Taylor’s Ritual Association

Keith Alexander gstbslgcr

Chairman and Preceptor-in-Chief


Dear Bro. Secretary,

I am pleased to contact you on behalf of the Taylor’s Ritual Association and invite your Lodge to subscribe to the Lodge Directory section of the new association website at

The function of the Taylor’s Ritual Association is to promote Taylor’s ritual and best practice working throughout Lodges using this ritual within the UGLE, and assist good Taylor’s Lodge meetings and ceremonies in whatever way we can.

To this end the Lodge Directory section of our website is designed to assist in maintaining and encouraging contact between Taylor’s Freemasons and Lodges to promoteLodge attendance and assist visiting.

By publicizing yourLodge meetingdates and venue on these additional medium you can easily avail your Lodge of opportunity and be involved with The Taylors Ritual Association.

Participating Lodges shall have exclusive access to various TRA services and advice and be able to advertise special events such as demonstration, talks and anniversary meetings through our events page, receive updates on ritual and invitations to attend master class tutorials by way of our linked events page.

The Lodge Directory is available to all practicing Taylor’s ritual Lodges and it is hoped that each Lodge shall subscribe and register its meeting details i.e. venue, meeting dates, Secretary or other contact details and special events. Thereby assisting the TRA to promote the health and continued usage of our ritual

Once functional this directory may be searched by Lodge number, name, venue, geography/province and meeting day, and may be accessed by interested Freemasons searching to find a Lodge to visit or join in an area or location that is most suitable to them.

To assist with the running costs of the Association a nominal sum of £5 per annum is levied for this service, payable in four year tranches in advance. Lodge Directory form attached.

I sincerely hope that you take up this offer and opportunity of promoting your Lodge and assisting the TRA to advance the practice of excellent Taylor’s ritual

On behalf of the Taylors Ritual Association I thank you in anticipation.

Yours sincerely and fraternally,
