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Property 1

Professor Veltri Summer 2016

10934 LAW 1031 4 Credits (with Lab)

Welcome to the study of law. This course offers an introduction to the American law of property. More importantly, the course also aims to help you develop the analytical skills necessary to succeed in law school and legal practice.


The casebook for this course is Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, Schill & Stahilevitz, Property (8th ed, 2014). I also will occasionally assign additional readings which will be made available through the internet. To download these readings, please direct your browser to the faculty link off the College home page. Click on my name and then click on the link for additional readings for property. From time to time, I may make additional assignments by electronic mail. So, please check your school e-mail address regularly.


You must punctually attend every class of the semester fully prepared to discuss the day’s assignment. I will take attendance each day in accordance with the rules of the College. I will give you a written warning if, in my judgment, your attendance or class preparation fall below professional standards. You may expect such a warning if you are inexcusably absent,tardy or ill-prepared three times. After you have received a written warning, any further instances of tardiness, absence or poor class preparation will result in a reduction of your grade by one step, i.e., "B-" to "C+."

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If your class work does not affect your grade as described above, your final grade will be determined solely by your performance on three quizzes and a final examination. The quizzes will be held on June 10, June 24 and July 8. Fifty percent of the total points that will be used to determine your final grade may be earned on these quizzes. Ten points have been allotted to the first quiz, 15 points to the second quiz and 25 points to the third quiz. The final examination will be cumulative. A total of 50 points will be available on the final examination. The quizzes and final examination will all be closed book exercises.


We will review each of the quizzes in class. You will also have the opportunity to work with instructors in our academic support program who can help you improve your performance. My teaching assistant this Summer is Jonathon Elgin (). Mr. Elgin will conduct review sessions before each quiz and the final examination. These sessions will be held on June 9, June 23, July 7 and July 21st. You should also feel free to consult with Mr. Elgin at any mutually convenient time.


Students requiring testing or other accommodations because of physical and/or learning disabilities should contact the associate dean's office prior as soon as possible. For additional information, see the College of Law web page entitled “Disability Services.”


The College of Law expects its students to conduct themselves in a dignified and honorable manner as future members of the legal profession and assumes that individually and collectively they will discourage acts of academic dishonesty. The College also expects cooperation among administrators, faculty, staff, and students in preventing acts of academic dishonesty, in detecting such acts, reporting them, and identifying those who commit them, and in providing appropriate punishment for offenders. The College of Law Code of Conduct may be found at page 55 of the College of Law Catalog.


My office hours this Summer are Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Please feel free to see me at any other mutually convenient time. You may find it useful to make an appointment with Ms. DeAngelis. Also, you can always reach me by e-mail at .


You must be prepared to discuss the readings below by the date listed. Please note this is a reading list, not necessarily a class schedule. Our class discussion may lead us to fall behind the reading schedule. If we do, you must review the material up for discussion before each class.

6/1 / Capture / 3; 18-26; 30-36
6/2 / Water Rights / Evans v. Merriweather; Cline v. American Aggregates Corp.; 36-40
6/3 / Trespass and Nuisance / Bradley v. American Smelting & Refining Co., 779-790
6/6 / Remedies for Nuisance / 790-808
6/7 / General Principles of Intellectual Property Law / INS v. AP; Cheney Bros. v. Doris Silk Corp.
6/8 / Right to Exclude; Abandonment and Destruction / 104-124
6/10 / Quiz
6/13 / Review of Quiz; Finders / 125-144
6/14 / Bailments / Allen v. Hyatt Regency
6/15 / Adverse Possession / 144-169
6/16 / 170-178
6/20 / Adverse Possession of Chattels and Good Faith Purchase of Goods / 178-189; Uniform Commercial Code § 2-403
6/21 / Gifts / 192-206
6/22 / Exam Preparation Session
6/24 / Quiz
6/27 / Review of Quiz; Present Possessory Freehold Estates / 207-243
6/28 / 243-265; 271-272
6/29 / Future Interests / 275-292
6/30 / Trusts and Traditional Rules for Regulating Contingent Future Interests / 295-307
7/5 / Perpetuities / 307-341
7/6 / Exam Preparation Session
7/8 / Quiz
7/11 / Review of Quiz: Concurrent Interests / 343-361
7/12 / 361-375
7/13 / Marital Interests / 375-393; 407-410; Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act, §§ 1 – 4 (Oh. Rev. Code §§ 1336.01 et. seq.)
7/14 / Non-Freehold Estates / 441-453
7/18 / 465-482
7/19 / 482-504
7/20 / Exam Preparation Session