/ Fisheries Operational Programme 2007-2013
Project part-financed by the European Union
European Fisheries Fund (EFF)
Co-financing rate: 75% EU Funds; 25% National Funds
Investing in sustainable fisheries /








1. Introduction:

Administration of this project has to be in line with Council Regulation (EC) No. 1198/2006 of 27th July 2006 on the European Fisheries Fund and Council Regulation (EC) No. 498/2007 of 26th March 2007 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1198/2006. This action may be applied only to vessels that are 5 years old or over and are in the Malta Fishing Vessel Register in the MFA or MFB category and that are on the permanent list of vessels with registered tuna gear

This measure is aimed to finance the permanent cessation of fishing activities of those fishing vessels that are currently actively involved in the actual take up of wild fish stocks in order to reduce the number of fishing vessels from the Malta Fishing Vessel Register. The permanent cessation of fishing activities of a fishing vessel may be achieved only by scrapping the vessel, reassignment under the flag of a Member State, and registered in the Community for activities outside fishing activities or by the reassignment of the vessel for the purpose of the creation of artificial reefs. Transfer of vessels to third world countries is not eligible.

The administration of this project has to contribute to the improvement of present resources to enable a positive impact on the natural environment. Resources may improve if fishing pressure is reduced permanently through scrapping.

An indicative amount of around € 600,000 Euro public funds (Malta and EU (EFF) Funds) are being made available. Amount may increase should there be the possibility of allocating savings resulting from other projects to this scheme. Projects will receive a maximum funding of 75% from the EFF fund and 25% from the Maltese Government.

There is no guarantee that all eligible applicants will benefit from the funds. The number of beneficiaries being granted funds will be determined according to the budget allocated to the scheme. Final beneficiaries being granted funds, will be those fishing vessels that qualify with the criteria and achieve the highest points.

2. Objectives:

The main objective of the measure is to reduce the fishing capacity of the Maltese registered fishing fleet licensed to fish BlueFin Tuna in line with the Fishing Effort Adjustment Plan and the BlueFin Tuna Management Plan, as well as to manage the fishing effort in accordance with the aims of the Common Fisheries Policy.

3. Beneficiaries:

By the publication date of the call, applicants must be the owners of a valid vessel licence (valid till the calendar year 2011) for commercial fishing within the A or B categories of the Malta Fishing Vessel Register. Vessels that will benefit from this scheme must be operational, active and have landed the minimum landing value required in Subsidiary Legislation 425/2007 regarding the Fishing Vessel Regulation Schedule III of 14th September 2004. They shall show fishing activity through landings and registration of fish catches in each of the last 2 years (2009 and 2010). Vessels must meet the minimum landing value required as per Schedule III of the above mentioned subsidiary legislation for both years (i.e. in 2009 and 2010).

Only vessels that are permanently licensed to fish for BlueFinTuna and are listed in the official records of the Fisheries Control Directorate are eligible to apply for this call.

Fishing vessels constructed during the last five years are not eligible to benefit from this scheme. Applicants who benefitted from other schemes under FIFG 2004-2006 or the Modernisation on Board Fishing Vessels and Selectivity schemes 2007-2013 shall not be entitled to apply for this scheme.

Applicants who are subject to infringement procedures or in litigation with the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs (MRRA) shall declare the infringements/litigation. Undeclared infringements/litigation shall automatically disqualify the applicant.

Eligible applicants who have a pending law suit against the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs regarding schemes under FIFG or EFF shall cede such law suit, prior to signing the grant agreement. Failure to abide by this condition will disqualify such eligible applicant from being granted any funds. The applicant shall declare the pending lawsuit. Undeclared law suits shall automatically disqualify the applicant.

However, should the applicant be subject to infringement procedures or in litigation with the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs (MRRA), on the basis of a claim made by MRRA against such applicant, the applicant shall declare the infringements/litigation. Undeclared infringements/litigation shall automatically disqualify the applicant.

Eligible Actions:

The eligible actions under this measure are:

4.1  The complete scrapping of a fishing vessel with the permanent deletion of the relative fishing vessel capacity from the Malta and Community Fishing Vessel Register. Both fishing rights and vessel will be compensated.

4.2 The reassignment of the vessel under the flag of a Member State and registered in the Community for activities outside fishing with the deletion of the vessel fishing capacity from the Malta and Community Fishing Vessel Register. Only fishing rights will be compensated.

4.3 The reassignment of the vessel for the purpose of the creation of an artificial reef with the deletion of the relative vessel fishing capacity from the Malta and the Community Fishing Vessel Register. Both fishing rights and vessel will be compensated.

4.4 Transfers of fishing vessels to a third country are not eligible.

5. Guidelines for Scrapping

5.1 Wood, steel or polymer forming the hull and superstructure have to be cut up in small pieces. The different materials have to be sorted out and delivered to an approved dump site.

5.2 All engines and generators registered on the vessel have to be drained of all oils in appropriate containers and destroyed

5.3 The gear box and propulsion gear have to be broken.

5.4 Scrapping has to take place in a European Port.

5.5 All scrapping has to take place under supervision of a Fisheries Protection Officer on behalf of the IB, the Project Leader, and officials from the Managing Authority when necessary.

Any expenses related to the transfer of the officers referred to in 5.5 to E.U. ports outside Malta will be deducted from the premium.

6. Applications:

All applications necessitate full details as specified in the form provided. These forms may be collected from the offices listed hereunder and from the website http://vafd.gov.mt/eff. The person submitting the application/s is requested to provide his/her official Identity Card for identification purposes. Late applications will not be considered.

Application forms may be collected from the following offices:

Mr. Marco Cassar

Wholesale Markets and Fishing Fleet Facilities Directorate

Civil Abattoir

Albert Town


Mr. Tony Borg, Mr. Mario Tabone,

Ministry for Gozo, Fisheries Office,

St Francis Square, Mġarr,

Gozo Gozo

Għaqda Koperattiva tas-Sajd Ltd., Koperattiva Nazzjonali tas-Sajd,

“Id-Dwana”, Dar is-Sajjieda,

Xatt is-Sajjieda , Xatt is-Sajjieda,

Marsaxlokk Marsaxlokk

Applications together with all supporting documentation as requested in the call must be submitted, in person, by not later than 9th September 2011 by 12.00 noon at the following address:

Mr. Marco Cassar

The Programmes Office

Wholesale Markets and Fishing Fleet Facilities Directorate

Civil Abattoir

Albert Town,


Applications may be submitted by third parties on behalf of owners if these third parties hold and submit an original specific power of attorney by a Notary registered in the Maltese Notorial Register.

An acknowledgment letter will be issued to the person submitting the application.

Any queries should be addressed to the Project Leader, Mr. Marco Cassar at the Wholesale Markets and Fishing Fleet Facilities Directorate, who may be contacted on telephone number 2590 5232 from 8.00am till 12.00pm.

Every application has to identify the final destination of the vessel, the place were the scrapping will take place, the company effecting the scrapping and the destination of all materials.

7. Adjudication:

Adjudication will be carried out by a duly appointed evaluation committee. The evaluation grid can be found on page 13. Adjudications will be allotted on the basis of the criteria outlined hereunder:

·  Average age of fishers on board. Older fishers will be given preference according to a five stage ranking procedure.

·  Value of registered landings for the last two years as mentioned in point 3 including landings at the fish market and fiscal direct sales receipts. Preference will be given according to a 6 stage ranking procedure over the last two years.

·  Date of entry in the fisheries register. The actual date when the vessel was officially registered in the Malta Fishing Register will be the applicable date taken into consideration according to a 6 stage ranking procedure.

·  Eligible non-compensated applications that were submitted under the first call of the EFF 2007 – 2013 and previous FIFG 2004 - 2006 calls will benefit from an extra 5 points for every time that the applicant had classified on the reserve list.

·  10 Points for reassignment of traditional wooden hulled fishing boats (Luzzu, Kajjik, or Firilla) painted in traditional livery.

8. Documents:

All documents submitted should carry reference of their origin to enable confirmation. All details of the confirmation agency, institution or body must be included. All documents must be signed by the official in charge of the section or department releasing them. The name and designation of the officer signing these documents should be clearly legible. All documents must be originals.

Eligible non compensated applications that were submitted under the first call of the EFF 2007– 2013 or the previous FIFG 2004 - 2006 calls must re-submit a new and complete application form under this call.

List of Documents:

·  A declaration describing the final destination of the vessel and the materials generated through the scrapping process.

·  Company Board Resolution authorising the permanent cessation application in the case of a company owned vessel or vessels owned by co-owners.

·  ETC certificates for the skipper/master and crew members issued in 2011.

·  Sales certificate issued by the Market Section of the ‘Wholesale Markets and Fishing Fleet Facilities Directorate’ for the last two years

·  Copies of ID cards of the skipper/master and crew members

·  Copy of Fisheries Licence

·  Copy of the current ‘Malta Shipping Register’ registration certificate

·  Copies of the insurance premium receipts and policy for the last two years if applicable.

·  Copies of catch logbooks for years of which landings are claimed for years 2009 and 2010

·  A declaration from the Fisheries Control Directorate stating that vessel in question is listed in their official records as permanent Blue Fin Tuna licensed vessels

Missing documents in the application form may lead to disqualification of the application.

9. Results:

The adjudication results will be published in the Government Gazette and on the notice board of the Wholesale Markets and Fishing Fleet Facilities Directorate, and on the Fisheries website: http://vafd.gov.mt/eff.

Projects will be listed in order of merit and the ones that will be funded will appear above a solid black line. Details of the unsuccessful applicants will be limited to the application number and Identity Card only of the person signing the application. Candidates will be informed by means of a written communication by the Wholesale Markets and Fishing Fleet Facilities Directorate of the results. The communication to each applicant of the proposed award shall be accompanied by a summary of the relevant reasons relating to the rejection of the particular candidate’s application as set out in these guidelines and by a precise statement of the exact standstill period relating to the lodging of an appeal.

The results may be subject to the appeals procedure as detailed in paragraph 11, and are thus to be considered as temporary until the expiry of the 10 calendar day appeals period. If an appeal is lodged, the results will be suspended pending the decision of the Appeals Board.

10. Payments & Monitoring Process:

Public aid for final cessation paid to beneficiaries may not exceed the amounts shown in the following table.

The selected applicants will sign a grant agreement with the Wholesale Markets and Fishing Fleet Facilities Directorate and the final payment will be effected only when the project has been certified to have been completely carried out according to the proposal submitted and the conditions of the grant agreement.

Eligible applicants who have a pending law suit against the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs regarding schemes under FIFG or EFF shall cede such law suit, prior to signing the grant agreement. Failure to abide by this condition will disqualify such eligible applicant from being granted any funds. The applicant shall declare the pending lawsuit. Undeclared law suits shall automatically disqualify the applicant.

However, should the applicant be subject to infringement procedures or in litigation with the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs (MRRA), on the basis of a claim made by MRRA against such applicant, the applicant shall declare the infringements/litigation. Undeclared infringements/litigation shall automatically disqualify the applicant.

All projects are subject to an audit by both Malta and EC auditors, and programme evaluators. According to Article 87 of EFF Council Regulation No.1198/2006, all documents must be kept for a period of three years following the closure of the Operational Programme, which will take place in 2017. Therefore documents should be kept by the Final Beneficiaries at least until 2020. This period may be extended in case of legal proceedings or at the request of the European Commission. In accepting the offer of EU Funds, the Final Beneficiary will take on responsibility for compliance with terms and conditions as stipulated in the grant agreement. Failure to meet these conditions or any false information given in the application, any irregularities or miscalculations may lead to the recovery of the EU Funds granted.

Beneficiaries accept that, in accordance with the European Transparency initiative, their details including names of the operations and the amount of the public funding allocated to operations will be published electronically or otherwise.