Los Angeles Valley College

Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Report

Courses and Programs

Discipline: Art Department: Art

Program/Course: Art 205 (Life Drawing II), Section 8225 Semester/Year: Fall 2011

SLO Representative: Phung Huynh Department Chair: Eugenia Sumnik-Levins

Student Learning Outcome Assessed / Students will be able to employ color concepts, and verbally articulate Renaissance, Realist and Impressionist palettes and compositions.
Description of Assessment Method
a.  Describe the assessment tool (e.g., student essay, performance, etc.)
b.  Describe how the data was analyzed (rubric elements, etc.). Attach rubric if applicable.
*** Please keep all data for at least 3 years. / Students will execute color systems and engage Renaissance, Realist and Impressionist palettes and compositions. A rubric will be used to assess their ability to create second level compositions.
Description of Sampling Methodology
a.  Course Sections - How many sections of this course were offered? State if the sections were offered in the morning /afternoon /evening/ online. How many sections were assessed? Describe how these sections represent the diversity of students represented in the course.
b.  Faculty - How many faculty (part-time and full-time) taught this course? How many faculty participated in the SLO assessment process?
c.  Students - How many students in total were enrolled? How many students were sampled?
d.  Random Selection (If this course offered more than one section, at least 1/3 of the total # of students must be assessed) - How was the random selection process conducted? (e.g., chose every 3rd student from roster) / There was one section offered for this course. The course was offered in the afternoon. One section of this course was assessed since it was the only one. The course represented the diversity of our student population (transfer students, “lifelong” learners, etc.). One full-time faculty member teaches this course, and this faculty member assessed the students enrolled in the course. A total of nine students were enrolled in the course, and all of the students were assessed.
Collaborative Review
a.  Describe the norming process and how inter-rater reliability was achieved (if applicable). / Although only one instructor taught this course, this instructor consulted other instructors in the Art Department to discuss course assignments, objectives, SLOs, and grading rubrics. Sample student works were evaluated.
Assessment Results
a.  Describe the relevant findings according to the criteria set by the assessment tool. (e.g., report results according to rubric evaluation criteria)
b.  What percentage of students achieved the SLO?
c.  What percentage of students did not achieve the SLO? / The SLO outcome from this particular section indicated that a smaller class yields a higher success rate. Students are given more attention and instruction from the instructor, and students have the ability to fully explore their capabilities and understanding of the subject matter. The SLO assessments also help determine that if a smaller class size is not possible, then the amount of assignments should be reduced so that the students will have more time to become proficient in the techniques and objectives taught in the course. Out of nine students enrolled in the class, all nine students achieved the SLO (100%).
How Results were Used for Course/Program Improvement
a.  Describe how the results are going to be used for the improvement of teaching, learning, or institutional effectiveness based on the data assessed.
b.  How do your assessment findings contribute to the assessment of Program SLO’s? (To access the program SLO’s -http://lavc.edu/slo/programassessment.html/)
c.  Describe how results will be shared with others in the discipline/area. / The assessment results indicated that smaller classroom sizes, particularly for advanced and intermediate level students yields greater success rates. The assessment also showed that with multi-level, multi-section courses (a course that has more than one level, section or class) is most effective when the intermediate and advanced students are in a class that is not mixed with beginning students.
Comparison to last SLOAC Cycle Results (if this is the first time the course was assessed, leave this section blank)
a.  Please state the improvement plan that was included in the report from SLOAC Cycle I.
b.  What changes were implemented from Cycle I’s improvement plan? What changes, if any, were made that were not included in the improvement plan? What changes, if any, were made to the assessment process?
c.  How are the results from Cycle II similar to or different from the results from Cycle I? / This is the first assessment cycle for this course.

Insert Rubric or Assessment Tools below:

A / B / C / D / F
Color Concepts / Broad range of color harmony solutions / Adequate number of color harmony solutions / Attempt at color harmony solutions / Inadequate color harmony solutions / Lack of color harmony solutions
Renaissance palette and composition / Excellent demonstration of Renaissance color palette and compositional solutions / Above average demonstration of Renaissance color palette and compositional solutions / Average demonstration of Renaissance color palette and compositional solutions / Incorrect demonstration of Renaissance color palette and compositional solutions / Lack of demonstration of Renaissance color palette and compositional solutions
Realist palette and composition / Excellent demonstration of Realist color palette and compositional solutions / Above average demonstration of Realist color palette and compositional solutions / Average demonstration of Realist color palette and compositional solutions / Incorrect demonstration of Realist color palette and compositional solutions / Lack of demonstration of Realist color palette and compositional solutions
Impression-its palette and composition / Exceptional demonstration of Impressionist color palette and compositional solutions / Above average demonstration of Impressionist color palette and compositional solutions / Average demonstration of Impressionist color palette and compositional solutions / Incorrect demonstration of Impressionist color palette and compositional solutions / Lack of demonstration of Impressionist color palette and compositional solutions
Vocabulary / Exceptional ability to identify intermediate figure drawing concepts / Above average ability to identify intermediate figure drawing concepts / Average ability to identify intermediate figure drawing concepts / Limited ability to identify intermediate figure drawing concepts / Cannot identify intermediate figure drawing concepts

Total Number of Students Assessed: 9

Number of Students who received “A”: 6

Number of Students who received “B”: 3

Number of Students who received “C”: 0

Number of Students who received “D”: 0

Number of Students who received “F”: 0