PSPID Conversion Variables and their uses

Document Type:TechNote


Version(s):Selectseries 4+

Original Author:Steve Morrow

These variables are used to modify the usage of the PSPID conversion utility. We will explain the following variables and their usage.


Using an Alternate Class Name from a JSM property

Normally PSPID defines different class names for each component type. These class names are defined in the conversion xml files:

  • PSPid_ansi_Conversion.01.01.ecschema.xml
  • PSPid_iso_Conversion.01.01.ecschema.xml

In some PSPID configurations only one class is defined for an entire component type; EQUIP

  • EQUIP would be used for all types of equipment: pumps, vessels, heat exchangers…
  • This dialog shows that Generic class EQUIP with specific name PUM08 stored in NAME property

When these types of PSPID configurations are done, the specific type is stored in a property on the JSM object. To retrieve this specific type, the name of the property must be defined. The variable can be set in the pid.cfg or in the project.pcf file

The following is an example of the override:


The variable value defined in the JSM property (PUM08) would have to be added to the classes in the conversion XML file:

Defining an alternate JSM unique idenifer property name

Each PSPID component has a unique ID. This ID is usually stored in the property: COMP_ID

Some PSPID configurations define this property with a different name. The variable can be set in the pid.cfg or in the project.pcf file.

The following is an example of the override:


Bypass converting of Tag text

PSPID converts tag text to OPPID text. This could cause issues if there is no valid mapping. The variable can be set in the pid.cfg or in the project.pcf file. The default is 1

The following is an example of the override:


Defining an allowed amount of elements for exclusion from conversion

The PSPID conversion is triggered on two conditions

  1. No embedded OPPID values are not found in drawing
  2. The drawing contains elements

To allow for existing elements, such as predefined borders, legends, company logos… (Most of the time defined in the seed file) the existing pid.cfg variable value must be modified. The default is 10.

This also applies to a drawing that needs to be converted. With the current configuration variable, a drawing that is expected to be converted, with only has 2 items will not convert. The variable value would need to be set to 0or 1

The following is an example of the override:


Suppressing the Settings dialog for conversions.

In the pid.cfg or specific project pcf, set the follow variable to 1

The following is an example of the override:


Changing the JSM class for pipe runs.

In the pid.cfg or specific project pcf, set the follow variable for the class name used for pipe runs.

The current default is PID_RUN

The following is an example of the override:


Changing the JSM class for Pipe data.

In the pid.cfg or specific project pcf, set the follow variable for the class name used to store the pipe data. The current default is PIPE.

The following is an example of the override: