IRC Meeting Agenda

January 28, 2010

An IRC meeting will be held on January 28. 2010, at 9 a.m., at the Government Accountability Office (GAO), 441 G Street, NW., Room 7B15 (Campbell Room), Washington, D.C. The closest metro station is the red line, Judiciary Square, Nat'l Building Museum exit. You can also get there from the yellow/green line, Gallery Place, Arena exit.


GAO security requires a list of attendees. If you are planning to attend the meeting, you must let me know by 4:00 p.m., Monday, January 25. This is a strict deadline. I will not be able to add anyone once the list has been submitted. In addition, you must have your government ID to enter the building.


•  Proposed Accounting Scenario for Debit Cards

•  Proposed Accounting Scenario for Appropriations for the Redemption of Treasury Securitites

Handouts will be available on the USSGL Web site prior to the meeting. An email with the link will be sent when they are available.

If you have any questions, please respond to this email or call me at (202)874-7467.


To: IRC agency representatives:

1) If possible, please bring one or two copies of your agency's FY 2009 PAR/Financial Statements for the FASAB library, which is housed in the GAO Building.

2) In addition: for some reason, very few agencies provided Financial statements for FY 2005. The only FY 2005 PARs in the library are for DoD, EPA, Labor, RRB, and SSA. We would greatly appreciate FY 2005 hard copies from other agencies, if available. Many thanks!

Eileen W. Parlow


Assistant Director

Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board

441 G Street, NW, Mail Stop 6K17V

Washington, DC 20548

Office: (202) 512-7356

In addition:

Treasury has an opening for a GS-13 Staff Accountant in the DCFO Office of Accounting and Internal Control.

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