PRESENT: Suellen Wilkinson, Warren Nash, Mickey Thompson
ALSO PRESENT: David Brewer, Joe Ham, Chris Gardner, Fire Chief Juliot, Major Keith Whitlow, Dave Hall, Michael Hall, Mary Ann Prestigiacomo, Vicki Glotzbach
Mrs. Wilkinson called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m.
Don Engle with William R. Engle Inc approached the board and requested a Street Cut Permit at W. 10th for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Project. He stated that they would like to get started as soon as possible.
Mr. Nash asked how long will it take.
Mr. Engle stated that it would take a couple of days weather permitting.
Mrs. Wilkinson asked Mr. Ham if he was aware of this project.
Mr. Ham stated that he was.
Mr. Nash moved to approve, Mrs. Wilkinson seconded, all voted in favor.
Item #1 - Valla Ann Marcus re: Bridge Opening Celebration
Mrs. Marcus explained that they are having a fundraiser for Brandon’s House at the Holiday Inn tomorrow from 6-8 p.m. She stated that they will have a live and silent auction and Jamie Abersold will be performing. She explained that they were looking for a way to turn the disaster with the bridge into something good for the city and they teamed up with Brandon’s House to do a bridge walk. She explained that they got a permit from Hall Construction who is doing the work on the bridge to walk down the middle lane but they couldn’t get permission from INDOT so they want to turn it into a bridge drive but they aren’t certain of the date. She asked that whenever the bridge opens and they removed the barricades that the police would acknowledge them and let them be the first to cross the bridge. She stated that this is an event to raise money for Brandon’s House and explained that the organization has authorized her to hire auxiliary police for tomorrow’s event.
Mrs. Wilkinson stated they do not have control over when they open the bridge and if they wanted to be there when they did to go across that would be their choice and responsibility.
Mrs. Marcus stated that this was just for informational purposes and not to get permission from the board.
Major Whitlow stated that they haven’t gotten any official notification on the bridge so it would be hard to guarantee anything for Mrs. Marcus. He explained that they auxiliary officers could be available tomorrow night but he isn’t sure off hand how many they would have.
Mrs. Wilkinson asked what the officers would be there for.
Mrs. Marcus stated that the event has gotten so big that she just feels they need to take this step for liability reasons.
Major Whitlow asked for Mrs. Marcus’ contact information and stated that he would call her after the meeting.
Item #2 - Bob Frederick re: Use of Boys and Girls club for voting
Mr. Frederick asked to use the Ekin Avenue Recreational Center for voting. He explained that they used it in the past when the Parks Department was in charge of it.
Mrs. Wilkinson asked who has keys to the center.
Mr. Thompson stated that he does.
Mr. Nash moved to approve, Ms. Wilkinson seconded, all voted in favor.
Item #3 - Dr. Larry Warren re: proposal to simplify traffic flow on Rainbow Dr.
Mr. Warren 3839 Dalebrook Drive asked to eliminate two stops signs. He presented a map to the board and explained that the signs in question are on west facing stop sign on the south side of Old Klerner in the middle of the block and an east facing stop sign on the north side of Rainbow. He explained that his reasoning for asking for this is that the east/west road is a main drag that goes from Charlestown Road to Klerner Lane and right now there isn’t a lot of traffic there because you can’t get through it but once they get the bridge opened there will be a lot of traffic created in this area. He explained that it is common knowledge that steady smooth driving is more economical then stop and go driving and the stop signs will interrupt this flow of traffic. He stated that they might be worried that traffic would start to move to fast if they removed those stop signs but he doesn’t believe that will be a problem since there is a 4-way stop just down the road.
Mr. Rosenbarger explained that they had a public meeting in 2009 regarding Rainbow Drive and one of the overwhelming concerns was the fact that they should not do anything that would increase speed. He explained that the current design has speed tables with crosswalks installed between the bridge and Muirfiel Drive. He stated that it is broken up into thirds and they rely on all those stop signs to provide a traffic calming measure while providing a safe place for pedestrians to walk. He explained that stop signs are not generally the best idea to control traffic so he believes Dr. Warren’s request warrants looking into to reexamine the area and now is a good time to do it, so he would recommend that they take this under advisement and bring it back in a couple of weeks.
Item #4 - Mohamed O Mohamed Salem re: Application for Cab Company
Mr. Salem explained that he has been a resident of New Albany for many years and he would like to request a license to start On-Time Cab Company as a good investment for the citizens of New Albany.
Mrs. Wilkinson stated that they did receive his application and it says that he would like to operate 4 vehicles. She explained that they do not have his insurance yet but she is sure that he would like to wait until it is approve to look into that.
Major Whitlow explained that the City Clerk’s office handles a lot of the administrative part of these permits but he has to get approval from the board before he can move forward.
Mrs. Wilkinson asked about the background check.
Mr. Salem explained that the ordinance requires each driver to have a background check and he has no problem getting one for himself.
Mrs. Wilkinson expressed concern over the quickness with which anyone can get a license to operate a cab in the city.
Major Whitlow stated that his interpretation would be that the final approval would be contingent upon the applicant getting all pertinent information to the City Clerk’s office. He stated that Mr. Salem would have to come to them to get the meters inspected.
Mrs. Wilkinson stated that they should hold off a week to gather more information.
Mr. Salem stated that he has provided everything that the ordinance requires including his financial statements showing that he is capable of running the company and business address for his offices. He stated that he cannot get the inspections on the meters or the insurance until it is approved by the board.
Mr. Thompson asked about the line on the back regarding a Public Hearing.
Mrs. Glotzbach stated that this is the meeting is the Public Hearing.
Mr. Brewer stated that from what he is hearing after the application is approved by the board he has 30 days to get all the other pertinent paperwork in order or the approval is null and void.
Mr. Thompson stated that it says that the Board of Works shall schedule Public Hearing.
Mrs. Wilkinson stated that the need to schedule a Public Hearing and they should be able to do so before the meeting next week.
Mr. Nash asked if Mr. Gibson was available to answer any questions. He asked about the addresses because there are two on the application, one being on Charlestown Road and one on Vincennes.
Mr. Salem explained that his office for the company would be at 1701 Charlestown Road and the depot and terminals would be 523 Vincennes St.
Major Whitlow stated that 1701 Charlestown Road is Little Tiger.
Mr. Salem stated that was correct and his office is in the back of the building.
Mr. Gibson explained that the current ordinance does not require a Public Hearing to issue a license and the application just needs to be updated.
Mrs. Wilkinson stated that she thinks they need tighter restrictions on this ordinance.
Mr. Gibson stated that they have to go through the application process which he did. He explained that if they want to take time to verify this information then they can but he did what was required of him by the ordinance.
Mr. Salem stated that he is just asking for permission to start the company. He still has to find the drivers, they have to go through the approval process, and he has to get insurance. He explained that he isn’t leaving here today and getting on the road. He stated that he has to get permission from the board to start the company before he can do any of these other things.
Mr. Gibson suggested that they approve subject to all the conditions of the ordinance.
Mr. Nash moved to approval under the condition that they provide proof of insurance, further review of the application, and compliance with the Police Department, Mr. Thompson seconded, all voted in favor.
Item #1 - Tammy Hogan/Paul Kiger re: Curb cut on the Midtown Project
Mr. Thompson recommended that the board approve this item. He stated that he spoke to Mr. Rosenbarger and he said that this was part of the Midtown Project and it will be taken care of by the contractor.
Mr. Nash asked if there was room where they were asking for the cut.
Mr. Thompson stated that there was.
Mr. Nash moved to approve, Mr. Thompson seconded, all voted in favor.
Item #2 - Randa Heavrin with Friends Salon re: Request for handicapped parking sign and 3 reserved parking signs for customers.
Mr. Thompson stated that he spoke with traffic and was told that as there is room and it is not taking away from someone else’s parking then it is okay. He stated that the Street Department will go back and paint in the spaces.
Ms. Heavrin asked if that means it is yes and if they could get a time frame.
Mr. Thompson stated that they will get signs and the painting done as soon as weather permits.
Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mr. Nash seconded, all voted in favor.
Item #3 - Chief Knight re: request to revoke Checker Cab’s Taxi License
Major Whitlow explained that they have been working with the owner of Checker Cab for the last week to bring everything up-to-date. He stated that he is working with Mr. Ingram from Weights and Measures regarding the inspections of the meters and asked Mr. White to come forward and speak to the board regarding what all they have done in the last week.
Mr. White offered an apology to the city on behalf of his company. He stated that since last Tuesday they have taken out the seats of all of their cabs and thoroughly cleaned them and they are now waiting for inspection by the city. He explained that he personally brought all of his drivers to the clerk’s office to renew or begin the permit process and they are currently waiting on several drug test results.
Major Whitlow stated that Chief Knight asked that once Checker Cab was in compliance that the board gives them a probationary license so that they can resume operations in order to make some money and they will continue to monitor their progress to ensure that they uphold their side of the agreement.
Mr. White stated that he really appreciates all the help from the Police Department and it would really help their drivers out if they could get back out on the street to be able to support their families.
Major Whitlow stated that once they have went through all the inspections with the city and continued to progress to be in compliance with the ordinance they will come back with a status report for the board to then make a decision if they want to fully reinstate their license with no probation.
Mr. Nash moved to approve a temporary taxi permit subject to the condition that they be closely monitored by the Police Department with updates given to the board on their progress, Mr. Thompson seconded, all voted in favor.
Item #1 - Jacobi, Toombs and Lanz, Inc. 2012 Contract
Item #2 - Mt. Tabor Road Improvement Project (Grant Line to Charlestown) – BLN Supplemental Agreement No. 1
Mr. Wilkinson introduced Chris Gardner the new Superintendent of Flood Control and welcomed him to the city.
Ms. Prestigiacomo presented claims in the amount of $4,062,070.73
General Fund Only $250,034.05
Parks Department $20,702.03
Street Department $13,169.31
Other Bank 1 Funds $70,464.78
Payroll Claims (Bank 2) $354,370.17
Redevelopment (Bks-6,9,A,G,H,I,T) $847,479.60
Medical/Drug Claim (Bank L) $1,624.14
Total all other Banks (Bank 111) $14,830.00
Sanitation Claims $187,807.96
Total Sewer Utility $836,308.39
Total: $4,062,070.73
Mr. Nash asked about the AML claim.
Mr. Brewer stated that it is Arthur M. Libs Contracting.
Ms. Prestigiacomo stated that they are no longer going to be using the green bar sheets so they should be able to get the claims to the City Clerk’s office in order for them to go out in the packets before the meeting.
Mrs. Wilkinson stated that they are going to need a little more information on the claims than just this sheet with the totals.
Mrs. Prestigiacomo stated that they could print out a separate report that would go along with it to show the claims by vendor.