Amy E. Robertson, LCSW
Telephone: (720) 470-2230
921 Main Street
Louisville, CO 80027
¨ Masters in Clinical Social Work, Smith College, Northampton Massachusetts, August 1993
Thesis: “The Use of Writing as a Therapeutic Tool in Brief Group Therapy: An Outcome Study”
¨ Bachelor of Art in Psychology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, May 1988
Teaching Experience
Affiliate Faculty
Metropolitan State University School for Social Work, Denver, Colorado
August 2012 to present
¨ Taught 3-credit Family Violence Course, Direct Practice, Direct Interventions with Adults for second year masters in social work students and four credit Generalist Practice I undergraduate course.
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
February 1994 to May 2012
¨ Supervision of clinical and counseling psychology doctoral students
¨ Graduate seminars:
o Assessment and Management of At-risk Clients
o Treatment of Trauma
o Multi-cultural Perspectives on Suicide
o Evidence-based Positive Psychology Interventions
o Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
o Thriving in Law School: a health and wellness non-credit course
¨ Undergraduate seminars:
o Guest lectures for Department of Women’s Studies; Department of Sociology and Psychology on topics including:
§ Violence Against Women
§ Suicide Prevention
§ Play and Positive Psychology
o Guest lectures for GLBTQ Resource Center, Women’s Resource Center, Student Academic Support Center, Student Outreach and Retention Center for Equity on topics including:
§ Violence Against Women
§ Suicide Prevention
§ Play and Positive Psychology
o Thriving in the Engineering School: a health and wellness seminar series
¨ Staff/faculty seminars:
o Mental Health Promotion through Mindfulness
o Managing and Assessing Suicidal Clients—professional development for faculty of UCB Psychology Department
o Effective Interventions with Distressed Students—professional development for faculty of UCB Engineering Department
o Working with Neurodiverse Students: Asperger’s and ADHD—professional development for staff of UCB Career Services Department
o Mental Health Promotion through Mindfulness Practices—CU Boulder staff and faculty
¨ Community-based seminars/lectures on effective intervention with at-risk community members delivered to:
o Boulder County Workforce staff
o Second Wind Fund therapists
o Boulder Housing Partners staff
o Boulder Mental Health Partners senior peer mentors
o Addiction Recovery Center professional staff
Emily Griffith Opportunity School, Colorado Refugee Program, Denver, Colorado
November 1993 to October 1995
¨ Created curriculum and served as course coordinator for workshops on various refugee resettlement issues, including, legal rights, healthcare access, financial literacy, mental health concerns
¨ Course instructor for Refugee English as a Second Language Program
¨ Instructed and supervised volunteer tutors
Professional Experience
Private Psychotherapy Practice
Louisville Wellness Center, Louisville, Colorado
August 2009 to present
¨ Provide psychotherapy services to individuals, couples, and families. Expanded into interdisciplinary holistic health group practice.
¨ Member of Boulder County Counseling Cooperative offering low fee services to uninsured and under-insured clients.
Counseling and Psychological Services, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, Colorado
September 2007 to present
¨ Provide group and individual intake assessment, treatment planning and psychotherapy to undergraduate and graduate students. Average caseload of 25 clients, diverse in race, sexual orientation, gender identity and ability.
¨ Treat individuals with a range of presenting concerns, including anxiety, mood disorders, eating disorders, substance abuse, psychosis, trauma, bereavement, ADHD, Aspergers Syndrome, and relationship distress.
¨ Practice includes psychodynamic, CBT, ACT, DBT, EMDR, brainspotting, motivational interviewing, harm reduction, interpersonal neurobiology, solution-focused, systemic coaching with privilege and oppression lens, applied positive psychology, and emotionally focused couples techniques.
¨ Coordinate suicide prevention efforts for CU Boulder including Interactive Web Screening Program, social marketing campaign, and overseeing community education efforts.
Director of Victim Services
University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, Colorado
February 1994 to September 2004
¨ Directed Office of Victim Assistance staff and delivered multiculturally competent clinical services (including direct services, consultation, and educational training) related to traumatic life events for the University community of approximately 30,000.
¨ Managed increasing annual client load from fewer than 100 cases per year in 1997 to an average of 600 cases per year in 2004. Counseled over 3,000 trauma survivors for traumatic life events including sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, sexual harassment, hate crimes, student death, and serious accidents.
¨ Expanded Victim Assistance program resources from a single 0.75 FTE position to a student affairs directorship with responsibility for four professional staff.
¨ Developed numerous seminars/educational curricula and taught over 2,000 University and community members (including law enforcement, judicial affairs officers, student affairs professionals, and victim service providers) in working with trauma and crisis intervention.
¨ Created and coordinated the University Interpersonal Violence Network established in 1996.
¨ Served as Co-Chair of the University Critical Incident Response Network from 1996 to 2004; charged with overseeing collaborative responses to critical incidents within the University community.
¨ Co-founded UCB Restorative Justice Program as an alternative judicial affairs/criminal justice process for students accused of lower level crime/student code violations—won NASPA National Top Ten Innovative Programs Award in 2002.
Therapist Social Work Intern (Full-time)
Wardenburg Student Health Center, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
September 1992 to May 1993.
¨ Provided brief and long-term individual and group psychotherapy to undergraduate and graduate students.
¨ Co-taught two semester academic credit course Drug and Alcohol Peer Education.
Outpatient Services, Family Services, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio
September 1991 to May 1992.
¨ Conducted family, couple, group, and individual psychotherapy with diverse population of adults and children in long-term and brief treatment.
¨ Co-led psychotherapy group of sexually abused children.
¨ Counseled voluntary and court-mandated chemically-dependent clients.
Victim Advocate
Victim Assistance Program, Fort Wayne Police Department, Fort Wayne, Indiana
April 1990 to May 1991
Case Manager
Independent Living Program, Park Center Community Mental Health Center; Fort Wayne, Indiana
August 1998 to April 1990
Inpatient Unit, Parkview Hospital, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Summers of 1986 to 1988
Crisis Intervention Specialist
Oxford Crisis and Referral Center, Oxford, Ohio
September 1986 to May 1988
Grants Awarded and Administered
¨ Principal Investigator for CU-Boulder, Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grant; Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA); federal Department of Health and Human Services (administered by the Colorado Department of Public Health); 2006 to 2009; $189,000
¨ Principal Investigator, Grant to Reduce Violence Against Women on Campus; federal Department of Justice; October 2001 to September 2004; $650,000
o Identified, authored, and submitted two successful applications to the US Department of Justice resulting in $650,000 of funding for initiatives to reduce violence against women.
o As Principal Investigator oversaw development, execution, and dissemination of potential national best practices.
Conference Presentations
¨ Parent Self-Care, presented to the Boulder Valley School District Parent Engagement Network; Boulder, CO; 2011
¨ Depression Over the Lifecycle, presented to the Interfaith Network on Mental Illness; Boulder, CO; 2010 (Keynote Speaker)
¨ Discoveries from the First University-based Restorative Justice Program, presented to the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) National Conference; Washington, DC; 2003
¨ Delivering Innovative University Victim Services, presented to the National University Sexual Assault Intimate Partner Violence Conference; Orlando, FL; 1999
¨ Innovative Practices in Refugee Resettlement Programs, presented to Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) National Conference; Newport Beach, CA; 1995
Community and Service Activities
¨ Boulder County Suicide Prevention Hope Coalition, member, 2006-present
¨ Boulder County Second Wind Fund Therapist Advisory Board, 2008-2010
¨ Women’s Mindfulness group, Boulder Zen Center, 2010-present
¨ Buddhist Coalition for Bodhisattva Activity, 2008-2011
o Coordinating volunteer activities (meals for the homeless, I Have a Dream Foundation, Reading to End Racism) for Boulder’s 45 Buddhist organizations.
¨ Mindful parenting group, 2006-present
¨ Board member, Boulder Zen Center, 2000-present
Professional Licenses and Affiliations
¨ Licensed Clinical Social Worker (# 992055) since 1996
¨ National Association of Social Workers
¨ Community Builder Award, University of Colorado, 2005
¨ Women Who Make a Difference Award, University of Colorado, 2003
¨ National Top Ten Innovative Programs Award, NASPA (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators), 2002
¨ Boulder County District Attorney’s Award for Outstanding Victim Services, Boulder County District Attorney, 2001
¨ Governor’s Recognition Award for State Employees, State of Colorado, 1998
¨ Graduate Research Award from Colorado/Wyoming Association of Women in Higher Education, 1993
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