparation for the said works in accordance with the contract documents in consultation with the Executive Engineer, ------Division.
Superintending Engineer,
Satara Circle.
Copy to:-The Executive Engineer, Satara/ Karad Division.
…. To issue the workorder and start with Providing horizontal Bore, supply & fixing the HUME Pipe with cable laying across the Railway track of Pune-Miraj Single Line Railway Section of Central Railway Authority.
Asstt. Manager [F&A] Satara Circle.
Dy.Ex. Engr./Assistant Engineer, ------Sub Division.
…He is requested to carry out the work as per order..
Contract Agreement
This agreement made ------th day of ----- 2008 between Superintending Engineer, Maharashtra state Electricity Distribution Company Limited, Satara Circle [hereinafter ‘The Employer’]of the one part and M/S ______[hereinafter ‘The Contractor’] of the other part.
Whereas the employer is desires that certain contracts should be executed by the Contractor, viz. Providing horizontal Bore, supply & fixing the Hume Pipe with cable laying across the Railway track of Pune-Miraj Single Line Railway Section of Central Railway Authority. as defined in the bid document of viz SE/STRC/T- 56/(07-08) on work contract basis for contract price Rs. ------Lakh ( Rs. ------only) [ hereinafter ‘the Contract Price’]
- In this agreement works and expression shall have the same meaning as are respectively assigned to them in the conditions of the contract referred to.
- The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as a part of this agreement.
- Terms and Conditions specified in the Bid Document.
- Employer’s letter of acceptance. (LOA)
- In consideration of the payments to be made by the employer to the contractor as hereinafter mentioned. The Contractor hereby covenants with the employer to execute the contract and to remedy defects therein in conformity in all resects with the provision of the Contract.
- The Employer hereby convenience to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution of the contract and the remedying of defects therein, the contract price of such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the time in the manner proscribed by the contract.
In witnesseth whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance with their respective laws the day and year first above written.
M/s______Superintending Engineer ( STRC )
______Satara Circle
In presence of
Mr. ______Executive Engineer ( ADM )
Accounts Officer ( STRC )
Junior Engineer ( LPO )
1. Name & Full Address of the Registered firm : ------
TelePhone NO .Factory:- Office:- Residence :-
2. Whether the firm is proprietary or partner-ship. : Yes /No.
If yes mention full name of proprietor or partner : ------
who is authorize to sign the tender documents : ------
and agreement bonds.
3. SSI Registration No. [In case of S .S .I. Unit] : ------
4. Whether the firm has Sales Tax Registration : Yes /No.
If yes, B.S.T. NO./ C.S.T. No. :
5. If the firm registered for Work Contract tax : Yes /No.
If yes, registration No.
6. Agreed terms of the Tender
a. Time limit for supply of material/ execution of work.: ------
b. Validity of rates : ------
c. E. M. D. paid amount, : Rs.------
D. D. No./Receipt NO. enclosed with tender : ------
d. Ready to pay the Security Deposit as per condition. : ------
e. Terms of payment (The terms of payments will be : ------
as per tender condition, however the contractor ------
can quote his terms of payment which may
or may not be accepted by Company)
f. Penalty as per tender condition : ------
Seal & Signature of the Contractor.
Work :- Providing horizontal Bore, supply & fixing the Hume Pipe, G.I. Pipe with cable laying across the Railway track of Pune-Miraj Single Line Railway Section of Central Railway Authority.
Sr. No / Particulars / Units / Rate in Rs.Section -A
1 / Excavation of pit of suitable size on both side of track. / / Location
2 / Providing & laying of 150 mm dia. (6 in.) RCC Hume Pipe in excavated cable trench in passing cable through it. / Rmt
3 / Providing & laying of 150 dia (6 inch) ‘A’ Class G.I. Pipe in excavated cable trench in passing cable through it. / Rmt
4 / Laying, backfilling, of 11 kV XLPE Cable as per drawing approved by railway authorities. ( cable will be supplied by MSEDCL ) / Rmt.
5 / Drilling of railway brum by horizontal bore machine having 200 mm dia. ( 8 in. ) connecting both pits across the railway path for passing power cable. / Rmt.
6 / Providing & fixing cable route marker at ground level every five Meter length with specific manner as per Railway authority. / No.
Section –B
1 / Providing & fixing of 95mm XLPE heat shrinkable out door type power cable jointing kit to Cable with fixing the cable to erected D.P. structure for GFSS-I work / Kit.
2 / Providing & fixing of 185mm XLPE heat shrinkable out door type power cable jointing kit to Cable with fixing the cable to erected D.P. structure for GFSS-I work / Kit.
3 / Earthing of cable ends as per D.P. structures as per MSEDCL standard method of construction using C.I. pipe 100 mm dia. 6 ft length ( C.I. Pipe, salt, coal should be supplied by agency ) / No.
Taxes if any :- / Rate should be quoted including all taxes.
Quantity / As per work order of Sub Divisional Engineer.
Work Period / Six month from issue of firm order date.
Remarks if any :-
Seal & Signature of Tenderer.
Tender Notice MSEDCL Logo
The tenders are invited from authorised Electrical Contractors for Providing horizontal Bore, supply & fixing the Hume Pipe with cable laying with Supply & fixing of cable jointing kit at both end across the Railway track of Pune-Miraj Single Line Railway Section of Central Railway Authority
Tender No. / Tender value Rs Lakh / EMD Amount Rs.T-56/07-08 / 30.00 / 30000/-
Sale :- From 10.03.08 to 17.03.08 [11.00 to 4.00]Last Date of Submission:- 18.03.08[Upto 1.30 P.M.]Tender Opening Date :- 18.03.08[at 3.00 P.M. ] if possible. Tender form fees Rs. 1000/-. Tender forms are available at Cashier, Satara Circle. These Tender forms are also available on our website for which the Tender form fees to be paid before submitting the tender. It is to be noted that the tender form fees paid receipt no. and date should be mentioned on tender envelope.
S. E. Satara Circle.