TITLE: Joint PTSC/ATIS SIP Forum IP-NNITask Force Meeting Notes, December 8, 2017
SOURCE*: ATISCoordinator
LEADER(S): PTSC Chair: Martin Dolly, AT&T,
PTSC ViceChair: Viqar Shaikh, Vencore Labs,
IP-NNI TF Co-Chair: Martin Dolly (AT&T),
IP-NNI TF Co-Chair: Chris Wendt (Comcast),
Only documents that are final/approved by an ATIS Committee represent the consensus of that Committee. Draft documents, on the other hand, are dynamic in natureand subject to change. Draft documents therefore may not accurately reflect the consensus of the ATIS Committee.
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* CONTACT: Drew Greco; email: Tel: 516-796-6087
Joint PTSC/ATIS SIP Forum IP-NNI Task Force
Virtual Meeting – December 8, 2017
Meeting Notes
Chris Wendt (Comcast), IP-NNI Task Force Co-Chair, called the meeting to order and welcomed participants at 1:07p.m. ET.
The meeting participants are listed below:
Name / Company / Email- Martin Dolly (PTSC/IP-NNI TF Chair)
- Chris Wendt (IP-NNI Co-Chair)
- Andrew Jurczak
- Phil Linse
- Steve Showell
- David Hancock
- Randee Ryan
- Harold Salters
- Arleen Elliott
- George Foti
- Hala Mowafy
- Terry Reese
- Eric Burger
- Jonathan Nelson
- Mary Barnes
- Gary Richenaker
- Andy Gallant
- Mike Hamilton
- Doug Bellows
- Roxanne Ruminski
- Timothy Moran
- David Quan
- Ken Politz
- Mohammad Khaled
- Arye Ephrath
- Richard Shockey
- Catherine Palcic
- Shaunna Forshee
- Pierce Gorman
- David Holmes
- Karen Riepenkroger
- Jim Dalton
- Alec Fenichel
- Dmitry Isakbayev
- Di-Shi Sun
- John Wullert
- Mark Desterdick
- Marcel Stanacel
- Drew Greco
- Jim McEachern
- Jackie Wohlgemuth
It was noted that the agenda was made available to participants via ATIS Workspace as PTSC-2017-00166R000/IPNNI-2017-00124R000. The agenda was modified and approved as PTSC00166R001/IPNNI-2017-00124R001.
ATIS Procedure Notice: ATIS Forum and Committee activities must adhere to the ATIS Operating Procedures (including basic principles such as fairness, due process, respect for minority opinions, and common sense).
IPR Notice: In connection with the development of an American National Standard, or other deliverable that requires use of patented inventions, the use of patented inventions shall be governed by the ANSI Patent Policy as adopted by ATIS and as set forth in Section 10 of the "Operating Procedures for ATIS Forums and Committees." Under this policy:
- Disclosure of relevant patented inventions at the earliest possible time in the development process is encouraged. An opportunity will be provided for the members to identify or disclose patents that any member believes may be essential for the use of a standard under development.
- Neither the Committee, nor its leaders, can ensure the accuracy or completeness of any disclosure, investigate the validity or existence of a patent,or determine whether a patent is essential to the use of an ATIS deliverable.
- ATIS prohibits any discussion of licensing terms in its Forums and Committees.
Antitrust Risk Notice: The leaders further remind attendees that participation in industry fora involves the potential for antitrust concerns or risks. To avoid such concerns and risks, participants should carefully observe the "Operating Procedures for ATIS Forums and Committees". In addition, sensitive discussion topics such as price, territories, specific contractual terms, etc., should be avoided.
Questions: Participants having questions, comments, or concerns regarding any of these topics should consult with their company's legal counsel, the Committee leadership, ATIS staff, or ATIS legal counsel.
It was asked if there were any patents to identify or disclose at this time. There were no patent disclosures made by the attendees.
The following previous meeting notes were available on ATIS Workspace (AWS) for participant comment:
- PTSC-2017-00164R000, Meeting notes from the PTSC meeting November 8, 2017, in McLean, VA
- IPNNI-2017-00122R000, Meeting notes from the ATIS-SIP Forum IP-NNI Task Force meeting November 7, 2017, in Mclean, VA
It was noted that there were no questions or comments regarding these meeting notes and they were accepted, without objection, as published.
There were no announcements to discuss.
There were no PTSC contributions submitted for this meeting.
8.1.Display Framework
8.1.1.IPNNI-2017-00019R007, Display Framework Baseline (marked)
This contribution was approved as the current baseline documentwith changes from the November 7, 2017, meeting in McLean, VA.
8.1.2.IPNNI-2017-00019R008, Display Framework Baseline (clean)
This contribution was approved as the clean existing baseline document to this meeting to which contributions will be made.
8.1.3.IPNNI-2017-00121R000, Display of Verified Caller ID
Hala Mowafy (Ericsson) and Jonathan Nelson (Hiya) presented this contribution, which introduces text in multiple sections of the Technical Report on a Framework for Display of Verified Caller ID including scope, display options, usability studies, display for analog devices and conclusions.
Ms. Mowafy noted that input is welcome from participants on any display efforts from other standards groups.
Agreement Reached: Participants accepted this contribution as input to the baseline document.
8.2.Certificate Management
8.2.1.IPNNI-2017-00051R007, Managing list of CAs and other operational considerations for Certificate management (marked)
This contribution was approved as the current baseline documentwith changes from the November 7, 2017, meeting in McLean, VA.
8.2.2.IPNNI-2017-00051R008, Managing list of CAs and other operational considerations for Certificate management (clean)
This contribution was approved as the clean existing baseline document to this meeting to which contributions will be made.
8.2.3.IPNNI-2017-00125R000, Proposed changes to baseline CA/PA operational document
Mary Barnes (iconectiv) presented this contribution, which proposes revisions to the certificate management baseline document.
It was suggested that “certificate lifetimes” replace the term “short lived certificates.” It was further suggested to leave certificate lifetimes as generic in this document noting that it is up to the Governance Authority to establish such lifetimes. STI Certification Authorities will need to document how their revocation and suspension policy aligns with the current processes as defined by the Governance Authority.
Additional editorial revisions were added to the document.
Agreement Reached: Participants accepted the modified contribution in 00125R001 as input to the baseline document.
Action Item: Mary Barnes will update the baseline document based on the discussion during this meeting.
8.3.Proof-of-Possession of Telephone Numbers (TN-PoP)
8.3.1.IPNNI-2017-00126R000, Updates to SHAKEN Framework for Proof of Possession of Telephone Numbers
This document was deferred until a future meeting.
8.3.2.IPNNI-2017-00127R000, Overview of TN-PoP
David Hancock (Comcast) presented this contribution, which provides an overview of TN-PoP.
It was noted that the word “ownership” should not be used when referencing telephone numbers.
It was suggested that a scenario on traceback and shutting down bad actors be considered for the baseline document.
This contribution was noted for information.
Summary of Contribution Status
IPNNI-2017-00019R007 / Accepted
IPNNI-2017-00019R008 / Current baseline
IPNNI-2017-00121R000 / Accepted
IPNNI-2017-00051R007 / Accepted
IPNNI-2017-00051R008 / Current baseline
IPNNI-2017-00125R000 / Revised to -R001, accepted
IPNNI-2017-00126R000 / Deferred
IPNNI-2017-00127R000 / Noted
The following upcoming meetings were noted:
9.1.Virtual Meetings
- January 12, 2018, 1-4pm ET
- Face-to-Face Meetings
- February 6-8, 2018 (Austin, TX)
- February 6, 2018, 9am-5pm: PTSC
- February 7, 2018, 9am-12pm: joint PTSC/IP-NNI TF
- February 7, 2018, 1pm-5pm: IP-NNI TF
- February 8, 2018, 9am-12pm: IP-NNI TF
- April 30 – May 3, 2018 (AMOC – Kansas City, MO)
- August 7 – 9, 2018 (Denver, CO)
- October 30 – November 1, 2018 (location TBD)
It was noted that the NANC have set up committees to discuss Call Authentication Trust Anchor issues and Nationwide Number Portability Issues. Marilyn Jones (NANC) has noted that she would accept any requests to be nominated to contribute to these or other NANC Working Groups and all such nominations would be vetted by the FCC.
Martin Dolly (AT&T), PTSC Chair/IP-NNI Task Force Co-Chair, thanked participants for attending and adjourned the meeting at 3:16p.m. ET.
Notes submitted by:
Drew Greco, ATIS Coordinator