How The Double J Farm Herd Share Program Works

The cost of each share of the dairy herd is $50.00 this is a one time charge to buy ownership into the dairy herd. If you ever want to stop the program Joe Streit will buy your shares back at the same $50.00 price.

As long as you own shares you pay a monthly boarding fee of $30.00 per share for the up keep of your share of the herd. This fee is not connected to the milk and must be paid even if you choose not to pickup your milk.

Your dividend is one gallon of raw milk per week for each share you own. Herd share owners have the privilege of purchasing additional products. The charge for these products is for the labor and expense of producing it. The milk used to make these products is part of your herd share dividend. We have butter - yogurt - cream and sour cream.

Dairy products must be picked up at the farm. Herd share owners that live a distance from the farm have formed groups and one person in the group picks up for every one in the group. We will help you team up with a group if you choose. Each herd share owner must select a day of the week to pick up your milk. The pick up area is open 24/7. When you pickup your milk you must mark off your name that is on a list on the cooler door. THIS STEP IS VERY IMPORTANT. If you are unable to pick up your milk on your selected day we will put your name on your milk and place it on an upper shelf in the cooler. If you give a 24hr notice we will not jug your milk and you can make it up at a later date or take other products instead. If you come for your milk late you MUST TAKE THE MILK WITH YOUR NAME ON IT.

There is a contract that must be signed if you have further interest we can e-mail a copy of the contract to you. If you would like to tour the farm e- mail or call my cell 513 284 7330 to make an appointment. We will give you a free 1 gallon of raw milk to try. THANK YOU Joe Streit.