Major Partnership Levels: $10,000+
Includes invitations to the exclusiveVIP Reception
Presenting Partner(exclusive)$50,000
$39,677 tax-deductible
- Top recognition as the Presenting Partner on Tournament materials
- Company logo andacknowledgementat Delek Tournament for Hope events and venues
- Recognitionwith links on the Delek Tournament for Hope website through June2018
- Opportunity to provide marketing materials/promotional items for participants
- A total of 3 Teams (12 spots) in any event or combination of events including:
Golf at Hermitage Golf Course with priority flight placement and choice of course –or-
Sporting Clays event at the Nashville Gun Club–or-
Pheasant Hunting at Meadowbrook Game Farm
- Twelve (12) invitations to the exclusive VIP Reception Tuesday night
- Invitations to the Wednesday Evening Celebration & Auction for 12 attendees plus a guest each including up to two reserved VIP tables (please let us know how many you need)
- 8 complimentary hotel room nights
- 3,000 Hope Points for the Delek Tournament Pro Shop
- Choice of a Delek Guest in each foursome if desired
- Private dinner with the Delek management team upon request
Elite Partners(2 available)$40,000
- Recognition as one of the Elite Partners on all print, web, media, and releases.
- Company logo andacknowledgementat Hermitage Golf Course throughout the Tournament
- Recognitionwith links on the Delek Tournament for Hope website through June 2018
- Opportunity to provide marketing/promotional items for participants
- A total of 3 Teams (12 spots) in any event or combination of events including:
Golf at Hermitage Golf Course with priority flight placement and choice of course –or-
Sporting Clays event at the Nashville Gun Club –or-
Pheasant Hunting at Meadowbrook Game Farm
- Twelve (12) invitations to the exclusive VIP ReceptionTuesday night
- Invitations to the Wednesday Evening Celebration & Auction for 12 attendees plus a guest eachincluding up to two reserved VIP tables (please let us know how many you need)
- 3,000 Hope Points for the Delek Tournament Pro Shop
- 2 complimentary hotel room nights
Wednesday Celebration & AuctionPartner(exclusive)$30,000
$25,038 tax-deductible
- Naming Rights as the Wednesday Evening Celebration & Auction partner
- Opportunity to make welcoming remarks Wednesday evening
- Logo on the Live Auction paddles
- Company logo andacknowledgementat Hermitage Golf Course and Celebration & Auction venue
- Recognitionwith links on the Delek Tournament for Hope website through June 2018
- A total of 2 Teams (8 spots) in any event or combination of events including:
Golf at Hermitage Golf Course with priority flight placement and choice of course-or-
Sporting Clays event at the Nashville Gun Club -or-
Pheasant Hunting at Meadowbrook Game Farm
- 2,000 Hope Points for the Delek Tournament Pro Shop
- Eight (8) invitations to the exclusive VIP ReceptionTuesday night
- Invitations to the Wednesday Evening Celebration & Auction for 8attendees plus a guest eachincluding one reserved VIP table.
Wine Sponsor (exclusive)$25,000
$22,519 tax-deductible
- Naming Rights as the Tournament Wine Sponsor
- Company logo and acknowledgement
- Recognition with links on the Delek Tournament for Hope website through June 2018
- A total of 2 Teams (8 spots) in any event or combination of events including:
Golf at Hermitage Golf Course with priority flight placement and choice of course. -or-
Sporting Clays event at the Nashville Gun Club -or-
Pheasant Hunting at Meadowbrook Game Farm
- 2,000 Hope Points for the Delek Tournament Pro Shop
- Eight (8) invitations to the exclusive VIP ReceptionTuesday night
- Invitations to the Wednesday Evening Celebration & Auction for 8attendees plus a guest eachincluding one reserved VIP table.
VIP ReceptionPartner (exclusive)$20,000
$17,519 tax-deductible
- Naming Rights as the VIP ReceptionPartner
- Opportunity to make welcoming remarks Tuesday evening
- Company logo andacknowledgementat Hermitage Golf Course and VIP Reception venue
- Recognitionwith links on the Delek Tournament for Hope website through June 2018
- A total of 2 Teams (8 spots) in any event or combination of events including:
Golf at Hermitage Golf Course with priority flight placement and choice of course. -or-
Sporting Clays event at the Nashville Gun Club -or-
Pheasant Hunting at Meadowbrook Game Farm
- 2,000 Hope Points for the Delek Tournament Pro Shop
- Eight (8) invitations to the exclusive VIP ReceptionTuesday night
- Invitations to the Wednesday Evening Celebration & Auction for 8attendees plus a guest each including one reserved VIP table.
Flight Partner (4 available)$20,000
$17,519 tax-deductible
- Company logo recognition at all tournament events
- Recognition as a Flight Partner on all print, web, media and releases
- Banner Recognition at Hermitage Golf Course throughout the Delek Tournament of Hope
- Recognition on the Delek Tournament of Hope website through June 2018
- A total of 2 Teams (8 spots) in any event or combination of events including:
Golf at Hermitage Golf Course with priority flight placement and choice of course -or-
Sporting Clays event at the Nashville Gun Club -or-
Pheasant Hunting at Meadowbrook Game Farm
- 2,000 Hope Points for the Delek Tournament Pro Shop
- Eight (8) invitations to the exclusive VIP ReceptionTuesday night
- Invitations to the Wednesday Evening Celebration & Auction for 8attendees plus a guest eachincluding one reserved VIP table.
- Opportunity to provide marketing materials/promotional items for participants
Sporting Clay Sponsor(exclusive)$15,000
$12,719 tax-deductible
- Naming Rights as the Delek Tournament of Hope Sporting Clays Sponsor
- Company logo andacknowledgementat Hermitage Golf Course and at the Nashville Gun Club
- Brand Recognition on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Opportunities for you to provide personalized gifts for participants
- One (1) Team (4 spots) in any event including:
Golf at Hermitage Golf Course -or-
Sporting Clays event at the Nashville Gun Club -or-
Pheasant Hunting at Meadowbrook Game Farm
- 1000 Hope Points for the Delek Tournament Pro Shop
- Four (4) invitations to the exclusive VIP ReceptionTuesday night
- Invitations to the Wednesday Evening Celebration & Auction for 4attendees plus a guest eachincluding one reserved VIP table.
Charity Challenge(exclusive)$15,000 exclusive
$12,719 tax-deductible
- Naming rights to the Charity Challenge event during the Delek Tournament for Hope
- Recognition as the Charity Challenge Partner on all print, web, media and releases
- Brand Recognition on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Opportunities for you to provide personalized gifts for participants
- 1 Team (4 spots) in either golf, sporting clays, or at the pheasant hunt
- 1000 Hope Points for the Delek Tournament Pro Shop
- Four (4) invitations to the exclusive VIP ReceptionTuesday night
- Invitations to the Wednesday Evening Celebration & Auction for 4attendees plus a guest eachincluding one reserved VIP table.
Premium Partners$10,000
$7,719 tax-deductible
- Banner Recognition at Hermitage Golf Course throughout the Delek Tournament of Hope
- Recognition as a Premium Partner on all print, web, media and releases
- Brand Recognition on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Opportunities for you to provide personalized gifts for participants
- 1 Team (4 spots) in either golf, sporting clays, or at the pheasant hunt
- Invitations to the Tuesday Evening Delek Private VIP Reception for 4 attendees
- Invitations to the Wednesday Evening Celebration/Auction for 4 attendees plus one guest each
- 1,000 Hope Points for the Delek Tournament Pro Shop
Towel Sponsor (exclusive)$10,000
$7,719 tax-deductible
- Naming rights as the Delek Tournament for Hope Towel Sponsor
- Acknowledgement on all branded towels provided for each participant
- Recognition on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- 1 Team (4 spots) in either golf, sporting clays, or at the pheasant hunt
- 1,000 Hope Points for the Delek Tournament Pro Shop
- Invitations to the Tuesday Evening Delek Private VIP Reception for 4 attendees
- Invitations for 4 attendees plus one guest each to the Wednesday Evening Celebration/Auction
Additional Sponsorship Levels $1,500 - $7,500
Pheasant Hunt Sponsor(exclusive)$7,500
$5,987 tax-deductible
- Naming Rights as the Pheasant Hunt Sponsor held at Meadowbrook Game Farm
- Recognition on the Sponsor Board and on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Opportunities for you to provide personalized gifts for participants
- 4 Spots at the Delek Tournament of Hope Pheasant Hunt
- Invitations to 4 attendees plus 1 guest each to the Wednesday Evening Celebration & Auction
- 800 Hope Points for the Delek Tournament Pro Shop
Breakfast Sponsor(2 available)$7,500
$6,019 tax-deductibleRecognition
- Naming Rights as a Delek Tournament for Hope Breakfast Sponsor (first come, first served basis)
- Recognition Signage at Breakfast and on the Sponsorship Board throughout the tournament
- Recognition on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Opportunity to provide promotional items at lunch
- Option of 4 spots for golf, sporting clays, or pheasant hunting
- 800 Hope Points for the Delek Tournament Pro Shop
- Invitations for 4attendees plus one guest each to the Wednesday Evening Celebration/Auction
Lunch Sponsor(2 available)$7,500
$6,019 tax-deductible
- Naming Rights as a Delek Tournament for Hope Lunch Sponsor (first come, first served basis)
- Recognition Signage at Lunch and on the Sponsorship Board throughout the tournament
- Recognition on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Opportunity to provide promotional items at lunch
- Option of 4 spots for golf, sporting clays, or pheasant hunting
- 800 Hope Points for the Delek Tournament Pro Shop
- Invitations for 4attendees plus one guest each to the Wednesday Evening Celebration/Auction
Bag Tag Sponsor(exclusive)$7,500
$6,019 tax-deductible
- Naming Rights as the Delek Tournament for Hope Bag Tag Sponsor
- Recognition on the Sponsor Board and on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Opportunity to provide promotional items
- 1 Team (4 spots) for golf, sporting clays, or pheasant hunting
- 800 Hope Points for the Delek Tournament Pro Shop
- Invitations for 4 attendees plus one guest each to the Wednesday Evening Celebration/Auction
Photo Sponsor(exclusive)$7,500
$6,019 tax-deductible
- Naming Rights as the Delek Tournament for Hope Photo Sponsor
- Recognition on the Sponsor Board and on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Opportunity to provide promotional items
- 1 Team (4 spots)for golf, sporting clays, pheasant hunting or armory experience
- 800 Hope Points for the Delek Tournament Pro Shop
- Invitations for 4 attendees plus one guest each to the Wednesday Evening Celebration/Auction
Hole-in-One Sponsor(8 available)$7,500
$7,400 tax-deductible
- Naming Rights as a Delek Tournament Hole-in-One Sponsor at the hole contest location(day/course choice is first come, first served)
- Recognition on the Sponsor Board and on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Opportunity to provide promotional items
- Option of 4 spots for golf, sporting clays, pheasant hunt or armory experience
- Invitations for 4 attendees plus one guest each to the Wednesday Evening Celebration/Auction
- 800 Hope Points for the Delek Tournament Pro Shop
Transportation Sponsor (exclusive)$7,500
$7,400 tax-deductible
- Naming Rights as the Delek Tournament Hole-in-One Sponsor at the hole contest location
- Recognition on the Sponsor Board and on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Opportunity to provide promotional items
- Option of 4 spots for golf, sporting clays, pheasant hunt or armory experience
- Invitations for 4 attendees plus one guest each to the Wednesday Evening Celebration/Auction
- 800 Hope Points for the Delek Tournament Pro Shop
Longest Drive Sponsor(4 available)$5,000
$4,900 tax-deductible
Recognition and Participation
- Recognition signage at a sponsored hole – first come, first served basis
- Recognition on the Sponsor Board and on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Invitations for 2 attendees to the Wednesday Evening Celebration/Auction
Straightest Drive Sponsor(4 available)$5,000
$4,900 tax-deductible
Recognition and Participation
- Recognition signage at a sponsored hole – first come, first served basis
- Recognition on the Sponsor Board and on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Invitations for 2 attendees to the Wednesday Evening Celebration/Auction
Closest-to-the-Pin Sponsor(4 available)$5,000
$4,900 tax-deductible
Recognition and Participation
- Recognition signage at a sponsored hole – first come, first served basis
- Recognition on the Sponsor Board and on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Invitations for 2 attendees to the Wednesday Evening Celebration/Auction
Golf Cart Sponsor(2 available)$5,000
$4,900 tax-deductible
Recognition and Participation
- Recognition signage on each golf cart in a flight within the tournament
- Recognition on the Sponsor Board and on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Invitations for 2 attendees to the Wednesday Evening Celebration/Auction
Team Sponsor (Host team of 4)$4,500
$3,265 tax-deductible
- 1 Team (4 spots) in either golf, sporting clays, or at the pheasant hunt
- Tee off date/time on a first come, first served basis
- Breakfast and/or lunch on the day of the event
- Invitations for 4 attendees plus one guest each to the Wednesday Evening Celebration & Auction
- 200 Hope Points per player for the Delek Tournament Pro Shop
Scorecard Sponsor(2 available)$4,000
$3,900 tax-deductible
- Recognition/logo on scorecards
- Recognition on the Sponsor Board and on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Invitations for 2 attendees to the Wednesday Evening Celebration & Auction
Super Ticket Contest Sponsor (exclusive)$4,000
$3,900 tax-deductible
- Recognition on the Super Tickets
- Recognition on the Sponsor Board and on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Invitations for 2 attendees to the Wednesday Evening Celebration & Auction
Beverage Cart Sponsor(8 Available)$3,000
$2,900 tax-deductible
- Recognition signage on two beverage carts
- Recognition on the Sponsor Board and on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Invitations for 2 attendees to the Wednesday Evening Celebration & Auction
Driving Range Sponsor(unlimited)$2,500
$2,400 tax-deductible
- Recognition signage at the Driving Range practice area
- Recognition on the Sponsor Board and on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Invitations for 2 attendees to the Wednesday Evening Celebration & Auction
Putting Green Sponsor(unlimited)$2,500
$2,400 tax-deductible
- Recognition signage at the Putting Green practice area
- Recognition on the Sponsor Board and on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Invitations for 2 attendees to the Wednesday Evening Celebration & Auction
Hole Sponsor(36 available)$2,000
$1,900 tax-deductible
- Recognition signage at a sponsored hole – first come, first served basis
- Recognition on the Sponsor Board and on the Delek Tournament for Hope website
- Invitations for 2 attendees to the Wednesday Evening Celebration/Auction
Reserved VIP Table for Wednesday’s Celebration & Auction$2,000
Add-on only!Must have a team or other sponsorship package.100% tax-deductible
Solo Participant (each activity)$1,500
$1,130 tax-deductible
- Option of golf, sporting clays, pheasant hunting or a golf lesson
- Invitations for 1 attendee plus a guest to the Wednesday Evening Celebration/Auction
- 200 Hope Points for the Delek Tournament Pro Shop
Friend of the Tournament$1,500
100% tax-deductible
- Recognition on the Sponsor Board andon the Delek Tournament for Hope website
Wednesday Celebration Auction Tickets are valued at $50 per person
All sponsorship packages include a set number of tickets.
Additional tickets ($50 per person) are available for:
- Sponsors who need additional tickets
- A participant who would like to bring more than one guest
- Charity partners who need additional tickets
- Delek/MAPCO vendors
- Non-Profit staff or board members who want to learn more about the event
- Any business or individual who donates to our auction
Delek employees may purchase advance discounted tickets through . Tickets purchased at the door will be $50. Everyone must have a ticket/reservation to enter the event.
Tickets to the Celebration & Auction are NOT tax-deductible if you attend the event.