Tuesday, November 19, 2013
3:30 pm ARKU-504
PRESENT: Salvador Barraza-Lopez, Dennis Brewer Fred Davis, Lynn Fitzpatrick, Judy Ganson, Julio Gea-Banacloche, Jim Hashbarger, Miran Kang, David Kreider, Douglas Miles (for Kathy Van Laningham) Mandel Samuels, Douglas Spearot, Randy Thompson
GUESTS: David Bruce, Bobby Holleman, Ron Neyman, Diwakar Timilsina
I. Call to Order and Introductions (Doug Spearot): The meeting was called to order and everyone introduced themselves.
II. Approval of Minutes from the April 30, 2013 CAC Meeting (Doug Spearot): The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
III. Brief Recap of Academic Year 2012-2013 Progress (Doug Spearot): We had a meeting in the fall semester last year and decided what we would be doing for the academic year. They were as follows:
A. Software purchasing and licensing: How can we collaborate on software and licenses?
B. Classroom technologies: Current standards and who is managing things at department/college level.
C. Fiber updates: Current status of the network.
D. Online learning technologies: Current status of Blackboard use, video capture, online content, etc.
It was stated that software, i.e., statistical software, virus software, is a very important topic (what is available, etc.). We can pursue this topic again this year if the committee feels it is needed. The Adobe licensing representative will be on campus January 15, 2014, at 10:00 am in ARKU-503 to talk about options, cost, etc.
Virtual desktops - The biggest problem with rolling out virtual desktops is a licensing issue. Microsoft is wanting to charge us $3 for each device that might be using it - desktop computers, laptops, tablets, cell phones.
IV. Role of CAC During Consulting Engagement for IT Best Practices (Dennis Brewer):
A. Formation of technical subgroups?
B. Hot-button issues related to IT services?
Dr. Brewer explained about the hiring of WTC Consulting for analysis of IT best practices and gave an overview of their organization and how they are planning to do their analysis. We will be forming a Working Group, a Steering Committee, and a Policy Group. We see this Council participating in both the Working Group and the Steering Committee. Our first meeting in January may be dedicated to this.
V. Syllabus Repository (Dennis Brewer): Dr. Brewer demonstrated the repository in the test system. Those who have courses in ISIS had been asked to see if they could do this. Dr. Brewer is testing the grade entry piece for large classes. We are requiring that a syllabus be in PDF form. Once we get enough syllabi in the repository (probably 100), it will be set up so that students will be able to go to a web page, click on, and view any syllabus in the repository.
VI. Common Storage Environment for Research and Academics (Bobby Holleman): Bobby gave an overview of this project. Faculty, staff and students need cloud storage that is cost effective. Many users are taking advantage of "free" cloud storage services that may be inappropriate for their needs. IT Services is deploying a new, Common Storage Environment (CSE) to provide appropriate services for University consumers. Some of the specifications of CSE are self-service, global accessibility, ease of use, BYOD, secure from data theft or data loss, cost, reliability (goal - 99% uptime), accountability, performance/scale.
VII. State of the Network (David Bruce): We have our own dark fiber network. ARE-ON is our service provider. 1G to desktop, 10G to building is our network standard for new construction. Commodity Internet is 2G and we have been hitting our maximum every now and then, but it is becoming more often. We will probably be looking at expanding to 3G next fall. Our wireless network is quickly becoming the way most people connect. 37% increase in wired ports over the last 5 years. Internet utilization has really grown also in the past 5 years. We try to be proactive in monitoring our networks. We are looking at 24/7 monitoring. We are moving to a new network authentication system.
VIII. Adjourn - We will not have a meeting in December, but hopefully in the first part of January.