AEEM 462 Integrated Spacecraft EngineeringDate Prepared: Feb 2, 2004

Catalog data: / 20-AEEM-462. Integrated Spacecraft Engineering 3 cr. Application of fundamentals earned in previous courses to the design and construction of a simple device or system, to meet specified design objectives. Formal documentation/presentation of results. One class hour/wk for introduction, discussion of approaches, problems and progress reports. Two hours/wk design and/or fabrication in lab. Students spend time normally devoted to homework with design and construction. The formation of the groups and definition of projects will consider the senior options students wish to take.
Prerequisites: / 15-MATH-251 - 254 (Calculus I through IV); 15-MATH-273 Differential Equations; 20-ENFD-101, 102, 103 (Mechanics I, II, III), 20-AEEM-111 Intro to Spacecraft Eng
Textbook: / Space Mission Analysis and Design, J.R. Wertz and W.J. Larson, 3rd edition, Microcosm/Kluwer, 1999
References: / None.
Coordinator: / Trevor Williams, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 735 Rhodes, 556-3221
Course Objectives:
The student will be able to /
  1. Determine suitable orbits and required maneuvers, & simulate the resulting groundtracks [a, k]
  2. Identify a suitable launch vehicle, & calculate the on-orbit propellant required for the mission [a, e]
  3. Determine mass and power budgets for the spacecraft for the specified mission [c, j]
  4. Produce a physical layout of the spacecraft [c, e]
  5. Perform a preliminary design of an attitude control system (active, passive, or semi-active) [c, k]
  6. Design a power system, sizing both solar arrays & batteries for the given mission [c,e,k]
  7. Use link budget analysis to design a spacecraft uplink and downlink communication system [e, j]
  8. Perform a preliminary spacecraft thermal analysis & design a suitable thermal control system [a, e, k]
  9. Perform a preliminary spacecraft cost analysis [h, j]
  10. Experience participation in a design team effort [d]
  11. Make a professional presentation as a team to a panel of faculty members [g]

Topics Covered: / Discussions of the design process and constraints and design tradeoffs; orbital maneuvers analysis; launch vehicle options; mass and power budget analysis; effects of the space environment on the spacecraft; attitude control hardware options; propulsion systems; energy budgets for batteries; communication system: data rates and link budgets; thermal analysis: effects of external properties vs. active thermal control; parametric cost analysis; intermediate report preparation and presentation of results.
Computer usage: / Satellite ToolKit
Prof. Experience: / Mathematics; Engineering; Design Experience
AEEMObjectives: / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
ABET Criteria Addressed: /
  • Know how to apply engineering, science and mathematical tools [a]
  • Demonstrate the ability to design a spacecraft and its components and estimate its cost [c, e]
  • Be able to work on assigned projects in teams [d]
  • Be able to communicate results of projects in both oral and written reports [g]
  • Be able to use existing orbital analysis packages and write computer programs to accomplish project objectives [k]
  • Be able to perform a preliminary spacecraft cost analysis [h, j]

Instrument of Assessment

Course Name: Integrated Spacecraft Engineering Course # AEEM-462 Quarter______Instructor______

Outcome / Objective / HW / Quiz / Mid-Term / Final / Report / Oral / % ofStud. with C and above / Comments
a)An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to problems in the aerospace disciplines
b)An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
c)An ability to design an aerospace system, component, or process to meet desired needs
d)An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
e)An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems in the aerospace disciplines
f)An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g)An ability to communicate effectively in written and oral presentation
h)The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context
i)A recognition of the need for an ability to engage in life-long learning
j)A knowledge of contemporary issues through participation in a general education program
k)An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
l)Enhanced understanding of the relationship between theory and professional practice through the cooperative education experience
m)The opportunity to specialize and to participate in a research experience


1)Please attach a list of assignments, quizzesand exams.

2)Please add comments or concerns regarding the present assessment.

3)Please provide any comments or suggestions for improvement.