World War II World Hist. II

Nov/Dec, 2015 Mr. Aiello

The Second World War

Unit Syllabus

World History II

Overview of Curriculum/Thematic introduction to the course

Enduring understandings for all 8 units

United States

EU #1 The United States gradually became a global superpower.

EU #2 Changing demographics, technology, and government shaped American society.

World History

EU #3 The principle of self-determination has shaped world history.

EU #4 Increasing interconnectedness has produced conflict and cooperation.

Essential Questions:

1) What were the causes of WWII?

2) How did the Allied Powers defeat the Axis Powers?

3) What were the effects of WWII on civilian populations?

4) What were the immediate effects after WWII?

5) What causes genocide?

Night Homeplay Assignment

Monday, Nov. 16 Read World History (green) Ch. 26:2.

Tuesday, Nov. 17 Read W.H. Ch. 26:3 and complete your Symbols.

Wednesday Nov. 18 Read W.H. Ch. 27 pages 881 – 890.

Thursday, Nov. 19 Read W.H. Ch. 28:1.

Friday, Nov. 20 Read American Republic (blue) pages 587 – 588 and Ch. 19:4.

Monday, Nov. 23 Read W.H. Ch. 28:2.

Tuesday, Nov. 24 Read A.H. Ch. 20:1 & 2.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Monday, Nov. 30 Read A.H. Ch. 20:3.

Tuesday, Dec. 1 Read W.H. Ch. 28:3

Thursday, Dec. 3 Read W.H. Ch. 28:4.

Monday, Nov. 30 Read A.R. Ch. 20:5.

Friday, Dec. 4 Read “Total War in the Twentieth Century” and complete the questions.

Monday, Dec. 7 Complete your preparations for the Atomic Bomb Debate.

Tuesday, Dec. 8 Read “Epilogue” and complete the questions.

Wednesday, Dec. 9 Study for the Unit Test tomorrow. Complete your Binder!

Thursday, Dec. 10 Begin to get your notes and study material organized.

Friday, Dec. 11 Begin studying for the semester exam!

Monday, Dec. 14 Study for the semester exam!

Tuesday, Dec. 15 Study for the semester exam!

The Social Studies Semester Exam will be on Wednesday, Dec. 16 at 8:20

World War II Unit

Reading Questions for Binder

Monday, Nov. 16 W.H. Ch. 26:2

1. Define: collectivization

2. How did Mussolini gain control of Italy so soon after World War I?

3. What skills enabled Stalin to gain control of the Soviet Union?

4. Why did the Soviet Union and Germany choose to become involved in the Spanish Civil War?

Tuesday, Nov. 17 W.H. Ch. 26:3

1. Define: anti-Semitism; Lebensraum; Nuremburg Laws; Kristallnacht.

2. How did World War I influence a young Adolf Hitler?

3. Why did the NSDAP appeal to so many German voters in 1932?

4. How did the Nazis gain total control of Germany after 1933?

5. How did Hitler solve Germany’s unemployment problems?

Wednesday, Nov. 18 W.H. Ch. 27 pages 881 – 890.

1. What role did economic issues play in the rise of militant forces in Japan?

2.  How did the meaning of the term westernization change in Asia? Why is that significant?

3. Why did the Nationalists and Communists form an alliance in 1923?

4. How did Jiang Jieshi’s style of running China make Mao’s cause more popular?

Thursday, Nov. 19 W.H. Ch. 28:1

1. Define: appeasement; Anschluss

2. Why did the other European nations not stop Hitler when he directly violated the Treaty of Versailles?

3. What happened at the Munich Conference? Why?

4. In what two ways did fear of the spread of communism play a role in the expansion of Japan in Asia?

5. What was the real motive behind Japanese expansion in the 1930s?

Friday, Nov. 20 A.H. pages 587 – 588 and Ch. 19:4

1. Summarize the isolationist’s arguments for the U.S. staying out of the War as long as possible.

2.  Did FDR “push” America into World War II? Explain.

Monday, Nov. 23 W.H. Ch. 28:2

1. Define: blitzkrieg; Luftwaffe; Stalingrad; Midway; D-Day.

2. What was Hitler’s error in thinking about his assault against Britain?

3.  Why did Germany wait until June to invade the Soviet Union?

4.  What two mistakes did the Axis leaders make concerning bringing the United States into the war?

5.  What was the turning point in the European theater, and the turning point in the Pacific theater of the war? Why were those battles so significant?

6.  Why did President Truman decide to use the atomic bombs?

Tuesday, Nov. 24 A.R. (blue) Ch. 20:1 & 2

1. Define: cost-plus; Liberty ship; disfranchise; War Production Board.

2.  Describe the manner in which the Reconstruction Finance Corporation helped private industry gear up for war.

3.  What was the “Double V” campaign?

4.  What was the significance of the “Doolittle Raid” on both Japan and the U.S.?

5.  Why was the Battle of Midway a ‘turning point’ in the war in the Pacific?

6.  Why was the Battle of Stalingrad a ‘turning point’ in the war in Europe?

Monday, Nov. 30 A.R. Ch. 20:3

1. Define: Bracero Program; zoot suit; rationing; E bonds.

2.  Why did so many women and minorities get good jobs during the war?

3.  What were the Zoot Suit Riots?

4.  What did the Court rule in Korematsu v. United States?

5.  How did the OPA and the OES attempt to control inflation?

Tuesday, Dec. 1 W.H. Ch. 28:3

1. Define: Einsatzgruppen.

2.  How did Hitler differentiate between the conquered people of Europe?

3.  Explain two ways that the Germans and the Japanese held similar views about how they treated the countries and people they defeated.

Thursday, Dec. 3 W.H. Ch. 28:4

1. Define: kamikaze; the Blitz

2.  Why did Hitler not put the Germany economy into total war mobilization until July 1944?

3.  Why were almost 20 million civilians killed during World War II?

4.  What significant agreements were made at the Teheran Conference?

5.  What important decision was made at the Yalta Conference?