The voice of Agape
Rev. Joseph Suren (Pastor/Evangelist) P O Box 4236, Samabula. Fiji Islands
Phone # 3361302 Fax # 3362302 Mobile # 9966444 email:
Praise the Lord and Welcome to this issue of “Agape Ki Awaaz” (The voice of Agape). I do hope that you are going to be blessed with the contents. I believe God will do something good in your life today. I encourage you to read the Word of God and allow the Spirit of God to show you all the great things He has for you. God will do it but you must believe. ‘All things are possible to him who believes.’ Amen!
Our families, Church and I, wish my wife of 31 years God’s Best and a Blessed Birthday. She will turn 50
on 28th October 2004. She is an anointed handmaiden of the Lord and a powerful prayer warrior. She is a faithful, loyal and dedicated wife. She is a spiritual mother to all and a great cook. God Bless Mrs. Suren
“Agape” greetings to you in the Name that is above every name, JESUS CHRIST, the resurrected Son of the Living God. Jesus is Lord! It is a great joy for me to share this brief message with you in this issue of Agape Ki Awaaz.
FORGIVENESS! This is a hot topic at the moment here in our Beloved Nation of Fiji.
Why should we forgive… We forgive because we are forgiven! Yes, my friend, there is only one reason to forgive. We forgive because Christ forgave us. Christ went to the cross and died in our place to be able to forgive us. Can we do any less for those who sin against us or hurt us.
The Bible says, “Make every effort to live in peace with all men” (Hebrew 12:14) We desire to have fellowship with God, therefore we repent from our sins and we are prepared to reconcile with God. But many do not make effort to set right fellowship with each other.
How much ever it is important to reconcile with God and set right our relationship with Him, so much it is important, to set right our relationship with people. We can see this, all through the Word of God, the Holy Bible.
Do you know what is the message of the cross of Jesus Christ? The cross is a structure, with one vertical bar joined by another horizontal bar. Here, the vertical bar refers to our reconciliation with God and the horizontal bar refers to our reconciliation with each other.
Our salvation gets perfected only when we reconcile and set right our issues with God and man. We reject the words of the Lord Jesus, when we say I will have fellowship with the Lord and I am not bothered about others! Then, this means to reject Jesus also. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” And “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37,39)
Think about these words spoken by Jesus. How will the Lord be happy when you say I will love God alone and why bother about others?
Set right, with whomever you have to reconcile and set right issues. How will the Lord bless you, if you have annoyance, bitterness, hatred and enmity towards others in your heart? How can He answer your prayers? Think about it!
Do you have annoyance and bitterness against anyone in your own house? Do you have in you something against someone, who lives next door, or in your workplace or in your place of worship? You examine yourself.
Don't you have bitterness and hatred in your heart, which affects the relationship with someone? When you see them, don't you feel bad in your heart? Don't you turn your face away from someone, with no intent to talk?
Do you believe that Jesus Christ will accept this? Do you think Jesus will be happy about you, being this way? How can He hear our prayer and do a miracle when we cause sorrow to Him by our enmity and bitterness towards one another? Think about it!
Mark 11:25,26 says, “When you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your father in heaven may forgive you your sins. But if you do not forgive, neither will your father who is in heaven forgive your sins”
If your fellowship with the Lord is in accord, do not let your relationship with people be in discord. In your heart do not have bitterness, hatred, enmity and disunity towards others. When these are set right, the Lord will do a miracle immediately. Today, think about your issues.
Can you say that you do not have annoyance, bitterness, hatred and enmity against anyone? Can you greet everyone with handshake? If not, you too, have to confess, repent, forgive, reconcile and bring healing and restoration to your relationship with one another in the spirit of humility and brokenness.
Jesus says, “If you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.” (Matthew 5:23,24)
If someone is annoyed and has something against you; meaning someone has been distressed because of you, then the Lord will not even desire to receive your gift offering. Jesus says first go and be reconcile with them, set right the relationship and; then come and offer your gift.
Many do not show interest to this issue, which was given the most importance by the Lord Jesus. Therefore many children of God are not able to receive answer to their prayers.
Think about it, may be your blessings are hurdled because of your love and fellowships with people are not in accord! Set right the issues immediately. Pray with forgiveness and bless them. Think about the words said by Jesus: ”Love your enemies, Bless those who curse you, do good to those that hate you and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew5:44)
Reconcile with the people with whom you need to reconcile. Talk to the people with whom you need to talk. Set right the issue with people with whom you need to set right issue. If those whom you need to reconcile are near you, talk to them immediately without delay! If they are far away, contact them over the telephone or write a letter. Tell them, what the Lord has spoken to you and also that you have forgiven and forgotten the past issues. Ask forgiveness, to forgive the past tormenting issues.
You do this and see. A joy which you have not experienced till now will take place within you. A miraculous change takes place in your family and at your workplace. Jesus will be extremely happy to see you doing this and He will fulfill your desires.
When you decide to do this, Satan will bring obstacles. Satan will bring you ideas such as these “Why should you ask forgiveness? They are the ones who tormented you, hurt you! So they should come to you and ask for your forgiveness. You can forgive if they come and ask for your forgiveness. What will happen to your respect and esteem if you go and talk to them? They will think about you disparagingly. They will think low about you and that you are scared.” You know Satan will whisper in your ear, “why forgive? Take revenge, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.”
Satan never likes when you obey God’s Word. You overcome Satan, when you obey and reconcile! When you do not set right the cordiality with people, Satan is happy about you.
Whom do you like to make happy? Is it the Lord or Satan? Decide. It is your choice!
Many families remain separated for many generations for a small property, petty matters or somebody said something etc and you are hurt, broken, wounded. Many relationship stands divided for so many years, because of a small event happened sometime back.
Beloved, What is this? Does the Lord desire this? Think about it? Repent of your vain adamant nature! Get down from your pride! Reconcile! Set right issues! Forgive and forget. Right the wrong!
The Lord will do the miracle for you. Your children’s life stands affected by your vain adamant and pride nature if you are unforgiving. Aren’t you sensitized when you see that?
Today, now act on this issue - confession, repentance, forgiveness, healing and restoration. The Lord is talking to you now; obey and you will see miracles.
Are you unable to reconcile even though you desire to forgive others? Do not be perplexed, Lord Jesus Christ will help you. Ask Him, He will give you His love of the cross. Remember when Jesus was crucified Him on the Cross, He said, “Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.”
You know, when you are Born-Again, you can do it. When Jesus is with you, you can do what He did. Do this immediately. Because the Lord loves you extremely, He has spoken to you very clearly. Forgive those who have wronged you in the past and Reconcile immediately with God and people and receive your miracles and blessings.
So, Decide today, right now, to live in His will and to be blessed!!! It is your choice?
Is Jesus the Lord and Savior of your life, if He is not, Romans 10:13 says, “For whosoever shall call
upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” That Name is ‘Jesus!’ Savior, Healer, Deliverer! Do it today, call upon Him and receive your resurrection miracle from Jesus right now!
If you have not invited Jesus into your heart as Lord and personal Savior, you can do that right now. Just pray this simple prayer, “Dear Father in Heaven, I come to You now, I confess my sins and I ask for forgiveness. Wash me clean by Jesus’ precious blood. I acknowledge and receive Your Son Jesus into my heart as my Lord and my Savior. Thank You Lord Jesus for saving me and writing my name in the Book of life. I receive the Grace to serve You all the days of my life. (Amen)”.
Friend, if you have meant that prayer, He has come, Lord Jesus Christ is yours. Heaven is your home, see you there, if not here! God bless and keep you and your dear family!
My friend, if you are sick and afflicted, YOU CAN BE HEALED IN JESUS’ NAME! Jesus is the One who can get you well. So in Jesus’ Name be healed! Be Healed! Receive your miracle in Jesus’ Name! Amen! To God be all the Glory! Hallelujah!
God loves you and so do we! If “Agape Ki Awaaz” has been a blessing to you, then please copy and forward this to your friends and loved ones. Email me and let me know if God has blessed you through this article. I want to rejoice with you and pray for and your loved ones. For past issues, visit our website.
My friend, we need your prayers and encouragement that will certainly go a long way to forward the Kingdom of God. Till next issue, look unto Jesus the Author and the Finisher of our faith. Keep in touch. God Bless and use you. There is a miracle waiting for you. Receive His blessings in your life.
You know, our Beloved Nation, the Republic of the Fiji Islands will have National Reconciliation and Forgiveness Week from 4th to 11th October 2004. The theme is “Together One Nation.” Our Government of the day is for this process. The God of this nation is in control. There will be a mighty wave of His Spirit over this land this week. Expect and Pray! Be a part of what will happen.
With Agape and Shalom,
Joseph and Martha Suren
Look what the Lord has done
In Vuci South Crusade last month!
Prayer for this lame and deaf man / Walked & heard after prayer in Jesus NameBy the Word of Knowledge God gave me My cousin Doreen and her husband she
the name of Ramesh and I said he is not was practicing witchcraft –people we were
in the shed, mentioned his condition as God visiting her. Jesus touched her and what
showed, he was brought next night for prayer. a transformation. They attend our church
Hallelujah, We serve the Living God! now. Look what the Lord has done!
Colossians 3:13
“Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.
Forgive as the Lord forgave you."
"The power of my living for Christ is governed by the law of forgiveness.
The key to forgiveness is the emotion with which I remember.
If it still shakes me up, it's not been forgiven.” (Treasures from Heaven)
- On every First Sunday of each month, we hold Holy Ghost Revival Service in our
Church from 5.30 pm, if you are in the Nausori to Lami area you are welcome to
attend, friend you will be revived, renewed, re-fired and refreshed by the Holy
- Our theme for this year is “Harvest of Souls: Year of Blessings!”
- Pray for our Salvation/Divine Healing/Revival crusades around the nation. (Check our website)
- Pray for our compassion ministry at the Old Peoples Home, the Mental Hospital and the Father Law Home. Our church group visits them with food, love and prayers.
Please pray for these inpatients, staffs (nurses and doctors) and our team members.]
- Do visit us on our Website:
- From 12th to 26th October, I will be away in New Zealand.
- My wife will turn 50 on the 28th October. Pray that God will use and anoint her more!
- Our Nation, the Republic of Fiji Islands will have National Reconciliation and
Forgiveness Week from 4th to 11th October 2004. The theme is “Together One
Nation.” Fiji needs your prayer. God Bless Fiji!
“A merry heart does good like medicine: but a broken spirit dries the bones.”
A husband went to buy a birthday gift for his wife. Some friends had been invited over that night to celebrate her fiftieth, and he wanted to get something special. At the store he spotted some cute little music boxes. One blue one was playing "Happy Birthday." Thinking they were all the same, he chose a red one and had it gift-wrapped.
Later, at dinner, he gave it to his wife and asked her to open it. When she lifted the lid, out came the tune to "The Old Gray Mare, She Ain't What She Used to Be!"
“Loving God,
Thank You for speaking to me!
Thank You for convicting me of my faults !
Let not there be any sin between You and me. Wash and cleanse me with Your blood!
Let not there be any bitterness, hatred and enmity between people and me.
Change the bitterness in my heart! Fill me with Your love of forgiveness!
Give me the grace to reconcile with others and set right relationships
In the name of Jesus..... Amen...!”
“Agape Ki Awaaz” in each issue we will report the miracles of God and His promises, a little message to help you and your loved ones to have greater faith in God. Read and pass on to someone.
Remember, God’s miracles are for you! There is power in prayer. Success, Health, Salvation, Happiness and Prosperity are for YOU and your HOUSEHOLD. Faith and miracles are for you today. God has more miracles than your needs. Christ died to give YOU abundant living. Because Jesus suffered for YOU, you can be happy, you can have abundant life, you can be healed, you can have success, you can prosper.
Good things are happening to people, who ask for prayer. God has been reaching out to YOU. Do you have needs? Are there problems you cannot solve? Is there sickness? Will you give God a chance to PROVE His power to YOU?
We believe in prayer, call us, write or visit our church. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” and what He is doing for others, He wants to do for YOU! God loves you and so do we at Agape Revival Centre, Lot 4, Nadonumai Road, Lami. Till next issue, God be with you!