Aerial and Terrestrial Locomotion:
Week: 2.11
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University / Leader: / Eva
Course: / AECL/BIO 365
Instructor: / Dr. Adams
Date: / 10-24-13
  1. Animals in flight face the same challenges as animals that swim – they must generate ______and ______while reducing/counteracting ______and______.
  1. ______states that an increase in in airspeed causes a decrease in pressure, thus resulting in more lift. Describe how this works:
  1. A bird’s wing is said to have ______, meaning it is thicker at the leading edge, and thin at the trailing edge. (teardrop shape) This helps to provide the lift as described above.
  1. Name three ways that a bird can produce lift:
  1. If the angle of the wing gets to be too large, > ______, lift is replaced by turbulence.
  1. The asymmetrical shape of the ______are curved in cross section (giving them camber) which causes high pressure in back and low pressure in front, helping in the ______movement.
  1. Birds must deal with the same types of instability in flight as fish do while swimming. How are they able to correct for roll, pitch and yaw?
  1. There are two types of flight that were discussed in class. Name and describe them below:
  1. Name and describe the types of soaring:
  1. Describe a “Flight Formation” and why my it be used?

11.  Terrestrial

  1. ______locomotion is also known as running. It involves three different foot postures – list and describe them below:

2.) The ratio of the ______to ______is known as the Lo/Li ratio. The ______is the part of the ulna projecting behind the elbow joint. The shorter the limb protrusion, the higher the ratio.

  1. Cursorial locomotion requires a ______Lo/Li ratio, whereas diggers require a ______Lo/Li ratio.
  1. There were five adaptations for speed that were introduced in lecture. Name at least three below:
  1. ______locomotion is more commonly known as jumping, and can be bipedal or quadrapedal.
  1. ______locomotion is a specialized form of bipedal locomotion.
  1. Climbing is also known as ______locomotion. This type of movement makes use of many different types of specialized structures to increase grip. Name at least three below:
  1. Adhesive ______on digits are a series of pads with many small hairs known as ______that bond with surfaces using ______.
  1. ______is a type of locomotion that is found in many, if not all, of the legless organisms.
  1. Name and describe the four different crawling types below:
  1. Digging is the final mode of terrestrial locomotion. Name four adaptations to digging below: