
Title*: / Request to update recommendation ITU-R M.1452-2 (2012)
from Source*: / Continental Automotive GmbH
Contact: / Frank Gruson
input forCommittee*: / ERM TGSRR
ContributionFor*: / Decision
Discussion / X
Submission date*: / 2018-02-06
Meeting & Allocation: / ERMTGSRR#31-
Relevant WI(s), or deliverable(s):

ABSTRACT:ITU recommendation ITU-R M.1452-2 (2012) describes "Millimetre wave vehicular collision avoidance radars and radiocommunication systems for intelligent transportsystem applications" and has not been updated since 2012-05.
This recommendations (1) contains errors and (2) does not reflect the Radio law in several countries any more.
Therefore, Continental proposes to trigger an update of the ITU-R M.1452-2 (2012) on ITU level. Alternatively, the ITU-R M.1452-2 (2012) might be deleted and the ITU-R M 2057 updated instead.

With respect to ITU recommendation ITU-R M.1452-2 (2012) [1], we propose the following changes to be made

  1. The strict separation between “category 1” (ACC & CA) and “category 2”(BSD, LCA, RTCA) systems

should be deleted and a common recommendation for power levels should be proposed
The rationale for this change is
(a) the decision of the FCC in 2017 [3] to regulate of a uniform frequency band of 76-81 GHz with uniform power levels (50dBm RMS, 55dBm PEAK)within the part 95 “licensed by rule” radiolocation service. The FCC intends not to restrict certain frequency subbands to certain applications, but to give the vehicle manufacturer or supplier the full control about the frequency band to foster applications like automated driving.

(b) There are many Category 2 “short-range” (BSD, LCA, RCTA) sensors on the market using the Category 1 (76-77 GHz) frequency band. This is not compliant with the current recommendation.
(c) Due to enhanced interference mitigation techniques, sharing of spectrum between Category 1 (front) and Category 2 (rear, side) sensors can be achieved without dividing the band into 2 Categories.

(d) New radar techniques such as OFDM might require larger bandwidth compared to what is available for Category 1

  1. The power limit of 23.5dBm should be deleted from the recommendation, table 1

    (1) This limit is not used by FCC part 95 nor in any other major country.
    (2) This 23.5 dBm average limit in Europe (ERC RECOMMENDATION (70-03) [4]) is “for pulsed radar only”, where “pulsed radar” is defined by ETSI EN 303 396 V1.1.1 (2016-12) [5] as “pulse radar: EUT which determines distance (range) by the time-of-flight of short radar pulses which are not frequencymodulated”.
    Such systems are - in practice - not used any more in new designs due to their spectral inefficiency and low performance.
    As such, the 23.5 dBm limit should not be part of the recommendation any more to avoid confusion.
  1. Annex 2 needs to be amended by the fact, that the FCC has allocated the 76-81 GHz frequency range under FCC part 95 under a “license-by-rule” method for vehicular applications under the radiolocation service.
  1. Section “system requirements” should be simplified

  2. Section “system requirements” should be amended by a section, which recommends that manufacturers should implement “interference mitigation methods” such as frequency sub-channels in order to avoid interference and guarantee efficient use of spectrum.
  3. Table 2 needs to be updated for several reasons

(1) The entry “9dBm/MHz” for System A seems to be a typo and is not backed by any recommendation or radio law in any ITU member state
(2) The PEAK power of +55 dBm is – in all radio laws – defined within a 1 MHz bandwidth (not within a 50 MHz bandwidth)

(3) The transmit power limitation of “10 dBm“ is only specific to two major countries (Korea and Japan) and it should be noted that it is “P: mean power (W) at the antenna transmission line, in accordance with RR No. 1.158” (as described in ITU-R SM 329 [6]) and it should reflect the properties of modern MIMO radar sensors in such a way, that it is defined “per each TX antenna transmission”.

  1. Annex 3 should be completely deleted from ITU-R M1452 (“not in scope”)


[1] Recommendation ITU-R M.1452-2(05/2012), “Millimetre wave vehicular collisionavoidance radars and radiocommunicationsystems for intelligent transportsystem applications”
[2] Recommendation ITU-R M.2057-0(02/2014), “Systems characteristics of automotiveradars operating in the frequencyband 76-81 GHz for intelligenttransport systems applications”

[3] FCC FACT SHEET, Radar Services in the 76-81 GHz Band, Report and Order – ET Docket No. 15-26, June 22, 2017

[4] ERC Recommendation70-03 “Relating to the use of Short Range Devices (SRD)”, Tromsø 1997, Subsequent amendments13 October 2017
[5] ETSI EN 303 396 V1.1.1 (2016-12)Short Range Devices;Measurement Techniques for Automotiveand Surveillance Radar Equipment

[6] Recommendation ITU-R SM.329-12(09/2012), “Unwanted emissions in the spurious domain”
