Quick Survey
Onthe Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative
In preparation for the 1st CoR Monitoring Report on Europe 2020 (December 2010)
Background information- The European Commission is currently putting forward seven flagship initiatives to progress towards the goals and headline targets of the Europe 2020 Strategy[1].Each flagship initiative envisages several key actions atboth EU and nationallevel.
- Your country's National Reform Programme, to be finalized by April 2011, will state, among other things, what actions will be undertaken in your country under this flagship initiative. A significant number of these actions might be of direct interest tolocal and regional authorities.
- The CoR's Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform is asking you to provide preliminaryfeedback on this newlypublished Flagship Initiative, which you can find here in your own language: you are asked to answer in English due to tight time constraints.
- The information you provide will feed into the 1st CoR Monitoring Report on Europe 2020 and your contribution will be acknowledged in the Report.
- TheCoR will continue to monitor how Europe 2020 progresses on the ground, and might come back on the issues dealt with in this survey.
Please send your replies in English in Word format (doc),
if possible using the boxes provided right below the questions,
by 18 October 2010
For more info and how to become a member of the Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform:
First name and surname of sender[2]:Contact details (address, telephone, email)
On behalf of the Institution:
1. Having considered all actions envisaged in this flagship initiative, which ones would provide the most relevant opportunities for your region/city? And why? Please answer providing a very short explanation (max. 1500 characters).
2. In your estimation, what will be the biggest challenges in implementing actions from this flagship initiative in your region/city? Please answer providing a very short explanation (max. 1500 characters).
3. Are there currently any ongoing policies/activities being implemented in your region/city that have a similar character to the actions foreseen in this flagship initiative, or that aim at the same goals? If yes, are any of them implemented in partnership between different government levels (local, regional, national and possibly EU)? Please answer providing a very short explanation (max. 1500 characters).
[1] For more details see:
[2]Privacy DisclaimerThe follow-up to your contribution requires the processing of your personal data (name, contact details etc.) in a file. Should you require further information, or wish to exercise your rights under Regulation (EC) 45/2001 (e.g. access or rectify data), please contact the data controller (Head of the Networks and Subsidiarity Unit) at . If necessary, you can also contact the CoR Data Protection Officer (). You have the right of recourse to the European Data Protection Supervisor at any time ( Your individual contribution will not be published.