Curriculum Vita of Professor

A. Y. M. AL-Quraishi

Name: Adnan Yaseen Muhammed AL-Quraishi

Date of Birth: July 1st, 1945.

Nationality: Iraqi



Degrees Earned and Field of Specialty

1- B.Sc. / University of Baghdad 1966 Plant protection.

2- M.S. / University of Missouri, USA, 1972/ (Pesticide Chemistry).

Thesis: Metabolism of Chloropropylate and Bromopropylate by twospotted spidermite

and housefly .

Advisor: Dr. C.O. Knowles

3- Ph.D. / Pennsylvania State University / USA, 1978 / ( Toxicology of Pesticides).

Dissertation: The Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ELISA, a new method

for the analysis of pesticide residues.

Advisor: Late Dr. C.D. Ercegovich

4- Full professor: Since September, 26th, 1998.

Selected Published papers/Annex I

Papers accepted for publication /Annex II

Published Text books and Monograph

1- Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy and Its Medical and Environmental

Applications, (One of three authors), 2009

2- Environmental pollution / In Arabic, 2002

3- Principles of Immunology / In Arabic / (One of three authors), 1990.

4- Monograph in Practical Environmental Pollution/ In Arabic, 1989.

Positions occupied

1-Visiting professor at the Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid , Jordan, 2007-

2- Consultant for Baghdad Sale Branch of American Grow More Company, 2005-2006.

3- Member of the Establishing Committee of College University of Medenat AL-Elm/ Baghdad,

Iraq, with a teaching position at the Department of Biology, 2004-2006.

4-Teaching and Lecturing at Many Colleges and Scientific Centers.

5- Head, Department of Biology- University of Baghdad / 1979-1982.

6-Member of Higher Committee for Curricula and Text Books, Ministry of Education (Iraq) 1979-1982.

7-Teaching and Research Position at the Department of Biology/ University of Baghdad, 1978-1982,

1987- 2003.

8- Educational counselor at the Iraqi Embassy in Washington, USA, 1982-1986.

9-Consultant at the Office of Scholarship and Scientific Missions, Ministry of Higher Education and

Scientific Research, Iraq, 1986-1987.

Scientific association(s)

1-  Member of the Association of Environmental Protection / Iraq 1990- 1995.

2-  Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science/ 1983-1987.

Conferences and Workshops Attended

1-German-Middle East International Conference, 10-11 May, 2009, Amman, Jordan.

2-Presentation Skills, a Training Course Sponsored By IIE, 18-20 December 2008

Place: Amman, Jordan

3- First International Symposium on Medicinal Plants, 25-26 October 2008 at The Baalqa University , AlShoubak, Jordan.

4-A workshop on Pesticide and Food Safety Management

The Sponsor: USAID/ ANE/TS, Amman, Jordan, 21-24, October, 2007.

5- Third Seminar on Biotechnology and Its Application in Arab Agricultural Investment,

Amman, Jordan, May 2007

6--Biotechnology and Biosafety, Sandia Laboratory and CMC, Amman, Jordan, December


7-Environmental Protection and Improvement, University of Baghdad, 2001.

Advising and teaching

1-The major advisor of five MS Theses.

2- Courses taught to Medical, Ph.D. And MS Students:

A- Toxicology of Pesticides(MS Students at Jordan University of Science and Technology,Irbid-


B-Biochemistry for Biology Students. (Senior & MS Students) *

C-Advanced Environmental Pollution. (MS Students).*

D-Chemical Pesticides (Ph. D & MS Students). *

E-Experimental Biology (MS Students). *

F- Toxicology of Heavy Metals and Pesticides (Board of Community Medicine) /College of

Medicine/ University of Baghdad.

G-Food Toxicology (Ph.D. Students).*

H-Effect of Chemical Pollution on Human Immunity. (MS Students)*

( * ) Courses Given at the Department of Biology/University of Baghdad,

3- Courses taught to undergraduate students:-

A- Biochemistry, at University of Science and Technology University, Irbid, Jordan.

B- Medical and Veterinary Entomology, JUST

C- Technical Writing and Presentation, JUST.

D- Toxicology, JUST

B- General Biology. University of Baghdad.

C-Environmental Pollution. University of Baghdad .

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Lectures on Pesticide Toxicology and Safety were given to participants in three workshops organized by, Scientific Center for Consultation, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid – Jordan. 2008-2010

Annex I/ Selected Published Papers

1-The Potential Uses of Melia azedarach L. , as Pesticidal and Medicinal Plant, Review

Adnan AL-Rubae: American-Euroasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 3(2): 185-194, 2009.

2- Synthesis and antimicrobial evaluation of Dioxadiazoles and their thio-ethers.

Muhmoud, M.J., Muhammed, A.Y., Mustafa, I.F.

Ibn AL-Haitham Journal for Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol. 15 (2) 2002, University of

Baghdad, Iraq.

3-The effect of some food preservatives on the growth of Aspergillus flavus Link ex Fries and its

production of aflatoxin in bread flour. S. J. AL-Janabi; M. AL-Hiti; A. Y. Muhammed.

Iraqi J. Pharm. Sci. Vol. 12, 2001. College of Pharmacology, University of Baghdad, Iraq.

4- Production of antibodies against 1-Naphthol, the major metabolite of the

insecticide, Carbaryl (Sevin) . Adnan Al-Rubae

Ibn AL-Haitham Journal for pure and applied sciences, Vol. 14 (2) 2001, University of Baghdad,


5-Contamination of bread flour with Aflatoxin and factors affecting the fungus growth and its

production of Aflatoxin., M. AL-Hiti, Adnan Al-Rubae, S. J. AL- Janabi.

Iraqi J. Pharm. Science, Vol. (10) 1999. College of Pharmacology, University of Baghdad, Iraq.

6- Lead content in deciduous teeth in two major cities, Baghdad and Mousel.

Adnan Al-Rubae, S.AL-Farhan, T. H. AL-Noor, R.W. AL-Naimi.

Journal of the College of Dentistry, 1999, Baghdad, Iraq.

7-The presence of lead indrinking water pre and post cooling in the city of Baghdad.

Adnan Al-Rubae, T.H. AL-Noor .

Ibn Al-Haitham Journal for Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol. 9(1)1998.University of Baghdad, Iraq.

8 - Effect of some insecticides and one herbicide on soil microorganisms.

Adnan Al-Rubae, D. M. Ibrahim, S. A. Muhaimin.

Ibn Al-Haitham Journal for Pure and Applied Sciences, 1994. University of Baghdad, Iraq.

9-In vitro Multiplication of Leshmania donovani in peritoneal Microphage fromIrradiated mice.

Adnan Al-Rubae. A.K. Hassan, S.Z. Jawdat, H.S. Ali

J. of Medical Community, 1990, Vol. 3, No. (1), College of Medicine, University of Baghdad,


10-Effect of whole body Gamma irradiated on Balb/C mice susceptibility to Visceral Leishmaniasis.

A. K. Hassan , Adnan Al- Rubae , S.Z. Jawdat, H.S. Ali.

J. Biological Science Research, Vol. 20 (31)1989. Scientific Research, Council, Baghdad, Iraq.

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11-Pesticide Residue Test Utilizes New Technique, Adnan Al-Rubae and Charles D. Ercegovich

Science in Agriculture, 1977. Pennsylvania State University, USA.

12-Metabolism of Chloropropylate and Bromopropylate Acaricides by Twospotted Spider Mites and

Houseflies. Adnan Y. AL-Rubae and Charles O. Knowles, Journal of Economic Entomology,

1972 Volume 65,Number 6, December 1972 , pp. 1600-1603(4)

13- Toxicological studies on the Cotton Spiny Bollworm Erias insulana ( Lepid., Acrittidae) in Iraq,

Hussein M. Elmosa, F.A. Attawi and A.Y. AL-Rubae

Sonderdruck aus Bd. 68 (1971 ), H.4,S. 419-423, W. Germany.

Annex II/ Papers Accepted For Publication

No. of
Acceptance / Journal / Title
1 / 2/555 / IbnAl-Haitham Journal for pure and applied sciences / Effect of some heavy metals on
E.coli isolated from Tigris river near Baghdad.
2 / 2/214 / IbnAl-Haitham Journal for pure And applied sciences / The study of mutation ability of three chemical pesticides using Ames Test.

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