THURSDAY May 20, 2010
The Helena Planning and Zoning Commission met in a regular scheduled meeting on Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 6:00P.M. In the HelenaMunicipalBuilding, regular place and time for holding said meetings.
Jack Gray called the meeting to order at 6:02P.M.
Harold Woodman led prayer.
John Wilder led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call Present:
Members: Walter D’Armond,Jack Gray,Harold Woodman, Billy Harris, Tom Lefebvre, and Jim Wathen,
Absent:Robert Caliento, Jackson Knox, Katherine Ennis
Visitors:John Wilder and(see attached list)
A quorum was declared present and the meeting opened for business.
Jim Wathen made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the 03/25/2010meeting with a second from Harold Woodman and the following votes were cast:
AYE: Walter D’Armond,Jack Gray,Harold Woodman, Billy Harris, Thomas Lefebvre, and Jim Wathen,
No communications from the City Council.
1. Dave Rankin-Wildflower at 4114 Helena Road-Addition of Tattoo area in Backroom
Tom Lefebvre asked Mr. Rankin if the email he has written is correct: that no advertising will be done on the street, just on facebook and word of mouth.
Mr. Rankin responded by stating that is correct, he will not be placing signs in the windows or advertising as the email states. Also, he stated he loves the OldTown charm and wouldn’t interfere with that.
Jim Wathen asked Mr. Rankin if he has the space to accommodate a tattoo parlor with such as an addition of a utility sink (which may require a separate sewer line), an electrical input, and what kind of needles will he be using and how will the disposable be done of such needles. Also, he asked if Mr. Rankin had been tested for a blood born disease. Jim Wathen stated all of this is part of the State of Alabama Health Department Guidelines for such business.
Mr. Rankin stated he wasn’t sure about the sewage line or electrical input issue that he would inquire with the building official and make sure he meets the guidelines.
THURSDAY May 20, 2010
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He stated he has read and understood all of the State of Alabama Health Department Standardsfor having such a business and does meet the requirements and has had the test. The needles will be disposable and will use the proper container for that.
Tom Lefebvremotion a motion to allow Dave Rankin to perform tattoos in said area on stipulation that no advertising will be done on the premises as such states in the email written on Friday, April 30, 2010 (attached to minutes) with a second by Billy Harris.
AYE: Walter D’Armond,Jack Gray,Harold Woodman, Billy Harris, Thomas Lefebvre,
NAY:Jim Wathen
There being no further business to approve/discuss,Jack Gray adjourned the meeting at 6:12P.M.
Amanda C. TraywickJack Gray
City Clerk Chairman
Helena Planning Commission