2004-2005 Specific Fields for SDE
User Manual
This manual identifies some of the standard SASIxp fields that are of significant interest to SDE, the SDE office and contact for specific content questions and if necessary, a description of how each field is to be used, a reference to existing documentation about the field and valid values for the field. Obviously, there are many other fields in SASIxp that do not need to be explained, and are not listed here. Refer to the SASIxp Training or User Guides for additional information on each of the fields, or the SDE documentation when referenced.
Student ID (PermNum) {Office; name; 803-734-}
This is a 12-digit number, automatically assigned from the District’s copy of SASIxp. Run the DI Inspector at the district to search for duplicate IDs, or students with multiple IDs.
Mailing Address, City, St, Zip Code {Research; David Burnett; 803-734-}
We are more interested in the student’s mailing address, than the residence address. The mailing address has been used for the Report Card mailout.
Parent/Guardian Name {Research; David Burnett; 803-734-}
This has been used for the Report Card mailout.
Birth Date {Office; name; 803-734-}
The birth date needs to be correct. Do not enroll students who have not yet been born. Also, students in their 30s or 40s should not still be enrolled.
Soc Sec No. (Social Security Number) {Office; name; 803-734-}
The identification number assigned to this student by the Social Security Administration. It should not be a sibling’s SSN, a parent’s SSN or a fictitious SSN.
Eth (Ethnic Code) {Research; David Burnett; 803-734-}
The following are the only approved ethnic codes that may be used. A blank is an invalid value.
/ P /Hawaiian- Pacific Islander
B / African-American / W / WhiteBI / African Amer/Amer Indian / WA / White/Asian
H / Hispanic / WB / White/Asian
I / American Indian / WI / White/American Indian
O / Other
ConcSch/Home (Concurrent School/Concurrent Is Home School) {Office; name; 803-734-}
Number of the school the student attends concurrently with the home school. At the home school, this will be the concurrent number. At the concurrent school, this will be the home number. At the concurrent school, the Home field should indicate that the concurrent school is the home school.
Enter Date and Code {Finance; Mellanie Jinnette; 803-734-3605}
These fields are automatically populated any time the student’s enrollment status changes. The following are the only approved enrollment codes that may be used. The E1 code will be removed during the 2005-2006 state template update. Refer to the Office of Finance’s Pupil Accounting Manual.
First School This Year in SC
/ EEi /Ineligible for funding
E1 / Enter/Re-Enter - Include on 35-day rptLeave Date and Code {Finance; Mellanie Jinnette; 803-734-3605}
These fields are automatically populated any time the student’s withdrawal status changes. The following are the only approved withdrawal codes that may be used. Refer to the Office of Finance’s Pupil Accounting Manual.
/ W28 /Withdrawn/4-Year College**
/W20 / Withdrawn/Unknown Status / W29 / Withdrawn/Work
W21 / Graduated / W30 / Withdrawn/Military
W22 / Transfer/Out of District* / W31 / Withdrawn/Juvenile Corrections
W23 / Transfer/Adult Education / W32 / Withdrawn/Adult Corrections
W24 / Moved Out of District/School Unknown / W33 / Withdrawn/Expulsion
W25 / Withdrawn/Home Schooled / W34 / Withdrawn/Charter School
W26 / Withdrawn/Health or Pregnancy / W35 / Deceased
W27 / Withdrawn/Tech School** / W36 / Dropout / Drop
Advsr# (Advisor or Homeroom Teacher Number) {Office; name; 803-734-}
Every student must have a valid advisor number. The advisor number and name are often used for distribution of testing materials.
ESL (English Proficiency) {Office; Catherine Neff; 803-734-}
Indicates the student’s proficiency level in English. The following are the only approved ESL codes that may be used. Refer to the NCLB User’s Guide in SASIxp.
/ 5 /LEP Mainstreamed
0 / Waiver / 7 / Exited / F3 / LEP / 9 / English Speaker / F
Career Cluster {Career and Technology Education; Glenda Whittle; 803-734-8438}
The Career cluster that most closely matches the student’s annual career plan. The following are the only approved career cluster codes that may be used. Refer to the Office of Career and Technology Education’s Data Collection Manual.
/ 09 /Hospitality & Tourism
01 / Agri/Food/Natural Resources / 10 / Human Services02 / Architecture and Construction / 11 / Information Technology
03 / Arts, A/V Technology and Comm. / 12 / Law, Public Safety, & Security
04 / Business, Management, & Admin. / 13 / Manufacturing
05 / Education and Training / 14 / Marketing, Sales, & Service
06 / Finance / 15 / Science, Tech, Engr, & Math
07 / Government and Public Admin. / 16 / Transp, Dist, & Logistics Svcs
08 / Health Science
Bus Transportation Needed {Transportation; Doug Hamrick; 803-734-8246}
Select whether the student needs transportation. Refer to the 2004-2005 SC Transportation User Manual.
blank = No [default]
A = AM
B = Both
P = PM
Dropout Reason {Safe Schools and Youth Services; Aveene Coleman; 803-734-}
Students that are identified as dropouts should be withdrawn using the W36 Withdrawal Code, and should also be given a dropout reason. The following are the only approved dropout reason codes that may be used. Refer to the Office of Safe Schools and Youth Services’ Dropout Prevention & Attendance instructions.
/ 37 / Poor Attendance20 / Status Unknown / 38 / Because of Age
26 / Pregnancy / 39 / To get Married
27 / Proprietary/Trade School - No Educ. Prog / 40 / Low or Failing Grades
29 / Pursue Job / 41 / Emancipated by Courts
30 / Military Service - No Educ. Program / 42 / Suspended / Did Not Return
32 / Adult Correctional Facility-No Educ Prog / 43 / Hospital - No Educ. Program
33 /
Expelled / Did Not Return
/ 44 / Rehabilitative Facility - No Educ. Prog.PrimLang (Primary Language) {Office; name; 803-734-}
Language in which student is most fluent. The following are the only language codes that have been standardized by SDE.
/ JPN /Japanese
ARB / Arabic / KRN / KoreanCMB / Cambodian / MND / Mandarin
CNT / Cantonese / OTH / Other
FRN / French / PRT / Portuguese
GJR / Gujarati / RSN / Russian
GRM / German / SPN / Spanish
HMN / Hmong / TGL / Tagalog
HND / Hindi / VTN / Vietnamese
HomeLang (Home Language) {Office; name; 803-734-}
Language spoken in a student’s home. See Primary Language for the only language codes that have been standardized by SDE.
CorrLang (Correspondence Home Language) {Office; name; 803-734-}
Language in which letters to a parent or guardian should be written. See Primary Language for the only language codes that have been standardized by SDE.
Meals (Free/Reduced Meals Program) {Office; name; 803-734-}
Indicates whether the student is eligible for free or reduced price meals. A blank is an invalid value.
F = Free
N = None [not eligible for free or reduced price]
R = Reduced
Alternate ID 1 {Office; name; 803-734-}
This field was populated with the Osiris student ID during your conversion to SASIxp. Students enrolled after the conversion will not have a value in this field.
Medicaid ID {School-Based Health Finance; Betsy Carpentier; 803-734-8169}
Student’s permanent Medicaid number assigned by the Office of Health and Human Services.
Title III Elig Immigrant (Title III Eligible Immigrant) {Office; name; 803-734-}
Indicates whether the student is an eligible immigrant. Refer to the NCLB User’s Guide in SASIxp. DO NOT mass change this field except to clear it for all students, or following the NCLB instructions.
Birth Country {Office; name; 803-734-}
Student’s country of origin. Refer to the NCLB User’s Guide in SASIxp. SDE has standardized on the default countries in the CNO table in SASIxp.
US Sch Entry (US School Entry Date) {Office; name; 803-734-}
Date student enrolled in school in the U.S. Refer to the NCLB User’s Guide in SASIxp.
Foster Home {Office; name; 803-734-}
Indicates whether the student resides in a foster home. DO NOT mass change this field except to clear it for all students.
Migrant {Office; name; 803-734-}
Refer to the Office of Assessment’s Precode Handout for the definition used by SDE. DO NOT mass change this field except to clear it for all students.
Refugee/Immig {Office; name; 803-734-}
Indicates if the student is a refugee or immigrant. DO NOT mass change this field except to clear it for all students.
Homeless {Office; name; 803-734-}
Indicates whether the student is homeless. DO NOT mass change this field except to clear it for all students.
Retain {Office; name; 803-734-}
Indicates whether the student has been retained. This has no impact on New Year Rollover. DO NOT mass change this field except to clear it for all students.
Gifted & Talented {Office; name; 803-734-}
Indicates whether the student is in the Gifted and Talented program (GATE). This field is not used by SDE and should not be used in place of any EIA code(s). DO NOT mass change this field except to clear it for all students.
Pgm ID (Service Program ID) {Office; name; 803-734-}
Service program identifier. SDE has standardized on only one service program thus far.
21st = 21st CCLC
Grd (Program Entry Grade) {Office; name; 803-734-}
Grade at which the student entered the service program.
Lvl (Program Level) {Office; name; 803-734-}
Service program level. Each service program has an associated program level. SDE has standardized on only the program levels for the 21st CCLC service program thus far.
1 = First year in program
2 = Second year in program
3 = Third year in program
4 = Fourth year in program
5 = Five or more years in program
ADA (Eligible ADA) {Office; name; 803-734-}
Indicates a student’s eligibility for ADA. Default is “Y”. SDE recognizes only “C”, “N” and “Y”. The ADA setting can affect the SRC reports. Refer to the Office of Finance’s Pupil Accounting Manual.
Y = Yes [default]
N = No ADA
A = ½ Day AM [do not use]
P = ½ Day PM [do not use]
M = Full Day AM [do not use]
E = Full Day PM [do not use]
C = Concurrent [use at the concurrent site]
Relationship {Office; name; 803-734-}
Relationship of the parent or guardian to the student. SDE has standardized on the default codes in SASIxp.
/ 11 /Brother
02 / Father / 12 / Sister03 / Step-Mother / 13 / Grandmother
04 / Step-Father / 14 / Grandfather
05 / Foster Mother / 15 / AM Day Care Provider
06 / Foster Father / 16 / PM Day Care Provider
07 / Guardian / 17 / Spouse
08 / Other / 18 / Parole Officer
09 / Neighbor / 19 / Aunt
10 / Babysitter / 20 / Uncle
Res (Student Resides Here) {Office; name; 803-734-}
Indicates whether the student resides with this parent or guardian. Field is marked by default. DO NOT mass change this field.
Rsp (Responsible Party) {Office; name; 803-734-}
Indicates whether the parent or guardian has primary responsibility for the student. DO NOT mass change this field.
Education Level {Office; name; 803-734-}
Highest education level attained by the parent or guardian. SDE has standardized on the default codes in SASIxp, with the addition of the “GED”.
/ M /Masters
B / Bachelors / N / No HS DiplomaG / GED / P / PhD
H / High School
User Code 1 (Parent Guardian User Code 1) {Office; name; 803-734-}
SDE uses this field to indicate the years of formal education of the Mother or female guardian. Select from 01 – 30 where appropriate. SDE’s use of this field is to take precedence over district use.
Incid Date (Incident Date) {Office; name; 803-734-}
Date the discipline incident occurred. Could be different from the date the incident was reported.
Cd (Discipline Code) {Office; name; 803-734-}
Discipline code for each discipline infraction. Refer to the DTS website for the list of discipline codes approved by SDE. Districts may add non-conflicting, non-duplicating codes in the range of 1 - 149 and 850 - 955.
Disposition Code {Office; name; 803-734-}
The disciplinary action for each discipline incident. SDE has added the following disposition codes to the standard list of SASIxp codes. “EXPM” is to be used in conjunction with discipline codes 780 – 783. “TRU1”, “TRU2” and “TRU3” are to be used in conjunction with discipline codes 151 – 153.
Referred to Alternative Prog.
/ TRU2 /Family Court Referral
EXPM / Expulsion Modified to <1 Year / TRU3 / Violation of Court OrderTRU1 / Intervention Plan
State Incd # (State Incident Number) {Office; name; 803-734-}
Use this field to link multiple offenders in the same incident. Each subsequent offender should be given the same incident number as the first student entered. Refer to the instructions relating to the Safe Schools data collection on the DTS website.
Comments {Office; name; 803-734-}
Additional, supporting comments for each incident. These comments cannot be queried, but they can be printed on the DIS01 report.