From: McDonald, Anita Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 12:43 PM To: 'Marcia Newell'; 'Nicholas Moore'; 'Mary Walker' Cc: 'Lydia Vandenbergh'; 'Jeremy Bean'; Luchini, John B; TAYLOR, LISA J Subject: Support for the formation of the Penn State DuBois Green Team Importance: High

Dear Mary, Marcia and Nicholas.

I first want to thank all of you for your efforts in forming a Green Team for the campus including a well formulated mission statement. As we move forward, I hope that you will find effective ways to share the mission and goals of the group with the entire campus and greater DuBois communities.

I’d also like to thank you for agreeing to lead the Penn State DuBois Green Team and eventually encouraging other members of your team to participate in the Green Paws program. As you know, Penn State's strategic plan intends for sustainability to play a key role in operations and the curriculum. Many of our campus constituents already practice these principles. However, we are hoping to increase awareness and our level of participation in green practices. Forming this team also gives us formal recognition in the University as these teams are registered and awarded certificates when they complete various levels of the Green Paws program. We are looking forward to working closely with Jeremy Bean from the Penn State Campus Sustainability Office to help us build on our successes.

You will serve as the initial/founding Green Team for our campus. As our comfort level increases, we certainly envision several Green Paw Teams being formed.

It will be exciting to see the impact and outcome measures of the projects implemented as we track and compare how much we spend on energy in 2012 versus the previous few years. Some of those measures should include how much less we use paper through duplex printing, how much more we recycled and several other measures as appropriate.

Lastly, a goal high on our list of priorities is the installation of a hydration station in one of our buildings because of the significant impact it will have on reducing waste and money. Knowing that it takes about a barrel of oil to make 2000 water bottles will empower students to use the station because they will know that a simple act can be beneficial to them and the environment.

In closing, I’d also like to provide the Green Team with a startup budget of $500. These funds can be requested as needed from the Chancellor’s Office.

Good Luck!

Anita D. McDonald


Penn State DuBois

College Place

DuBois, PA 15801-3199

(814) 375-4705