Emma Stewart, Craig Cottage, Lumphanan, Banchory, AB31 4SJ


Pilates Classes Autumn/Christmas Term 2017

Please keep this top portion for contact details and calendar and note comments in red below!

Day / Time / Level / Venue / Autumn (7 weeks) / Christmas (7 weeks)
Mon / 09.30-10.30 / Improver / Deeside Dance Centre, Banchory / 28/8/17-9/10/17 / 30/10/17-11/12/17
10.30-11.30 / Improver / Deeside Dance Centre, Banchory / 28/8/17-9/10/17 / 30/10/17-11/12/17
11.30-12.30 / Matwork / Deeside Dance Centre, Banchory / 28/8/17-9/10/17 / 30/10/17-11/12/17
Wed / 09.30–10.30 / Improver / Room 2 Aboyne Castle Business Centre / 30/8/17-11/10/17 / 1/11/17-13/12/17
10.30-11.30 / Improver / Room 2 Aboyne Castle Business Centre / 30/8/17-11/10/17 / 1/11/17-13/12/17
6.30-7.30pm / Improver / Room 2 Aboyne Castle Business Centre / 30/8/17-11/10/17 / 1/11/17-13/12/17
Thu / 09.30-10.30 / Improver / Deeside Dance Centre, Banchory / 31/8/17-12/10/17 / 2/11/17-14/12/17
7.00-8.00pm / Improver / Deeside Dance Centre, Banchory / 31/8/17-12/10/17 / 2/11/17-14/12/17
Fri / 09.30–10.30 / Improver / Room 2 Aboyne Castle Business Centre / 1/9/17-13/10/17 / 3/11/17-15/12/17
10.30-11.30 / Improver / Room 2 Aboyne Castle Business Centre / 1/9/17-13/10/17 / 3/11/17-15/12/17

Matwork Classes are fundamental Pilates classes suitable for Beginners or those who wish to revise their technique.

Improver classes are only suitable for people with previous Pilates experience and may include use of small equipment. If you are in any doubt, please ask!

As I have an extensive waiting list for classes, I’m afraid places are in heavy demand so any missed classes can’t be reimbursed.

Class fees are payable for 1 x 7week block = £63, 1 x 7week block = £63; or the 2 blocks x 14 weeks = £126. You can pay by cash, cheque or by online banking using the account details on the form below. Please make sure you put your name as a reference on your transaction so I can identify who it is from! Thanks.

Autumn Term 2017 (7weeks) Please reserve a place for me in the following class(es)/week:

Day:………….... Time:…………… Matwork/Improver (please delete) Venue:……………………….………. Cost:£……….

Day:………….... Time:…………… Matwork/Improver (please delete) Venue:……………………….………. Cost:£……….

Christmas Term 2017 (7 weeks) Please reserve a place for me in the following class(es)/week:

Day:………….... Time:…………… Matwork/Improver (please delete) Venue:……………………….………. Cost:£……….

Day:………….... Time:…………… Matwork/Improver (please delete) Venue:……………………….………. Cost:£……….


□I enclose a cheque for £...... payable to ‘Emma Stewart School of Ballet’.


□I wish to pay direct to Emma Stewart School of Ballet

Royal Bank of Scotland A/C No: 00203276 Sort Code: 83-28-46

**Please make sure you put your name as a reference for your payment so I can identify who it is from**

I also confirm I have completed a PARQ questionnaire for 2017

Signature:………………………………………………………………...... ………… Date:…………………………………………….




Tel:………………………………….. Mobile:…………………………… Emerg. Contact: Name:………………………………......

Email:……………………………………………………………………… Number:………………………………...

Please indicate how you would like me to keep in touch with you:

Post □ email □ phone □ mobile □