Source: Hickford/Paterson Family Tree at


Te Awa Iti is the century old whaling station of Arapawa Island. Lying on the North side of Tory Channel, you pass it on your right hand side on the way to Picton. The Jackson's, Norton's, Guards, Loves and Keenans were the great men of Te Awa Iti, with Zealand adventure records going back to the early years of the last century and the King of them all in that Bay of old Tar White (the universal whaleman’s rendering of Te Awa Iti) its beach strewn with whale bones, even its garden plots fenced with the bones of whales, was Captain James Jackson. Born in the year 1800 in Putney, England and came out to Australia, first in the year 1828 as mate of the ship 'Elizabeth' and in 1829 came first into New Zealand waters in command of the brig 'Bee' and started whaling in Tory Channel. Herculean sailor of countless adventures, such as circumnavigating the South Island in an open boat, his name is preserved on the maps - Cape Jackson and Jacksons Bay. He was father of the late James Jackson, Brooklyn Estate, Tory Channel, who was famed also for whaling activities in the days gone by. Born 1843 at Jackson's Bay, Tory Channel, he conducted his whaling in the boat 'Swiftsure', now lying in state in the Canterbury Museum. The old boat has a history going back nearly a century.

There was in the days of long ago a boat builder famed by the name of Liandet Hobart, Tasmania. He turned out some splendid boats, two of them so well remembered in whaling history. The Alabama ? was owned by Mr. Tom Jackson of Kaikoura and brother of James Jackson, Tory channel. The other boat was the 'Swiftsure'. These two were first used in 1863 to 1864 for taking all gold diggers up the Sound to Wakamarina in the big rush days.

The 'Swiftsure' in her days of whaling captured about 60 right whales and 300 humpbacks and earned in money about sixty thousand pounds. She is now stored beside the big whale skeleton in the Canterbury Museum and it can be noticed that her loggerhead is very worn by the continual fraction of the rope.

Some very rough times were experience in the old 'Swiftsure' by her crews. In 1869 Mr. Jackson spent a terrible night out in Cook Strait. After killing a big humpback in the Strait he had got well down near the Cape in his killing of the While and a butt end of a southeaster was coming up and as the was no landing place there he decided to keep plugging along towing the big whale behind the 'Swiftsure' in the long heave running with a gale to come. The whale was drifted by the current close inshore and though the sea was getting very rough, the slick of the whale made the sea near the boat fairly smooth. It oiled the water with the oil from the lance wounds in the whale. It was a moonlight night and the scud was flying across the moon at a terrible rate. The current as it happened was taking the whale and the 'Swiftsure' between Geordies Rock and the land to the south of the entrance to Tory channel. The big combers on astern and breaking on the reef, the wind was at gale force, but they got to a place where they could land. The whale came ashore and was anchored until next day. As the 'Swiftsure' was beached each man was told to jump and take his oar with them. The oars were then used as skids to haul the 'Swiftsure' to safety. It was an awful night for the boats crew - it blew and rained like "hell let loose" and the crew were shivering with cold in their wet clothes. In the morning they climbed the precipitous cliffs above them and got to Tory Channel were the secured an anchor and carried it back to the spot and made the whale secure. It was found impossible to get the whale off the rocks where it had been washed with the seas, so that it had to be cut up and tried out where it laid. That oil was well earned.

In the bow of the old 'Swiftsure' embedded in the wood are two or more Taniwha sharks teeth. A humpback whale had been killed in Tory Channel off Te Awa Iti and the flukes cut off. The blood evidently attracted a Taniwha shark .An iron was hove into him and the shark quickly turned and caught the boat forward, turning on its back and opening his mouth, at the bite he was fully four feet across. He caught the bow of the boat between his teeth and shook it. A crunching sound was heard by the crew who thought they were in for trouble, but it was his teeth breaking that they heard. He had bit into the 'Swiftsure's' timbers so deeply that he left some of his teeth in them. He measured 24 feet when killed. His teeth were filed down in the bow of the 'Swiftsure' and are there today

The "harpooner" of whales had to be a skilful man his job and it took many a kill to develop the skill men like James Jackson and James Norton displayed in this wonderful big game slaying.

To see the 'Swiftsure going into action, chasing and fast to a whale was a sight well worth remembering by those fortunate enough to see how Mr. Jackson at the steer oar - one of his sons usually at the bow as harpooner - the crew in their different coloured shirts, mostly white seemed to be worn by the whaling crews in those days which showed up in contrast to the vivid dark blue colour of the 'Swiftsure' The head (Mr Jackson) urging his crew with encouraging words of "Swig boys! Swig! Up with her lads" Ahead would be spouting a huge right whale throwing up the Prince Of Wales feather spout. AS the boat neared the whale within striking distance of the iron, the harpooner would be ready standing with iron poised ready to plunge in into the most vulnerable spot showing of the whale With a mighty heave, the iron would be plunged deep into the whale. Oars would be peaked and the rope in the tubs which was attached to the iron paid out through the chocks. The whale, as soon as it felt the impact of and pain of the iron in its body, would dive quickly under water and away at a terrific rate of speed. The 'Swiftsure' would be literally flying through the water with the speed that the whale was towing her. When enough rope had been run out to lessen undue strain upon the fastened iron, the crew would then start hauling on the rope as the whale came up to breath. The boat would then be near enough for Mr. Jackson Snr. who had quickly gone to the bow after the fastening of the iron to the whale, and the harpooner to the stern to take command of the steer oar, to go lance into the whale. The lance of course is not toggled and is thrown into the whale at a vital spot, mostly if possible, under the fin near the heart and lungs. It is then hauled out again for the next throw. The lance man has to be of great skill as it is on him depends the capture and kill of the whale. Very soon after a good lance or two a thin streak of blood would begin to show in the whale's spout and as the lancing progress continued, it would be thrown up as thick as coal tar, which showed that each lance thrown was finding its right mark. The 'Swiftsure' was a grand boat to work fast to a whale, being very light on the water in movement and very easily manoeuvred. Continually at the kill could be heard by those near enough to hear, Mr. Jackson calling "Lay on! Lay off !" according to what position he wanted the boat in

If the whale being killed was a bull whale, its roars in its death agonies was terrific. At the conclusion of the kill, the crew gave one mighty cheer, the whale then being made fast to the 'Swiftsure' and towed to Te Awa Iti whaling works where it was cut up and the blubber, or fat, was tried out in large iron pots especially made for the work. Excitement ran high at the whaling station after the kill of a large right whale - the bone in those days being of great value and many a hug and a kiss did the bow of the old 'Swiftsure' get for her share of the kill by the women folk of the crew.

One morning there arrived in Jacksons Bay a small steamer to collect the 'Swiftsure' She was got ready on the skids and Mr. Jackson, then an aged man, walked with faltering steps towards the old boat on the skids to say his farewell to the succour of his family in the early days. He placed his arms across her bow and laid his head upon her. There was just the heaving of his great shoulders and as he raised his head, tears could be seen in his eyes. And so he parted wit the 'Pride of his Youth' - 'The Joy of His Life' He never saw her again as his health failed him and he was unable to make the journey to Christchurch to see her there.