Strathpeffer Community Council
Minutes of Meeting at Strathpeffer Community Centre: Monday3 November2014
Present: - Kit Bowen (KB) Chair, Peter Walling (PW) Vice Chair, Alison Munro-White (Hon Sec), Kevin Crockett (KC) Treasurer, Karen Evans (KE), John Wombell (JW), John MacGregor (JMcG), Douglas Murray (DM),
The Highland Council (THC) Ian Cockburn (IC)
Members of the Public
No / Item / Action1. Apologies
Posy Piper
2. Minutes of meeting of6 October2014
Proposed by KC and seconded by JW
The requested correction has been made in manuscript to the recorded version of the September minutes.
3. Accounts
Treasurer’s report – Current account balance £2999.11. AM advised she had received a cheque for £1000 re funding for SCC Noticeboard from New York Villa Trust. AM to give to KC. / AM
4. Matters Arising
Co-opting of new member to replace Eve Cromartie:
KB advised that SCC has already co-opted its quota of full members until Nov 2015 and was now only able to offer Associate Membership. An Associate Member does not have voting rights. Following discussion, Val Moffat was proposed, accepted and was welcomed to SCC.
Contin CC:
IC confirmed that Contin CC has now folded. New election in Jan 2015
Problems with seagulls around bins in Strathpeffer Square.
AM to write to THC requesting suggestions to resolve this issue
Bus shelter at Achterneed:
IC has raised the issue and will progress / AM
5. Police Report
Received. No issues required discussion. Report attached.
6. Planning Issues
DMreported that there had been no new applications
Extension to existing cemetery at Fodderty: DM wrote to Planning re concerns. Correspondence acknowledged.
All other planning applications are still ongoing;
- Nutwood development
- House at Ardival East.
- Bus at Balnaird steading, Achterneed. DM to contact Planning for update re why this is still active
- House above old railway station.
The current position is that:
- Planning Department have accepted that their reason for rejecting this site in the IMFDP (access through ancient woods) are not relevant to this site
- Trees officer has agreed the applicants proposals to fell trees in principle with some tweaking
- Roads have agreed in principle to the proposed extension of the 30 mph limit
John Copeland (JC) gave a resume of the survey he has carried out re the potential damage to trees and hedges, both on the main road and up the lane leading to Nutwood House and surrounding properties. It is his view that the potential for damage to the line of trees on the entrance to Strathpeffer is significantly more extensive than that shown in the reports submitted to date by Bowlts. To date reports and drawings in this respect appear to be inaccurate and contain omissions.
JC has requested that a further detailed survey resulting in an accurate scale drawing of the site entrance proposals be provided and that further public consultation is offered to review this information. KB requested a vote to endorse this from an SCC point of view. Agreed unanimously.
Action: DM to write to the Planning Department with this request. KB to provide DM with a copy of the Copeland request/
**Planning applications can be viewed on The Highland Council’s website or using this link - - / DM/KB
7. Windfarms and Community Benefit
Woodlands: Formal correspondence now received to confirm that the application has been withdrawn.
babyhydro: KB reported that he had received copies of the Short Report Forestry Commission application forms which are being progressed by FC. No further communication has been received from Kirknewton and babyhydro who were invited to attend a SCC meeting to discuss potential hydro schemes.
Action KB to progress communication with Kirknewton / KB
8. Progress Reports
Open Spaces Survey, Outstanding work and Village handyman
KB provided a resume of the position to date and advised that Mandy McLeman had not been able to offer further help on progressing the SCC application to the Community Challenge Fund so far. It would seem that there is little likelihood of material support in that MM is probably fully committed to her own brief.
KB had received information that Tain had a village officer paid for from the Ward Discretionary Budget and had raised this with with the Ward Councillors, on the basis of funding a trial of one day a week. He had however heard today that there would be no assistance from the Ward 6 Discretionary Fund.
IC stated that the circumstances between Tain and Strathpeffer were different. The Ward 6 Dicretionary Fund had to be spread round 20 plus community councils over a very large geographic area.
IC explained that if the SCC were to take the matter forward they would have to follow the SLA route. KB made it clear that this was complicated, very time consuming and uncertain. Moreover the SCC wanted to run a trial, not at this stage to commit to SLA’s. IC’s view was that if Strathpeffer wanted a Handyman that they should form a development company and get on with it in the manner that Fort Augustus had; Fort Augustus have just been successful with the Community Challenge Fund for a village officer.
Representations that the SCC was not equipped or resourced to create a development company and that THC were apparently seeking community involvement fell on deaf ears. The SCC must follow the SLA route if Fort Augustus do not have the key to a successful approach to the Challenge Fund (where the SCC have already failed).
Action: KB to contact Fort Augustus
Strathpeffer to Dingwall Cycle Route
KC advised that a meeting with Miles McMaster to discuss the original proposed route had not proven positive and Mr MacMaster was still of the opinion that the route crossing his land was not acceptable. Alternative routes are now to be considered. KB explained that Mr MacMaster has spoken to him and that he would revert to him following this meeting.
Pavilion Garden Statues
KB gave a precisof an email received from Ann Hackett which advised that her view as that THC did not own the statues. Following discussion regarding ownership and maintenance, it was agreed that the issue of re-treating the current statues should be postponed until the proposed new carving is in place so that all could be treated at the same time.
Action: KB to contact Mr Brebner to advise.
KB believed that the statues were heritable (as opposed to plant) in their nature. If so they belonged to THC.
Main water fountain pumps
AM reported no further input from SSE and no success in liaising with local plumber. To be progressed.
AM to also liaise with THC and Nicholas at Aladdins Cave to find out when the cascade should be switched off and whether it needs to be drained and removed and stored over the Winter.
Community Parks Project
Val Moffat (VM) advised that 12 November is now the confirmed date for the public consultation with the consultant who is carrying out the feasibility study for this project. Secondary school pupils to be actively informed and flyers to be delivered to all residents asap.
DM advisedSSRA are discussing conditions of purchase with Bowlts and the project is moving forward
Community Centre
PW advised the CC is in negotiation with THC re sale of the Victory Hall Site which is currently owned by the CC. It is proposed that the site is used for building affordable housing. The benefits to both the community andthe community centre are clear.
KE advised that following discussion, it was not viable for cost reasons for the community centre to join the Highland Council’s Highlife scheme.
Strath Times (ST)
KE advised that there were only sufficient funds for one further edition of the Strath Times if further funding/advertising is not found. SCC to consider providing limited funds, and requested information as to what funding in neededcash needed to allow the ST to continue.
The possibility of selling the ST was raised for the production team to consider.
No update
Brown Signs
No further action. To be deleted from future agendas. It was the view of the SCC that this iniatiative belonged to those who stood to benefit from it.
CC Notice Board
AM advised she is requesting an updated quotation for the proposed noticeboard and would report at the next meeting with final costs and a clear proposal so that SCC can decide whether it is able to provide funds.
Pavilion Garden Gate
Ann Hackett has confirmed that plans re railings, paths and carvings are still ongoing. IC advised that disability legislation is currently being covered.
Footpath Group
KB provided a resume of correspondence received and of the ongoing dialogue with the Forestry Commission (FC) land agent, Rhoderick Noble. An 18 page draft legal agreement for the maintenance of the Strathpeffer to Jamestown path has been received. JW and KB have reviewed the agreement and in their opinion feel that it is not suitable for SCC to sign. The reasons for this were detailed to SCC (basically possible liabilitiesand the inability to provide resource in depth and to guarantee appropriate certification of SCC volunteers). The outcome is that the SCC have been asked by FC not to carry out any further light maintenance on the path.
JW provided a photograph of the culvert on the path near Jamestown which appears choked but advised he is unable to clear this as usual due to the above.
KB stated that he had undertaken to forward a copy of this minute to Rhoderick Noble
Paths maintenance group
Despite willing volunteers unable to even consider further action at present until the issue regarding Jamestown path maintenance agreement resolved: the problem is that path maintenance very frequently involved FC land.
The Community Centre have advised that it is too short notice to organise an event to celebrate Bonfire Night for this year but future events may be possible. Item to be deleted from future agendas
Disabled Access McColl’s
No update. KB to progress
Community renewable energy
See babyhydro and Kirknewton above.
Roads and Drains
Walter Fleming advised no further progress. Following a fire at White Cottage all his photo and computer records had been destroyed.
Men’s sheds
Val Moffat advised a second meeting was held last week. No site has been found to date. Next meeting will be in 1st week in Dec.TBA
The Shieling
KB asked whether there was any update on this and asked for it to be on the agenda once/quarter. KE advised that proposals for the building to be used as a pub were still ongoing. / KB
9. Correspondence
- Gillian Unger. Re Flooding. Forwarded to RB/Flood team
- Posy Piper (PP) via website commented both bus shelters require attention. Action: PP to log on THC complaints system
- Tracy Collins: Re poor state of Chisolms Trail path. PP to log on THC complaints system
- Highland Communities Panel – deadline passed
- Vodaphone/3G - deadline passed
- Comminity Services Open meeting – IC reported no topics of relevance to SCC
- IACCF – next meeting on 18 Nov. Tend to have ‘Inverness’ focus. Last meeting included a long presentation from Police Scotland
- War memorial survey – THC database created. No maintenance required at present at Fodderty
- Networking with Trellis. Forum attended by VM. Useful contacts
- Community Ownership Seminar – 18 Nov in Balintore. VM reported Boat of Garten Seminar had been very good. No takers.
- OSMA Conference on 25 Nov in Stirling. No takers.
- Voluntary Action Fund. Noted. VM bidding for funds through this scheme
- Highland MARAC Report Annual Report received
10. AOCB
. /
- Wreath available for SCC to place on Sunday at Fodderty 12.00. No volunteers.
- KC advised Gorse on paths in Ord wood becoming very overgrown in sections. AM to contact Peter MacKay and request further work done to clear.
11. Budget consultation
THC had requested input via a survey on proposed budget spending/cuts. The meeting completed the survey as a group, with input from both SCC members and members of the public.
12. Next meeting
Date of the next SCC meeting – Monday2 December 2014.
13. Closed meeting
Further to the necessary resolution the SCC met in private to discuss the next twelve month/two year period.
What follows is on the basis that it seems unlikely that there would be a contested election on November 2015 for the SCC, not least because if willing volunteers came forward there would be likely to be an equivalent number of members willing to resign. Further, should the public feel that the SCC were doing an adequate job then the view could be that there’s no need to get involved.
Assuming all thisKB had given notice of his resignation from the SCC next May (at the AGM); the objective being that a new Chairman could find his or her feet, lead the necessary debate on the strategic direction for the SCC over the next four years and provide a degree of continuity as some members resign in November after full terms of office and others are recruited to start at the same time.
In this context it would be useful to know who is minded to resign in a year’s timeand members were asked to consider this. Members should also consider who might be approached as possible members: there were certainly gaps in the representation we currently have. For a start we need younger members, members from all areas of the village and from the Heights.
Finally, there is a need to find a Chairman/Secretary combination that can cover all the bases and run the SCC efficiently. It was agreed to continue the discussion in December and to publicise the requirement through the Strath Times as a start.
Strathpeffer Community Council Meeting 7 May 2012Page 1