Sunday 18th February 2018 – First Sunday of lent

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18th February 2018 – First Sunday of lent
Date / Time / Mass and Prayer Schedules
Sun18th / 10. 15am / Tim and Helen O Shea Bawn
Sun25th / 10.15am / John O Farrell Midleton and Lismore

We remember in our prayers Padjoe Maher who died recently in Killmallick Co. Limerick. May he rest in peace.

Collectors for February:Connie O’Sullivan and Gerard McCarthy. Thank you.

Priest on Emergency Duty: Fr Noel Spring 087 2935969

TRAFRASK N.S. is enrolling for September 2018

Enrolment at the school on Friday 9th March 2018 from 12:30 until 2:30pm. Please bring your child’s birth certificate and their PPS number. An Open Day will be held later. If you are unable to attend on the above date, please ring the school at 027-60201 to schedule another appointment, thank you.

CroínaGaeilge (Tel. 085 1426903 after 6 p.m. only)

is holding a Leaving Certificate 2018 Honours Irish 2-Day Exam Preparation Course: Oral Day Thursday February 15th / Written Day Sunday March 11th given by an experienced Oral Examiner/Teacher/exam corrector and open to all 6th Year Honours students. All topics will be covered.

Diocesan Youth Pilgrimage to Taizé

The Diocese of Kerry will once again host a diocesan youth pilgrimage to Taizé in France. There are 15 places available. The dates for the pilgrimage areSunday, July 1st 2018 and returning home on Sunday, July 8th. For more informationplease contact Tomás Kenny on 086 3683778 or Also see diocesan website for additional information.

Lenten Programme 2018Tralee Pastoral Area will host an open talk with Bishop Kevin Doran speaking on the Christian Vision of Family. It will take place on Feb 19th Monday @ 7.30 p.m. in St. John’s Parish Church, Tralee. On Feb 22nd Thursday @ 8.00 p.m. Br. Pádraig McIntyre osb will speak on Finding ourselves in the Lenten Jesus in the Heights Hotel, Killarney, hosted by Killarney Pastoral Area. All are welcome and there is no admission fee. For more information, check out

World Day of Prayer will take place in St Michael's Church, Bere Island on Friday 1st March 2018. Boat leaving Castletownbere @ 6.30. All very welcome.

Cookery with Colette in Caha Centre Wednesday 21st Feb.and 28th Feb. @ 7.30 easy recipes, some new ideas.Booking essential 02760909 Cost €10.

International tourism consultants will be visiting Adrigole next week and they're looking to gather local ideas at a community drop-in session at the Caha Centre on Monday (19th February, 11am-12pm). Their visit is part of a Fáilte Ireland effort to create a Visitor Experience Development plan for the area from Kenmare to Ballydehob. The consultants have experience of working with tourist destinations across the world, and they will be touring the area over a period of ten days. They're looking to hear local ideas that can be used to appeal to potential tourists and encourage longer, more enjoyable, and more profitable visits. If you have ideas about how tourism can be developed in the area, or if you'd like to share stories about Adrigole and Beara more generally that might be interesting to the consultants and other visitors, do come along to the meeting at the Caha Centre or attend one of the other sessions advertised at you can't make a meeting, you can still make a contribution by submitting your ideas there or by contacting Siobhán Burke on 086 303 0991.

Rally for Life 2018 The 2018 Rally for LIfe will take place on Saturday March 10th in Dublin. Please attend if you can because every life matters and the more people attend the stronger this message will be. A coach will leave from the Square Bantry at 7am for the Rally for Life on March 10th. Anyone who would like to go on the bus contact on Cathy 083 8928299 or Jim on 086 8044123. Ring as soon as possible to book a seat.

Family: where Life begins and Love never ends.NationalChurch collection next weekend. The World Meeting of Families taking place in Dublin this August promises to be an occasion that will reflect on the faith experience of families from many parts of the world as well as on the challenges and celebrations which characterise the ups and downs of day-to-day family life. Pope Francis hopes to come to Ireland for it.Hosting this national and international event is both a privilege and a responsibility. It requires an enormous amount of planning and funding. In this regard the third national collection will be held in all churches next weekend, the 24 and 25 February 2018. Please give generously to help fund this promotion of family life.