Local Rules

Local Rules



A. League Board of Directors, Officers, and Committees

B. Miscellaneous Issues


A. Line-Ups

B. Scorekeepers

C. Games Schedules

D. Field Preparation and Clean-up

E. Board Member on Duty

F. Practices

G. Disputed Actions

H. Selection of All Star Teams & Players

I. Majors and Minor A Seasons

J. District 31 - Tournament of Champions (TOC)

K. ENLL City Tournament, Mid-City Tournament and Minor B In-House Tournament


IV Intermediate 50/70 11-13 Year Olds





The Little League Operating Manual and Little league Official Regulations and Playing Rules are the guiding documents for operations of Escondido National Little League (ENLL) and thus govern all practices. The Local Rules address Escondido National Little League specific administrative policies, changes to the Operating Manual and Little League Official Regulations and Playing Rules based on Little League approved waivers and/or more stringent requirements adopted by the Escondido National Little League Board of Directors (BOD).

A. Line-ups: Juniors, Majors, Minor A, Minor B Divisions

1. Starting line-ups must be provided to the scorekeeper by managers before the start of the game by the respective manager and shall be distributed to each team at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the game.

2. All position changes and substitutions throughout the game are given to the umpire who will give them to the scorekeeper before the change can be made.

3. If a player who is marked absent reports late, the umpire is notified immediately.

4. We are using bat around in all divisions (except Juniors), which means all players on the bench are in the lineup. Even if a player is not there or going to be late, put them last on the lineup and if they don’t show up, inform the umpire and scorekeeper. No out will be recorded for skipping a player. Base coaches shall not leave their dugouts until the pitcher has completed their preparatory pitches to the catcher.

B. Scorekeepers/Pitch counter: Juniors, Majors, Minor A, Minor B Divisions

1. The home team provides the primary scorekeeper and the visiting team provides the pitch counter (Juniors, Majors, Minor A and Minor B [2nd half]).

2. The scorekeeper prepares an accurate record and playing status of each player in the Official Score Sheet. The pitch counter will keep the official Pitch Count Record Log provided in the snack bar. The scorekeeper is also the official time keeper of the game and will use the time clock.

3. The scorekeeper will have the manager sign the book and pitch count log at the end of a game. This signature means that the pitch count as well as the infield/outfield play time is correct.

C. Games Schedules:

1. The BOD sets the date and time for all games, including, but not limited to suspended, make-up, playoff, and tournament/championship games.

2. Managers may not change the date or times set for games, or set a date or time to continue a suspended game.

5. All games postponed due to rain will be replayed on the next available day. Games must be made up in the order that they were postponed.


D. Field Preparation and Clean-up

1. Preparation of the field is the responsibility of the Home team and must be completed before the scheduled start of the game. The home team ensured the field is properly lined and the visiting team is responsible for the bases.

2. General post game cleanup, policing of playing field and spectator areas, and putting equipment and material away is the responsibility of Visiting Teams under the direction of the team managers.

E. Board Members on Duty

The Board Members on Duty represents the Board of Directors, and acting in this capacity, presides over all field activities other than games in progress, which are presided over by the Umpire on the field.

F. Practices

1. The league informs the managers of school sites for practices

2. Practices on ENLL fields require approval of the Division’s Commissioner.

3. Practices and games may not exceed a combined total of 5 per week for Juniors or Majors, four (4) per week for Minors, 3 per week for Rookies and 2 per week for T-Ball. A practice shall not exceed two and one-half (2-1/2) hours.

G. Disputed Actions

Any issue or conflict arising during a game that involves LL Rules is the responsibility of the umpire. The umpires’ ruling is final and the game will continue. If a ruling by an umpire is in conflict with the LL rules and it is not corrected, the manager has the right to protest the rule interpretation. The umpire should instruct the scorekeeper to document in the scorebook the rule and place in the game the issue arose. Play will continue from that point.

Issues that do not involve LL Rules are resolved by the following steps:

1. The managers of the teams involved make every effort to arrive at a mutually satisfactory resolution.

2. If the managers are unable to resolve the issue, they address the problem to the Board Members on Duty.

3. If involving the Board Members on Duty fails to achieve a resolution, the issue and the parties involved are referred to the President of the league.

4. If the issue still cannot be resolved then it will be presented to the BOD for resolution. The board’s resolution is final.

H. Selection of All-Star Teams & Players

1. Up to five All Star teams can be chosen to represent Escondido National Little League.

2. The 13-14 year old All Star team will consist of a minimum of twelve (12) players chosen by the Manager and coaches in Juniors.

3. The 11-13 year old All Star team will consist of a minimum of twelve (12) players chosen by the Manager and coaches in Intermediate.

4. The 11-12 year old All Star team will consist of a minimum of twelve (12) players to be chosen by the players and managers of the Majors Division. Six (6) players shall be voted on and selected by the Majors players. All Majors players will be provided a ballot and will each cast six (6) votes. Players cannot vote for any player on their own team. The Six (6) players receiving the most votes shall automatically make the All Star team. The remaining players will be chosen by the All-Star Manager.

5. The 10-11 year old All Star team will consist of a minimum of twelve (12) players chosen by the All-Star Manager.

6. The 9-10 year old All Star team will consist of a minimum of twelve (12) players chosen by chosen by the All-Star Manager or (If time permitted) a tryout attended by all league age 9 and 10 year olds interested in participating All-Stars.

7. If a team loses a player after the selection of the All Star teams, the team’s manager, with the approval of the Board of Directors, will select the replacement player. Replacement players will not be taken from other All Star teams.

8. Each All Star manager will be selected by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

9. All Star coaches for each team will be selected by the manager and will require approval by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

I. Majors and Minor A Season

1. League play shall consist of a full season. If interleague schedule is played, all games versus interleague opponents will count toward regular season standings.

2. If there is a tie, if time permits, there will be a one (1) game playoff to determine the winner. Time permits means there is sufficient time to play one game with a rest period of at least two calendar days before starting a post-season tournament. The winner will be the league champion and the runner up will get second place. Third place will go to the team with the best record If time does not permit, tie breakers used below will determine first and second place.

3. At the end of the season, if there is a tie for first place, there will be a one game playoff if time permits. If no playoff game is possible, and two teams tie for a position, a tie breaker shall be used to determine the winner. The tie breaker order will be as follows:

a) Head to Head record between the tied teams

b) Least runs allowed Head to Head between the tied teams

c) Coin flip

4. If three or more teams tied for a position a tie breaker shall be used to determine the seed in the tournament. Once a team breaks from the tie – the tie breaker resets to the remaining teams (a) section. The multi team tie breaker order will be as follows:

a) Head to Head record between the tied teams

b) Least runs allowed Head to Head between the tied teams

c) Draw Straws

5. Interleague games do count toward the standings.

J. District 31 Tournament-of-Champions (Majors)

1. The team participating in the District’s Tournament of Champions (TOC) will be who finishes in first place.

2. The regular season standings determine who represents ENLL at the TOC.

3. Tournament schedules will be determined after the regular season.

4. Pitching eligibility: pitch count and days’ rest days will reset on the first day of the tournament.

5. ENLL BOD with input from major’s coaches will determine if ENLL participates in the TOC.

K. ENLL City Tournament, Mid-City Tournament and Minor B In-House Tournament

1. The first place Majors team will get the right to choose whether to play in the TOC or City Championship. Second place will participate in the other tournament. The third place team will compete in the Mid-City Tournament. For Minor A, first place will play in the Escondido City Tournament, while second place will play in the Mid-City Tournament.

2. Local Rules for the park you are playing at apply in the Escondido City and Mid-Cities Tournaments.

3. For Minor B, all teams will play in an end of season Escondido National Classic Tournament. Seeding is determined via a random draw.

4. The home team for each ENLL Tournament Game will be determined by a coin toss. The winner of the coin toss can choose “home” or “visitor”. The coin toss shall be completed no later than 30 minutes BEFORE the start time of the game. The coin shall be conducted and supervised only by Board Member. ONLY managers can represent the team during the coin toss. In the event that a manager is not present for the coin toss (no later than 30 minutes before the start of the game), the coin toss shall be nullified and the manager present shall have the right to choose.

5. All other ENLL Local Rules apply in the ENLL Tournament.


A. If a game is rained out, or called before it has become a regulation game, the Divisional Representative will schedule the game to be played or resumed at the first available open date.

B. If a team does not have enough players to start a game, the game is postponed.

C. We will be playing interleague games.

D. There will be no ten-run "mercy" rule for junior’s games.

E. The Juniors division will follow LL Rules regarding substitution. Base Coaches shall not leave their dugouts until the pitcher has completed their preparatory pitches to the catcher.

F. In the event a game being played (must have completed one inning, but less than four) is suspended due to weather, light failure, etc., the game will be rescheduled by the Junior Division Director to be played on the first available date. All suspended games rescheduled under this rule will be played to a total regulation 7-inning game if time permits. Failure for a manager to field the team on the make-up game day assigned will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and action will be taken up to a minimum one game suspension of the manager.

G. There will only be one game on a weeknight. On Saturdays there may be 2 games. There are no time limits for Juniors games.

H. On-Deck batters are allowed in the Juniors Division.

I. On lighted fields, the lights go out automatically at 10 p.m.


A. If a game is rained out, or called before it has become a regulation game, the Divisional Representative will schedule the game to be played or resumed at the first available open date.

B. If a team does not have enough players to start a game, the game is postponed.

C. We will be playing interleague games.

D. There will be no ten-run "mercy" rule for junior’s games.

E. The Intermediate Division will follow LL Rules regarding substitution. Base Coaches shall not leave their dugouts until the pitcher has completed their preparatory pitches to the catcher.

F. In the event a game being played (must have completed one inning, but less than four) is suspended due to weather, light failure, etc., the game will be rescheduled by the Junior Division Director to be played on the first available date. All suspended games rescheduled under this rule will be played to a total regulation 7-inning game if time permits. Failure for a manager to field the team on the make-up game day assigned will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and action will be taken up to a minimum one game suspension of the manager.