It will soon be time for the nominations and electionsof our Local Union Officersfor the next three year term. These Local Union Elections are very important as the Officers we elect have a duty tolead, protect and serve our Local Union for the next three years and they also have the responsibility of negotiating and enforcing future working agreements on behalf of our Members.In preparation for this upcoming eventthe following times and dates for the nominations and elections of our Local Union Officers have been set.

The date of our June Union Meeting has been changed to June 9, 2016 at which time we will conduct a special order of business to accept the nominations of candidates for all Local Union Offices. This Special June 9thUnion Meeting will be held at the Sheet Metal Workers’ Local #177 Union Hall and our meeting will start at 6:00 PM. Saturday June 25, 2016will be the official date of our Local Union Elections. These elections will be held at the Sheet Metal Workers’ Local #177 Union Hall, 4709 Alabama Avenue, Nashville, TN 37209 and the polls will be open for voting at 8:00 AM. The polls will close at 4:00 PM after which time the votes will be counted and the outcome of the elections will be announced.

All of the Local #177 Union Offices and the qualifications required to run for these offices are listed below. 1-President, 1-Business Manager / Financial Secretary Treasurer, 1-Vice President, 1-Recording Secretary, 4-Executive Board Members, 3-Trustees, 1-Warden and 1-Conductor. In order to be eligible to run for any of these Local Union Offices, you must be a Local #177 Member who has established a record of continuous good standing in our Local Union for at least two consecutive years, which may include years as an apprentice-member but no longer serving an apprenticeship,immediately preceding nominations. You must also have paid June 2016 dues and any other obligations due the Local Union on or before May 31, 2016 and possess a dues receipt that verifies your eligibility. If you need additional information regarding these Local Union Elections, please don’t hesitate to contact the Local Union Office.


The Retiree Club will have their next meeting on May 18, 2016 here at the Union Hall at 9:00 a.m.


During a special order of business at the April union meeting our Members voted on the $1.00

Wage & Fringe increase for the third year of the contract. As a result of this allocation vote, the following Journeyman Wage & Fringe rates are to become effective on all hours worked on or after May 1, 2016.

WAGE INCREASE $25.00 + $ .88 = $25.88

HEALTH & WELFARE $ 6.15 + $ .00 = $ 6.15

LOCAL PENSION $ 4.30 + $ .01 = $ 4.31

NATIONAL PENSION $ 1.08 + $ .08 = $ 1.16

LOCAL APPRENTICSHIP $ .30+ $ .00 = $ .30

S.A.S.M.I. $ 1.10 + $ .03 = $ 1.13

INTERNATIONALTRAINING $ .17 + $ .00 = $ .17

TOTALS $38.10 + $ 1.00 = $39.10


The Members of Sheet Metal Worker’s Local Union #177 are pleased to announce there have been no Member deaths since our last newsletter.

We are pleased to announce the birth of Josh and Tiffany Bolin’s twin boys Knox Lawrence and Maddox Joel Bolin born April 15, 2016. Brother Steve Goolsby and wife Kim also welcomed a new addition. Their grandson Asher Lee Ledbetter was born April 11, 2016. He weighed 7 lb. 15oz and was 19 ½” long.

The Staff and Officers would like to take this opportunity to remind all our Members to remember all of the retired Members who helped shape this Local. We have many of our retired Members who are not able to do what they used to do so let’s keep them in our thoughts and if you know any of them see if they could use a little help around the house.


Work remains fairly steady in the Nashville area, even though we have some members looking for work. There is travel work available in North Caroline at Facebook just south of Asheville. We have a few members working in Local 110’s jurisdiction with a possibility of more. Last month there was a meeting of contractors that spawned another meeting to target work in Nashville and it has resulted in one of our contractors being awarded a substantial project in a large facility. We are looking forward to gaining man hours for our members in the upcoming months.

Fraternally yours,

Anthony R. Easley,

Business Manager, FS/T


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