General Administration

CAGoals and Objectives

The goal of school administration is to create an environment in which all students can demonstrate continuous academic improvement. The superintendent must possess leadership qualities which motivate all staff members to improve the educational program and to attain the board’s goals and objectives. The superintendent, with the board’s direction, shall endeavor to mobilize and coordinate available resources to develop an educational program designed to maintain continuous academic improvement and full state accreditation in all schools.

Approved: June 13, 1988; 5/11/15


An educational administrator’s professional behavior must conform to an ethical code. The code must be idealistic and at the same time practical, so that it can apply reasonably to all educational administrators. The administrator acknowledges that the schools belong to the public they serve for the purpose of providing educational opportunities to all. However, the administrator assumes responsibility for providing professional leadership in the school and community. This responsibility requires the administrator to maintain standards of exemplary professional conduct. It must be recognized that the administrator’s actions will be viewed and appraised by the community, professional associates, and students. To these ends, the administrator subscribes to the following statements of standards. The educational administrator:

  1. Makes the well being of students the fundamental value of all decision making and actions.
  1. Fulfills professional responsibilities with honesty and integrity.
  1. Supports the principle of due process and protects the civil and human rights of all individuals.
  1. Obeys local, state, and national laws and does not knowingly join or support organizations that advocate, directly or indirectly, the overthrow of the government.
  1. Implements the governing board of education’s policies and administrative rules and regulations.
  1. Pursues appropriate measures to correct those laws, policies, and regulations that are not consistent with sound educational goals.
  1. Avoids using positions for personal gain through political, social, religious, economic, or other influence.
  1. Accepts academic degrees or professional certification only from duly accredited institutions.
  1. Maintains the standards and seeks to improve the effectiveness of the profession through research and continuing professional development.
  1. Honors all contracts until fulfillment or release.

Approved: February 8, 1999

CCDistrict Organizational Chart

CDLine and Staff Relations

For the purpose of this policy, line and staff administrators are those administrative employees who are responsible for discharging the various functions of the district at the building level, (Cf. CC Organizational Chart), and who are concerned with the management of auxiliary activities and who serve as an advisory or consulting capacity to the superintendent.

Both line and staff administrative employees are ultimately responsible to the board for the conduct of their official duties. Staff administrators will act as advisors and resource persons to all line administrators but may, at the discretion of the superintendent or board, exert direct administrative control over line administrators.

Approved: October 14, 1985

CD-RLine and Staff Relations

The superintendent’s designated representative has the authority to administer district programs assigned by the superintendent. These responsibilities may include direct supervision of line administrators or, in some instances, line administrators may be required to report directly to the superintendent’s designated representative.

Approved: May 14, 1990

CESchool Superintendent

The superintendent shall be the chief administrative officer of the school system and shall have, under the direction of the board, general supervision of all of the public schools and of all the personnel and various personnel departments of the school district. The superintendent is responsible for the management of the schools under the board policies and is accountable to the board.

The superintendent, at his/her discretion, may delegate to other school personnel the exercise of any powers and the discharge of any duties imposed upon the superintendent by these policies or by vote of the board. The delegation of power or duty, however, shall not relieve the superintendent of responsibility for the action taken under such delegation.

Approved: February 8, 1999


The superintendent shall possess, or be eligible for, a Kansas district leadership license.

Approved: June 13, 1988; 4/13/15


The superintendent is the chief administrative officer of the board and has charge of the administration of the schools under the direction of the board.

The job of the superintendent, the chief administrative officer, is a group of related tasks, each of which requires special knowledge, information, concepts, abilities and skills. These tasks are grouped into four kinds of responsibilities. The superintendent is a generalist whose responsibilities apply in all areas of operation. The superintendent must view the educational program in its entirety. All tasks must be accomplished so that the whole school system functions with balance and precision. For the superintendent there is no order of priority of responsibility.

In discharging responsibilities, the superintendent works through a problem- solving process. Since time is a component of any process, the superintendent works through time or sequence. In the solution of any problem the superintendent is conscious of the past, the transition period and the future.

The superintendent shall have the following duties:

  1. Exercising general supervision over the operation of all schools in the district.
  1. Supervising the administration of all school policies.
  1. Attending all regular and special meetings of the board and participating in the deliberations without the privilege of presenting or seconding motions, or voting.
  1. Preparing, under the direction of the board, the agenda for all board meetings.
  1. Reporting regularly to the board regarding instruction, budget, staff, pupil population, school plant, and other school problems so that the members of the board may keep informed about school operations and problems.

CEB Duties

  1. Recommending for the board new policies or revisions of previously adopted policy.
  1. Assisting the board in evaluating the effectiveness of general or specific areas of the school program.
  1. Developing new and dynamic plans for the operation of schools, giving special attention to the program of instruction, budget, staff, pupil population and physical plant.
  1. Recommending to the board the election of professional staff members for original employment with all recommendations made based on the selection of the best person available for the position to be filled.
  1. Assigning professional staff members to specific positions and reassigning them as conditions warrant the changes. Reassignment involving change in salary status shall be submitted to the board for approval.
  1. Recommending the employment of non-certified staff such as secretarial and clerical personnel, custodial and maintenance workers, food service employees.
  1. Directing the adjustment of personnel relationships and problems pertaining to personnel, referring to the board only such problems as would necessitate board action.
  1. Suspending any professional or non-certified employee whose personal conduct or ineffectiveness in their position makes continued employment contrary to the best interest of the district. The superintendent shall notify the board, in writing, within twenty-four hours of a suspension and further action will be the board’s responsibility. Suspension should be invoked only in extreme and acute cases or moral laxity, inefficiency, or unbecoming conduct.
  1. Delegating the responsibility of the supervision of an inservice education program for professional staff members and for non-certified employees where it is deemed advisable.
  1. Supervising the preparation of the general budget for the operation of the schools and presenting it to the board for approval as a financial plan of operation in accordance with the statutes of the state.

CEB Duties

  1. Administering the budget in keeping with the statutes and board policy.
  1. Recommending improvement and expansion in school plant facilities as needs become evident.
  1. Informing the patrons and taxpayers of the school district accurately and continuously about the program of the schools, interpreting the schools to the public and the public to the schools.
  1. Coordinating all educational and business functions of the total school program.

Approved: February 8, 1999

CECSuperintendent Recruitment

The superintendent search presents the board with an opportunity to recruit individuals who will implement the board's goals. The board shall establish an orderly procedure for employing a superintendent that conforms to generally accepted ethical and legal standards and minimizes misunderstanding in the community. The process should allow the board ample opportunity to evaluate a number of candidate’s qualifications whose professional training and experience meet district needs. The board may solicit applications from qualified staff members and may list the vacancy with placement offices.

The board may select a professional search service who shall screen all applications and recommend finalists to the board for interviews. The board shall interview selected candidates. Board members may visit each finalist’s district.

Approved: June 13, 1988; 4/13/15


The superintendent will be offered a one, two or three year contract of employment, renewable annually.

Approved: February 8, 1999


The superintendent’s contract will be considered for renewal at the meeting of the board of education in January.

Approved: February 8, 1999

CEECompensation and Benefits

The board shall annually determine the superintendent’s compensation and benefits. Compensation shall be based on recent performance and the superintendent’s ability to carry out board policy.

Approved: 1/12/87; August 11, 2003

CEFExpense Reimbursement

The superintendent’s use of a district motor vehicle and a district credit card shall be confined to necessary school business. The board shall annually prescribe limits and restrictions on the use of credit cards and shall monitor monthly receipts and reimbursement expenses.

All rewards points or cash back payments earned using district credit cards are district property and shall be either applied to future district credit card purchases or remitted to the district treasurer for accounting and deposit.

Expenses for district travel in personal vehicles or extended travel incurred in the performance of official duties shall be reimbursed in accordance with the provisions of GAN.

Approved: 3/11/85; 7/9/01; September 9, 2002; 8/10/15

CEFATravel Expense

The use of district credit cards shall be confined to necessary school business and reported monthly to the board. Employees shall turn in receipts to the clerk of the board following any usage of the credit card. District credit cards shall not be used for personal use. Violations of this policy may be grounds for discipline up to and including termination. Expenses for extended travel incurred in the performance of official duties shall be reimbursed in accordance with the provisions of GAN.

Approved: October 11, 1999

CEGStaff Development Opportunities

The superintendent shall keep updated on new educational practices by: study, visiting other districts, attendance at educational conferences and other means as approved by the board.

Approved: January 12, 1987


The board shall adopt an evaluation system that provides a basis for formal evaluation of the superintendent’s performance. The system may include the evaluation form used and the process necessary to complete the form.

The board may evaluate the superintendent using the evaluation form in accordance with current legal requirements for the first four years of employment and annually for the term of the superintendent’s employment.

The superintendent’s evaluation shall be confidential and be made available only to the board, the superintendent and others as provided by law. The evaluation instrument shall be on file at the district office with the clerk. Any revisions in the evaluation system shall include input from the superintendent.

Approved: 8/14/00; 7/12/04; March 10, 2008

CEI-REvaluation (Cf. CGI,GBI)

Purpose of Superintendent Evaluation – The evaluation of the superintendent by the board shall accomplish the following:

 Provide an opportunity for the board and superintendent to periodically meet and discuss the superintendent’s performance and the district’s management

 Review, clarify and discuss the immediate and long-term goals for the district and the superintendent

 Establish, clarify and discuss the major functions, responsibilities and roles of the superintendent and the board

 Facilitate a good working relationship between the board and the superintendent

 Encourage and recognize good administrative performance

 Improve the superintendent’s leadership performance and management of the district by suggesting areas of responsibility and operating techniques that may be strengthened; and

 Establish reasonable standards for continued employment of the superintendent.

Procedures – According to K.S.A 72-9003 and K.S.A. 72-5453, the following procedures shall be used to evaluate the superintendent’s performance:

1st & 2nd years of employment: At least once per semester by the 60th school day of the semester.

3rd & 4th years of employment: At least once per year by February 15th.

5th year and after: At least once every 3 years by February 15th.

The district’s evaluation form may be used. Additional informal executive sessions may be scheduled during the year to discuss the status of the superintendent’s performance and the district’s management.

The superintendent shall make a mid-year and an end-of-years goals reports, as well as periodic reports to the board on the district’s operation.

The superintendent’s performance evaluation shall be based on the following:

- Established criteria which are applicable to all administrators’

- Responsibilities defined in the superintendent’s job description; and

- Board/superintendent developed performance goals and objectives.

Approved: 8/14/00; March 10, 2008

New Evaluation Document: December 13, 1999


Certified Employee Evaluation Process


Administrative Evaluation: Superintendent


The successful operation of a school district depends, to a certain extent, upon the abilities and competencies of those administrators responsible for the operation. It is necessary that the principals and the superintendent of schools be evaluated in such a fashion as to insure that the operation of the buildings and district are proceeding in a competent way. The law prescribes certain procedures that must be followed. It is the purpose of this instrument to provide for an effective means of evaluating administrative performance and to meet any and all requirements of the laws of Kansas, specifically K.S.A. 72-9001 through 72-9006.


The evaluation of the superintendent’s competency cannot be completed once and then be expected to remain as the sole basis of competency for a number of years. Neither is there a need to make an evaluation each year. Thus, we assume a need to have a structured yet flexible plan. It is understood that the superintendent will be evaluated as per a basic plan and as further determined by the board of education, provided that all evaluations will be made in writing and that conferences concerning these evaluations will be held.

The basic plan for evaluation of the superintendent’s performance is as follows:

  1. In the first two (2) consecutive years of employment with the SterlingUnifiedSchool District, the superintendent shall be evaluated at least two (2) times per year. These evaluations will follow this timetable:

First evaluation completed by the 60th day of the first semester during the school year. Second evaluation completed by the 60th day of the second semester.

  1. In the third and fourth year of employment with the SterlingUnifiedSchool District, the superintendent shall be evaluated at least one (1) time per year. This evaluation shall be completed no later than the December board of education meeting.
  1. After the fourth year of employment in the SterlingUnifiedSchool District, the superintendent shall be evaluated at least once in every three (3) years. In the scheduled years of evaluation the evaluation shall be held no later than the December board of education meeting.
  1. If there are specific areas of improvement needed, the superintendent shall be given the opportunity to improve and shall be re-evaluated before termination or re-employment.


The superintendent’s evaluation will be separated into ten general categories of competencies. Each category will contain descriptive statements of competencies expected of the Superintendent of Schools in USD 376. The board will rate each of the ten general categories of competencies as either “MEETS OR EXCEEDS DISTRICT STANDARDS” OR “RECOMMENDATION.”

The rating of “MEETS OR EXCEEDS DISTRICT STANDARDS” will be considered as performing at or above acceptable standards of performance for UnifiedSchool District 376. The rating “RECOMMENDATION” will be considered as an area where improvement is required and/or where suggestions for improvement may be offered. The board will indicate in written form all such recommendations.

Additionally, it is recognized that on occasion the superintendent may have made a significant contribution and/or may have consistently performed above district standards. To offer an opportunity for recognition of such meritorious service the board may wish to make written remarks in the space provided.

It is understood that the evaluation process is a communicative process whereby the board and the superintendent have the opportunity to share views on the performance of the superintendent. To facilitate this process the following procedure should be followed:

Step 1.Each board of education member will rate the superintendent on the evaluation instrument. This will be done independently.

Step 2.The board of education president, prior to the board meeting, will collect the ratings when the evaluation is to take place. A composite will be made reflecting the majority opinion of the board on each category.

Step 3.During an executive session of the board, the composite will be discussed by the board and then presented to the superintendent.

Step 4.Within five (5) days following any board meeting where the formal evaluation instrument or where any written recommendation regarding the work of the superintendent is received, the superintendent shall be provided with a written summary of the conference and the written evaluation form is used. The superintendent shall, within five (5) days of receiving the summary of the conference and the written evaluation form, if used, sign one copy and return it to the district office file. The other copy shall be the superintendent’s copy. At any time not later than two (2) weeks after such presentation, the superintendent may respond in writing to the written conference summary and/or the written evaluation form. A copy of such response shall be signed by the board president or the designated representative and returned to the superintendent within five (5) days. The written response shall become part of the conference summary and/or written evaluation file.