JUNE 2-5, 2008
(2nd Breakout Session of Thursday, June 5, 2008)
Dean R. Larson, PhD., CEM
Visiting Assistant Professor
Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN
David A. McIntire, PhD.
Associate Professor, Emergency Administration and Planning
University of North Texas, Denton, TX
Rick Sylves, PhD.
Department of Political Science, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
William L. Waugh, Jr., PhD
Public Administration, Urban Studies, and Political Science, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
Carol Cwiak, J.D.
Faculty/Internship Coordinator
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
Prepared by:
Steven Zurlo
Master of Science student in Disaster Medicine and Management
Philadelphia University: Philadelphia, PA
This breakout session included several new texts that are available for use by both educators and disaster response and recovery students and providers. The panel discussed the importance of understanding the new materials that are available in order to teach and develop appropriate curriculums and protocol for preparing our nation and its responders to emergency and disaster situations. Each author briefly described their book and the relevant information contained within.
Implementing NFPA 1600: National Preparedness Standard by Dr. Dean R. Larson
This is a new handbook with an accompanying CD-ROM for forms. It is based on the 2007 edition of NFPA 1600. Current work on the 2010 version is to make it more user friendly.
Management guidelines- moving from what program should look like to include how to do it. The Prologue discusses the Editor, Authors, and Contributors. It has many revisions that include the following chapters:
Chapter 2: Program Development
Chapter 3: Risk Assessment
Chapter 4: Prevention and Mitigation
Chapter 5: Resource Management
Chapter 6 & 9: Emergency Operations
Chapter 7: Business Continuity
Chapter 8: Crisis Communications
Chapter 10: Managing the Incident
Chapter 11: Training, Drills, and Exercises
Chapter 12: Program Evaluation
Additional: more than 2 dozen forms on CD
Available from NFPA:
1-800-344-3555 (USA)
1-617-770-3000 (outside USA)
10% discount for NFPA members
Introduction to Homeland Security: Understanding Terrorism with an Emergency Management Perspective by Dr. David A. McIntire
Through Terrorism and Emergency Management courses offered prior to 9/11 by the author, he felt current literature dealt with terror and terrorism actors and military response- but that reality was not recognized. The terrorism threat is not fully comprehended
This book is written for students, scholars, and practitioners and has integrated research from many disciplines. Chapters include:
Chapter 1: Impact of 9/11
Threat of terrorism
Mature of homeland security
Role of emergency management
Chapter 2: Definitions of terrorism
Chapter 3: Historical causes of terrorism
Us foreign policy
Politics, political systems and political structures
Chapter 4: Terrorists and terrorist organizations
Classification of terrorist
Chapter 5: Appearance of terrorism
Evolution of terrorism
Chapter 6: Terrorists’ use of media
Media’s interest in terrorism
Gov involvement in public information
Chapter 7: War, terrorism, and law
Security and liberty
Cases and concerns
Chapter 8: Root causes
Policy and legislation
Border control
Chapter 9: Assessing threats
Building design and construction
Zoning and setback requirements
Chapter 10: Importance of preparedness
Chapter 11: Safety and security
Search and rescue, medical care, triage
Chapter 12: Assessing damages
Chapter 13: The future of terrorism
Radiological weapons
Accountability in homeland security
Final thoughts
Terrorist attacks are both similar to and different than other disasters. This book should help to highlight these concepts in order to better prepare our military, emergency responders, and citizens.
Available at: http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-047012752X.html
Disaster Policy and Politics by Dr. Rick Sylves
This book is designed for masters’ level and upper division undergraduate students and the work is a political science oriented treatment of the field of emergency management and disaster policy. This is a needed vehicle for faculty designing emergency management education programs. It seeks to empower more professors to teach disaster policy and emergency management. This work will help build political science academic legitimacy for the field and study of emergency management and disaster policy. Chapters included:
Chapter 1: Disaster management in the United States
Chapter 2: Disaster management and theories of public management
Chapter 3: Historical trends in disaster man
Chapter 4: Understanding disaster policy through presidential disaster declarations
Chapter 5: The role of scientists and engineers
Chapter 6: Intergovernmental relations in disaster policy
Chapter 7: Civil-military relations and national security
Chapter 8: Globalization of disasters
Chapter 9: Conclusions and the future
Additional: Discussion questions for each chapter to be sent free of charge by visiting course support website.
www.peripresdecusa.org showcases a history of all declarations from 1953-2008 for major disasters and emergencies in the United States.
Available at: http://www.cqpress.com/product/Disaster-Policy-and-Politics-Emergency.html
ICMA Principles and Practices of Emergency Management Green Book by William L. Waugh, Jr.
The 1991 ICMA green book on emergency management has been the standard for practitioner handbooks and textbooks in the field of emergency management. This is an updated version with new content for the ever changing world environment we live in. It is a hope that this volume also reflects changes in the profession of emergency management. The volume includes:
Part One: context and Organization of Emergency Management
Chapter 1: Local Emergency Management in the Post 9/1 World
Chapter 2: Local Emergency Management: Origins and Evolution
Chapter 3: Organizing for Emergency Management
Chapter 4: The Intergovernmental Aspects of Emergency Management
Chapter 5: Collaborative Emergency Management
Part Two: Functions and Phases of Emergency management
Chapter 6: Mitigation
Chapter 7: Planning and Preparedness
Chapter 8: Applied Response Strategies
Chapter 9: Disaster Response
Chapter 10: The Role of the Health Sector in Planning and Response
Chapter 11: Post Disaster Recovery
Part Three: Major Issues in Emergency Management
Chapter 12: Legal issues
Chapter 13: Identifying and Addressing Social Vulnerabilities
Chapter 14: New Information Technologies in Emergency Management
Chapter 15: Budgeting for Emergency Management
Chapter 16: Future Directions in Emergency Management
This book can be obtained at the ICMA bookstore. Http://bookstore.icma.org
Emergency Management Professionals-Body of Knowledge Survey 2008 by Carol Cwiak
This is an annual survey sent to colleges and universities that have disaster management degrees. The purpose is to determine which texts are most commonly used and are felt to be the top ten “must reads” for emergency management students and professionals. Responses were from undergraduate and graduate certificate and degree programs. A brief synopsis follows:
44 responses received (n=39)
340 total selections
208 list entries total
48% were specific to one respondent (single entries)
Books rated in the highest rankings listed (bolds are first time appearing)
Body of Knowledge 2008 / Number of Times Selected / Percentage of RespondentsSelected
1 / Emergency Planning (Perry & Lindell) / 16 / 41%
2 / Introduction to Emergency Management (Haddow & Bullock) / 12 / 31%
3 / Disasters By Design: A Reassessment of Natural Disasters in the U.S.(Mileti)
Emergency Management: Concepts and Strategies for Effective Programs (Canton)
Emergency Management: The American Experience (Rubin) / 9 / 23%
4 / Introduction to Emergency Management (Lindell, Prater & Perry) / 8 / 21%
5 / The 9/11 Commission Report / 7 / 18%
6 / Emergency Management Principles and Practices for Local Government*(Waugh & Tierney) / 6 / 15%
7 / At Risk: Natural Hazards, People’s Vulnerability and Disasters (Wisner, et al.)
Disaster Response and Recovery (McEntire)
Facing the Unexpected: Disaster Preparedness and Response in the U.S.(Tierney, Lindell, Perry)
Living with Hazards, Dealing with Disasters (Waugh)
National Response Framework (NRF)
Technology in Emergency Management (Pine) / 5 / 13%
8 / NIMS
The Edge of Disaster (Flynn) / 4 / 10%
The entire report can be found at: http://www.training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/edu/readinglist.asp
This paper represents the individual selection authors’ views and highlights of their materials presented. This is not a full description of content but is meant to give an overview of new emergency management materials being published. For further information or more in depth subject matter the actual texts should be consulted.