Christian Service Hours Reflection Project
(100 Points)
Reflection Due: (2ndsemester)
Projects may not be submitted prior to submission of the Christian Service Log-Sheets.
Project Guidelines: Create an art project (e.g., drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, photography), music, dramatic monologue, or video. In addition, write a brief reflection essayexplaining your creative project and include information about your supervisor(s) and the people who regularly serve the community in which you worked. The essay must be typed in the following format: 1” border, 12 point, Times New Roman font, double spaced,
Spring Semester Questions
Reflection: Reflect on the following questions. Use the reflection questions as the basis for your project.
1. Describe your project: what did you do, where, when, to whom you ministered etc. Include all general information about your project.
2. What did you learn about the people for whom you worked and ministered?
3. What did you learn from your experience in relation to Christ’s call and acting as a light for others?
4. What did you learn about God, reality, human nature, suffering, happiness and life?
5. What did you learn about yourself from your involvement in this project?
Your project must address each of these questions in order to receive full credit. If you were involved in several projects, reflect on and talk about what was most meaningful to you in each of the projects. Please refer to the questions above.
Reflection Project Grading: The project will be graded on the extent to which it is organized, is grammatically correct, answers the reflection questions, is creative, is thought-provoking and shows effort. It is worth 80 points.
Presentation Guidelines: In 3-5 minutes, your presentation should 1) describe your service project using the reflection questions as your focus and 2) close with a prayer of gratitude for your experience. It is worth 20 points.
Rubric outlining expectations:
Expectations, Standards, Competencies, and PointsCategory / Requirements / Exceeds Expectations / Meets Expectations / Does Not
Entirely Meet Expectations / Not Evident / Points Earned
Project Content & Organization: All projects must connect the student’s service experience to course content and show adherence to project guidelines. Essays must include an introduction, concrete examples, and conclusion. / 20 - 18 / 17 - 16 / 15 - 14 / 13
Project Grammar, Syntax & Spelling (for essays, based on what is written; for art projects, based on student’s grammar and word usage during verbal presentation) / 15 - 14 / 13 - 12 / 11 / 10
Project Reflection Questions: Answers all five (5) questions thoroughly and reflectively, citing or illustrating specific experiences to support answers / 25 - 23 / 22 - 18 / 17 / 16
Project Creativity: Project shows thought, reflection, and incorporates student talents / 20 - 18 / 17 - 16 / 15 - 14 / 13
Oral Presentation: 3 minutes, describes project(s) using reflection questions as focus, highlights insights gained and lessons learned while serving / 15 - 14 / 13 - 12 / 11 / 10
Oral Presentation: incorporates prayer of gratitude / 5 / 4 / 3-2 / 1
1st Day Submitted Late (-25pts)
Each Additional Day Late (-5pts) / --
Total Points / /100